Susette Stalle
She emigrated from Italy with her father, mother, and siblings. They joined the Ellsworth company at Florence, Nebraska. Her given name is also written as "Susanne" or "Susanna" in some records. On her tombstone in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona her name is written "Susette Stale Cardon." In some sources the surname is spelled "Staley."
1837 February 12
Date Details
Occurred On 1837 February 12
Traveled in Edmund Ellsworth Company (1856)
1856 June 9 – September 26 (Age 19) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1856 June 9
Joined Company
Ended On 1856 September 26
Company Arrived
Married Louis Phillipe Cardon
1857 March 16 (Age 20)
1923 July 19 (Age 86)

Susette Stalle (1837 - 1923) Profile