Sarah Susannah Conklin
Sarah died en route at age 39 near Chimney Rock, Nebraska. She married Reuben Houghton in 1849. He died in Nauvoo in 1851. Sarah traveled with her five year old daughter Mary "Mollie" Geneva Jane Houghton and infant son Reuben Benjamin Houghton. Her daughter from a previous marriage to John Gilson by the name of Clarissa Ann Gilson, also traveled with her. However, Ann and Reuben were under a different captain in this same company. Her stepson, George Frederick was also with them.
Sarah Susanna Conklin Houghton is the "Sister Hotton" mentioned in the James Chauncey Snow Emigrating Company Journal.
1813 January 1
Date Details
Occurred On 1813 January 1
Traveled in James C. Snow Company (1852)
1852 July 5 – August 11 (Age 39) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1852 July 5
Joined Company
Ended On 1852 August 11
Died en Route
1852 August 11 (Age 39)