undefined undefined Thomas Wilkerson | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Thomas Wilkerson

Birth Date
On 1797 January 17 (Born)
Death Date
On 1882 December 10 (Died)

Thomas traveled with his wife, Eliza, and their children. In 1850, the Wilkerson family lived together in Illinois, according to census records. Both Thomas and Eliza Wilkerson were included in the 1852 Wimmer company report, thus proving their presence in the company.


1797 January 17

Date Details

Occurred On 1797 January 17

Traveled in Robert Wimmer Company (1852)

1852 July – September 15 (Age 55) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started Circa 1852 July
Joined Company
Ended On 1852 September 15
Company Arrived


1882 December 10 (Age 85)

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