William Beal

Birth Date
On 1810 September 27 (Born)
Death Date
On 1872 February 15 (Died)

A published biographical source ("Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah," 744) and a non-contemporary typescript list (Journal History, Supplement after 31 Dec. 1848, 12) note that he came to Utah in the 1848 Kimball company. There is no evidence to support this. He is not in the 1850 Utah census or the 1848 property list.

His obituary states that he traveled to Utah in 1852. The Benjamin Gardner notebook, 1851-1862 confirms their travel with this company. In the notebook is notated the death of William Francis Beal on 12 July 1852.

William married "Mrs. Elizabeth [Eliza Ann Philbrook] Hardy" on 24 January 1852 in Iowa. They traveled to Utah together as members of the Benjamin Gardner company. Their marriage dissolved shortly after arriving to Utah. Eliza returned to using her previous married name "Hardy."

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1810 September 27

Date Details

Occurred On 1810 September 27

Married Eliza Ann Philbrook

1852 January 24 (Age 41)


1872 February 15 (Age 61)
William Beal (1810 - 1872) Profile
William Beal (1810 - 1872) Profile
