undefined undefined Sarah Harris | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Sarah Harris

Alternate Names
Sarah Ogden (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1849 April 27 (Born)
Death Date
On 1877 November 15 (Died)

Sarah and her siblings (John, Edward, and Harriet) arrived in New York on 14 July 1868 via the ship The John Bright. They were traveling with another sister and her husband (Mary Ann and Nathaniel Biddulph). Many records (including ship and PEF records) list her under the name of Clark, which was the surname of a step-father.  Sbe married William Garrett Ogden in Utah .  Her birth date is from her birth certificate found with her "memories" on FamilyTree.

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Born in Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom

1849 April 27
Ann Taylor
James Harris

Date Details

Occurred On 1849 April 27


1866 (Age 16)

Traveled in Company Unknown (1868)

1868 – 1868 September (Age 18) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started Circa 1868
Joined Company
Ended Circa 1868 September
Company Arrived

Married William Garrett Ogden

1869 January 12 (Age 19)

Died in Enterprise, Morgan, Utah Territory, United States

1877 November 15 (Age 28)
Sarah Harris (1848 - 1877) Profile
Sarah Harris (1848 - 1877) Profile


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