undefined undefined Sarah Corina Elmer | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Sarah Corina Elmer

Alternate Names
Sarah Corina Loveless (Married Name)
Sarah Corina Swett (Married Name)
Sarah Corina Williams (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1813 September 20 (Born)
Death Date
On 1889 August 20 (Died)

Born in Quebec City, Lower Canada, British Colonial America

1813 September 20
Sarah Polly Peake

Date Details

Occurred On 1813 September 20


1837 March 13 (Age 23)

Married John Loveless

1846 February 2 (Age 32)

Traveled in Uriah Curtis Company (1852)

1852 June 28 – September 29 (Age 38) Pioneers in Company

Died in Payson, Utah, Utah Territory, United States

1889 August 20 (Age 75)
Sarah Corina Elmer (1813 - 1889) Profile
Sarah Corina Elmer (1813 - 1889) Profile

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