undefined undefined Thomas Barthelemy Cardon | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Thomas Barthelemy Cardon

Birth Date
On 1842 August 28 (Born)
Death Date
On 1898 February 15 (Died)
The Cardon family sailed to America in 1854 on the John M. Wood.  The ship manifest lists their surname as "Cordon," and their travel to Utah is mentioned in the newspaper article in The Journal.


1842 August 28

Date Details

Occurred On 1842 August 28

Traveled in Robert L. Campbell Company (1854)

1854 July 18 – October 31 (Age 11) Pioneers in Company


1898 February 15 (Age 55)
Thomas Barthelemy Cardon (1842 - 1898) Profile
Thomas Barthelemy Cardon (1842 - 1898) Profile

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