Sarah Bradshaw
Her obituary indicates with which company she and her family traveled.
Her husband, James, is incorrectly listed on the 1850 census as "Benjamin Hawkins." At some point in 1850, James and Sarah housed Jeremiah, Catherine, and Lorella Stayner while their father, Jesse Stayner, went to California during the Gold Rush.
In November 1852, Sarah married William G. Dunn.
By July 1852, Jesse returned to Utah to collect his children, one of whom (Lorella) had died while in the care of Sarah Hawkins. In spring of 1853, on behalf of his wife Sarah, William G. Dunn sued Jesse for non-payment. Sarah Hawkins and William Dunn both appear on the legal documents.
1818 April 4
Date Details
Occurred On 1818 April 4
Married James Hawkins
1841 February 14 (Age 22)
Traveled in Jedediah M. Grant/Willard Snow Company (1847)
1847 June 19 – October 4 (Age 29) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1847 June 19
Joined Company
Ended On 1847 October 4
Company Arrived
1887 May 30 (Age 69)
Sarah Bradshaw (1818 - 1887) Profile