William David Owen, Jr.
William D. Owen is also listed on the roster of the Haight company. A notation in "Pioneers and Prominent Men," printed during his lifetime, specifically notes that Owen was in the Dame company.
His travel to Utah in 1862 is also confirmed by his obituary.
1843 September 2
Date Details
Occurred On 1843 September 2
Traveled in William H. Dame Freight Train (1862)
1862 August 14 – October 29 (Age 18) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1862 August 14
Joined Company
Ended On 1862 October 29
Company Arrived
Married Marianne Sanders
1866 November 5 (Age 23)
1916 July 1 (Age 72)

William David Owen Jr. (1843 - 1916) Profile