Sidney Rigdon
Born in St. Clair, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States
Date Details
Occurred On 1793 February 19
Baptized by Oliver Cowdery
Served in Early Church Mission: North America
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes
He preached in Ohio and New York; bio notes that he was baptized Nov 14th and immediately commenced to preach the gospel. There is a notation about Sidney Rigdon and Edward Partridge starting for the State of New York to visit the Prophet on the 15th.
Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Location Served
Date Details
Started After 1830 November 14
Ended On 1831 February
Mentioned in Doctrine and Covenants 35:3
Doctrine and Covenants 35:3 in Fayette, New York.
Doctrine and Covenants 36:2, 36:5 in Fayette, New York.
Doctrine and Covenants 37 in Fayette, New York.
Doctrine and Covenants 40 in Fayette, New York.
Doctrine and Covenants 41:8 in Kirtland, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 42:2 in Kirtland, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 44 in Kirtland, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 49:1, 49:3 in Kirtland, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 52:3, 52:24, 52:41 in Kirtland, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 53:5 in Kirtland, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 55:5 in Kirtland, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 58:50, 58:57-58 in Jackson County, Missouri.
Doctrine and Covenants 60:6, 60:17 in Jackson County, Missouri.
Doctrine and Covenants 61:23, 61:30 in McIlwaine's Bend, Missouri River.
Doctrine and Covenants 63:55, 63:65 in Kirtland, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 70:1 in Hiram, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 71:1 in Hiram, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 73:3 in Hiram, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 76:11 in Hiram, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 78:9 in Kirtland, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 82:11 in Independence, Missouri.
Doctrine and Covenants 90:6, 90:21 in Kirtland, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 93:44, 93:51 in Kirtland, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 100:1, 100:9 in Perrysburg, New York.
Doctrine and Covenants 102:3 in Kirtland, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 103:29, 103:38 in Kirtland, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 104:20, 104:22 in Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 111 in Salem, Massachusetts.
Doctrine and Covenants 112:17 in Hiram, Ohio.
Doctrine and Covenants 115:1, 115:13 in Far West, Missouri.
Doctrine and Covenants 124:103, 124:108, 124:126 in Nauvoo, Illinois.
Date Details
Occurred On 1830 December 7
Served in Early Church Mission: North America
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes
Sidney Rigdon, being directed by revelation to do so (Doctrine and Covenants Sec 46) visited the Quakers near Cleveland, Ohio, offering them the Gospel as restored anew, but the Quakers rejected him and his companions. (Jour. Hist. Mar 8, 1831)
Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Served With
Location Served
Date Details
Started On 1831 March
End Date Not Found
Served in Early Church Mission: North America
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes
Sidney Rigdon, called by revelation (Doctrine and Covenants Sec. 52) on a mission to Missouri, travel with the Prophet Joseph Smith and others to that State and assisted in founding the colony of the Saints in Jackson county, Missouri, and then returned to Kirtland, Ohio. (Jour. Hist. June 7, 9, 1831)
Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Location Served
Date Details
Started On 1831 June 19
Ended On 1831 August
Served in Early Church Mission: North America
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes
Accompanied the Prophet Joseph Smith Jun. on his visit to Missouri and rendered the Prophet considerable aid in making the organization of the Church in Missouri more perfect. (Jour. Hist. Apr 1, 1832)
Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Location Served
Date Details
Started On 1832 April 1
Ended On 1832 May 26
Served in Early Church Mission: North America
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes
Labored in Ohio and raised up a Church in Medina county, OH. (Jour. Hist Apr 21, May 1, 1833)
Priesthood Office
Location Served
Date Details
Started On 1833 April
End Date Not Found
Served in Early Church Mission: North America
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes
Filled a special mission to Canada, with Joseph Smith and Freeman Nickerson (Jour. Hist. Oct 5, 1833)
Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Location Served
Date Details
Started On 1833 October 5
Ended On 1834 November 4
Served in Early Church Mission: North America
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes
Called to take a special mission to Strongville, OH (Jour. Hist. Feb 15, 16, 20, 1834)
Priesthood Office
Location Served
Date Details
Started On 1834 February
End Date Not Found
Served in Early Church Mission: North America
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes
Traveled and preached in New York to get volunteers for Zions Camp (Jour. Hist. Mar 16, 17, 1834, 15 &16 Feb 16 & 17 Mar 1834.)
Priesthood Office
Location Served
Date Details
Started On 1834 March
End Date Not Found
Served in Early Church Mission: North America
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes
Accompanied Joseph Smith on his mission to the Eastern States. (Jour. Hist. July 25, 1836) Kirtland certificates: Ordained Elder 21 Mar 1836
Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Location Served
Date Details
Started On 1836 July 25
End Date Not Found
Served in Early Church Mission: North America
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes
Filled a short mission to Canada, together with Joseph Smith Jun. (Jour. Hist. July 27, Aug. 1837)
Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Location Served
Date Details
Started On 1837 July
End Date Not Found
Served in Central States Mission
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes
Accompanied Joseph Smith Jun. to Missouri. (Jour. Hist. Nov, 1837)
Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Served With
Location Served
Date Details
Started On 1837 September
End Date Not Found
Served in Eastern States Mission
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes
Accompanied Joseph Smith on special mission to Washington, D.C. and preached in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. (Jour. Hist. Oct 29, Dec 30, 1839)
Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Location Served
Date Details
Started On 1839 October 29
End Date Not Found
Died in Friendship, Allegany, New York, United States