undefined undefined William Bannister Poppleton | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

William Bannister Poppleton

Birth Date
On 1823 October 15 (Born)
Death Date
On 1883 August 16 (Died)

A son, George Stennett Poppleton, died in St. Louis in 1852.  William's first wife, Sarah Stennett Poppleton died near St. Louis in 1855.   At the time of the 1860 federal census George Bannister Poppleton and his family were living in Omaha, Nebraska.


1823 October 15

Date Details

Occurred On 1823 October 15

Traveled in John Smith Company (1860)

1860 June 22 – September 1 (Age 36) Pioneers in Company

Married Mary Ann Jeffs

1866 November 10 (Age 43)


1883 August 16 (Age 59)
William Bannister Poppleton (1823 - 1883) Profile
William Bannister Poppleton (1823 - 1883) Profile


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