Thirza Melvina Berry
The Berry family traveled to the Salt Lake Valley with the Samuel Gully/Orson Spencer Company in 1849. The family included widowed Armelia Shanks Berry and John's siblings: Cynthia Lovinia Berry, Thirza Melvina Berry, William Shanks Berry, Robert Madison Berry, and Joseph Smith Berry. Her daughter Louisa Jane Berry Allen came in the same company with her husband Daniel Allen.
Born in Dresden, Weakley, Tennessee, United States
1836 December 23
Jesse Woods Berry
Date Details
Occurred On 1836 December 23
Traveled in Samuel Gully/Orson Spencer Company (1849)
1849 May 28 – September 25 (Age 12) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1849 May 28
Joined Company
Ended Between 1849 September 22 – 25
Company Arrived
Married Albert King Thurber
1851 February 26 (Age 14)
Died in Richfield, Sevier, Utah, United States
1900 May 9 (Age 63)

Thirza Melvina Berry (1836 - 1900) Profile