Uriah Curtis
Uriah traveled with two of his wives - Elizabeth and Phoebe - in this company. Each wife is listed on this site as the head of household, matching the company roster and to avoid additional confusion. However, both families traveled in the same company of ten, and it is assumed they traveled as one large group rather than two separate families.
His death date and travel to Utah in 1852 are confirmed by his obituary.
1805 May 5
Date Details
Occurred On 1805 May 5
Called as Captain to Uriah Curtis Company (1852)
1852 June 28 – September 29 (Age 47) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1852 June 28
Joined Company
Ended On 1852 September 29
Company Arrived
1863 October 18 (Age 58)
Uriah Curtis (1805 - 1863) Profile