Stephen Burrows Rose

Birth Date
On 1814 December 12 (Born)
Death Date
On 1897 January 1 (Died)

Born in Trenton, Mercer, New Jersey, United States

1814 December 12
Catherine Forman
Ebenezer P Rose

Date Details

Occurred On 1814 December 12

Married Sarah Taylor Wyckoff

1837 February 21 (Age 22)

Baptized by Wilford Woodruff

1849 April 20 (Age 34)

Traveled in Almon W. Babbitt Company (1851)

1851 May 15 – July 17 (Age 36) Pioneers in Company
Additional Information

As his obituary and son's biography indicated, Stephen made the initial trip in 1851 to Utah alone, leaving his wife and children in New Jersey. He returned in 1852 and brought them all back with him in 1853. A couple years later, the family returned to New Jersey for a visit and returned home to Utah in 1856. Further research is needed to identify the name of the companies they traveled with in 1853 and 1856.

Date Details

Started On 1851 May 15
Joined Company
Ended On 1851 July 17
Company Arrived

Traveled in Company Unknown (1853)

1853 (Age 38) Pioneers in Company
Additional Information

As his obituary and son's biography indicated, Stephen made the initial trip in 1851 to Utah alone, leaving his wife and children in New Jersey. He returned in 1852 and brought them all back with him in 1853. A couple years later, the family returned to New Jersey for a visit and returned home to Utah in 1856. Further research is needed to identify the name of the companies they traveled with in 1853 and 1856.

Date Details

Occurred Circa 1853
Joined Company
Circa 1853
Company Arrived

Traveled in Company Unknown (1856)

1856 (Age 41) Pioneers in Company
Additional Information

As his obituary and son's biography indicated, Stephen made the initial trip in 1851 to Utah alone, leaving his wife and children in New Jersey. He returned in 1852 and brought them all back with him in 1853. A couple years later, the family returned to New Jersey for a visit and returned home to Utah in 1856. Further research is needed to identify the name of the companies they traveled with in 1853 and 1856.

Date Details

Occurred Circa 1856
Joined Company
Circa 1856
Company Arrived

Served in Eastern States Mission

1883 April 9 – June 7 (Age 68) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Marital Status
Priesthood Quorum When Called
Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah Territory, United States
Set Apart By
Location Served
New Jersey

Date Details

Started On 1883 April 9
Set Apart
Ended On 1883 June 7

Died in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States

1897 January 1 (Age 82)
Stephen Burrows Rose (1814 - 1897) Profile
Stephen Burrows Rose (1814 - 1897) Profile