undefined undefined Warren LeRoy Sirrine | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Warren LeRoy Sirrine

Birth Date
On 1855 December 23 (Born)
Death Date
On 1943 March 7 (Died)

Evidence from genealogical and census records proves the Sirrine family came to Utah in 1858. They had a child born in 1855 in California and they are not on the 1856 Utah census. They have a child (Emiline) born in April 1858 in Utah (according to information given in the 1900 Arizona census). They likely came to Utah from San Bernardino after the Saints received counsel to travel to Utah during the Utah War.


1855 December 23

Date Details

Occurred On 1855 December 23

Traveled in Company Unknown (1857)

1857 (Age 1) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Occurred Circa 1857
Joined Company
Circa 1857
Company Arrived


1943 March 7 (Age 87)
Warren LeRoy Sirrine (1855 - 1943) Profile
Warren LeRoy Sirrine (1855 - 1943) Profile


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