Sylvan Burgi

Birth Date
On 1916 August 19 (Born)
Death Date
On 1990 September 11 (Died)

Born in Midway, Wasatch, Utah

1916 August 19
Martha Rose Nydegger
Samuel N Burgi

Date Details

Occurred On 1916 August 19

Baptized by Jas Floyd Kinsey

1924 December 31 (Age 8)

Served in Swiss and German Mission

1937 January 20 – 1938 January (Age 20) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Missionary Activity Notes

Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Midway, Wasatch, Utah
Set Apart By
Rulon S Wells
Location Served
Swiss German

Date Details

Started On 1937 January 20
Set Apart
On 1937 January 21
Departed from Home
Ended On 1938 January

Served in West German Mission

1938 January – 1939 October 14 (Age 21) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Missionary Activity Notes
Serving in the new West German Mission in 1938-39 due to the Swiss-German and German-Austrian Missions being dissolved in the later part of 1937.
Evacuation of missionaries to the states in Sep 1939 due to the war in Europe.


Date Details

Started On 1938 January
Ended On 1939 October 14
Missionaries aboard the USS Manhattan, en route home, Sept 1939
Missionaries en route home, 1939
Aboard the USS Manhattan, September 1939
Missionaries of the West German Mission - Frankfurt, May 30, 1939.
Missionaries Returning From Europe


1990 September 11 (Age 74)
Sylvan Burgi (1916 - 1990) Profile
Sylvan Burgi (1916 - 1990) Profile
Missionaries aboard the USS Manhattan, en route home, Sept 1939
Missionaries aboard the USS Manhattan, en route home, Sept 1939
Missionaries en route home, 1939
Missionaries en route home, 1939
Aboard the USS Manhattan, September 1939
Aboard the USS Manhattan, September 1939
Missionaries of the West German Mission - Frankfurt, May 30, 1939.
Missionaries of the West German Mission - Frankfurt, May 30, 1939.
Missionaries Returning From Europe, Spring 1939 September 24
Missionaries Returning From Europe, Spring 1939 September 24
