Sarah Lovina Harris
Sarah and her parents (Chauncey and Caroline Conant Harris) appear in the 1855 census of Massachusetts taken on 5 September. Church ordinance records prove they were in Utah by July of 1860. Since all of the 1860 pioneer companies arrived later than July, the family must have crossed the plains sometime between 1856 and 1859. According to the 1900 census of Summit County, Utah Sarah married Joseph Fisher in 1862. Additional research is needed to determine the exact year Sarah crossed the plains and the name of the pioneer company with which her family traveled.
1846 July 20
Date Details
Occurred On 1846 July 20
Traveled in Company Unknown (1847-1868)
1847 – 1868 (Age 0) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1847
Joined Company
Ended On 1868
Company Arrived
Married Joseph Armstrong Fisher
1862 December 20 (Age 16)
1905 January 11 (Age 58)

Sarah Lovina Harris (1846 - 1905) Profile