Susannah Dudley

Birth Date
On 1853 June 5 (Born)
Death Date
On 1923 September 26 (Died)

Although not listed on the ship manifest, it is believed that Susannah sailed with her family on the ship Golconda in 1854. The obituaries of her parents confirm that the family crossed the plains in the 1854 Darwin Richardson Company.

Susannah's name does not appear on the Golconda ship manifest with her parents, but she was only one year old, so she would have been with them.  The 1900 Idaho census clearly shows that she immigrated to America in 1854, but again, we do not know why her name does not appear on the ship manifest.


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Susannah Dudley (1853 - 1923) Profile
Susannah Dudley (1853 - 1923) Profile
