undefined undefined Sarah Elizabeth Peacock | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Sarah Elizabeth Peacock

Birth Date
On 1846 November 11 (Born)
Death Date
On 1866 August 27 (Died)

The George Peacock family traveled to the Salt Lake Valley with the Benjamin Hawkins Company in 1850; Thomas Johnson was their Captain of fifty.  George was a Captain of Ten.  His family included his wife Sarah Lowry, and their children William Henry, Sarah Elizabeth, Mary Isabelle, and George Daniel.

Sarah Elizabeth married Oliver Cromwell Ormsby.


1846 November 11

Date Details

Occurred On 1846 November 11

Traveled in Benjamin Hawkins Company (1850)

1850 June 5 – September 9 (Age 3) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1850 June 5
Joined Company
Ended On 1850 September 9
Company Arrived

Married Oliver Cromwell Ormsby

1865 December 17 (Age 19)


1866 August 27 (Age 19)




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