undefined undefined Stephen Washington Perry | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Stephen Washington Perry

Birth Date
On 1829 October 9 (Born)
Death Date
On 1913 February 6 (Died)

Although documentation is scant, the Perry family likely traveled to Utah in 1850. They are listed in the 1850 Utah census and other family members are documented as coming to Utah that year. Stephen's obituary also states that he came to Utah in 1850.


1829 October 9

Date Details

Occurred On 1829 October 9

Traveled in Company Unknown (1850)

1850 (Age 20) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Occurred Circa 1850
Joined Company
Circa 1850
Company Arrived

Married Helen Marie Bishop

1855 January 22 (Age 25)

Married Mary Jane Bishop

1863 December 12 (Age 34)


1913 February 6 (Age 83)
Stephen Washington Perry (1829 - 1913) Profile
Stephen Washington Perry (1829 - 1913) Profile

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