Thomas Hull

Birth Date
On 1805 November 5 (Born)
Death Date
On 1886 February 2 (Died)

The Hull family emigrated from England in 1855. They sailed on the William Stetson, and arrived in New York on 27 May. They joined the Stevenson Company in 1859.  The Hull's cattle, except for one ox, died at Green River from alkali poisoning, so the family remained there until fresh animals were brought from Salt Lake City.

Some sources spell the surname as "Hall" or "Hill."

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1805 November 5

Date Details

Occurred On 1805 November 5

Traveled in Edward Stevenson Company (1859)

1859 June 26 – September 15 (Age 53) Pioneers in Company


1886 February 2 (Age 80)
Thomas Hull (1805 - 1886) Profile
Thomas Hull (1805 - 1886) Profile
