William Brown Smith
William's obituary states that he arrived in Utah on 17 September 1850. His biographical sketch indicates that he traveled with the Evans company.
William later participated as one of the rescuers that were sent out in the winter of 1856 to assist the members of the Church stranded in Wyoming.
Sources disagree on the birth date. Some indicate it was February 1st, others February 14th. Many give only month and year. It is likely he did not know his exact birth date.
1814 February 14
Date Details
Occurred On 1814 February 14
Married Ann Barnes
1837 October 19 (Age 23)
Traveled in David Evans Company (1850)
1850 June 15 – September 17 (Age 36) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1850 June 15
Joined Company
Ended Between 1850 September 13 – 17
Company Arrived
Traveled in Rescue Companies (1856)
1856 October 7 – December 15 (Age 42) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1856 October 7
Joined Company
Ended On 1856 December 15
Company Arrived
1897 October 11 (Age 83)

William Brown Smith (1814 - 1897) Profile