undefined undefined Sariah Hillman | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Sariah Hillman

Alternate Names
Sariah Haws (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1835 March 25 (Born)
Death Date
On 1901 March 9 (Died)
Jason initially came to Utah in 1848 with the Heber C. Kimball pioneer company and apparently returned to Pottawattamie County, Iowa where he married Sariah Hillman in 1851.  One child was born in Council Bluffs, Iowa in 1852, and by 1853 they were in San Bernardino California, where they remained for several years.  Elizabeth Sariah Haws was born in Nevada, USA on 15 April 1866, and Phoebe Jane Haws was born in Utah on 28 April 1868.  As this birth was prior to the arrival of that season's emigration, we know that they arrived in Utah in1866 or 1867.  Further research is needed to determine the year of their arrival and the name of the pioneer company with which they traveled to Utah.


Sariah's birth and death dates are confirmed by the inscription on her gravestone, which shows her surname as "Stafley."

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Born in Spafford, Onondaga, New York, United States

1835 March 25
Mayhew Hillman

Date Details

Occurred On 1835 March 25


No dates given

Married Jason Haws

1851 September 7 – 1875 January 1 (Age 16)

Died in Bicknell, Wayne, Utah, United States

1901 March 9 (Age 65)
Sariah Hillman (1835 - 1901) Profile
Sariah Hillman (1835 - 1901) Profile


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