William Foxley

Birth Date
On 1831 April 6 (Born)
Death Date
On 1907 January 17 (Died)

William sailed to America in 1850 on the ship James Pennell.

Evidence that he came in 1855 is confirmed in information found in Church financial records.

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1831 April 6

Date Details

Occurred On 1831 April 6

Traveled in Livingston and Kinkead Freight Train (1855)

1855 June 3 – August 15 (Age 24) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group

Date Details

Started On 1855 June 3
Joined Company
Ended On 1855 August 15
Company Arrived


1907 January 17 (Age 75)
William Foxley (1831 - 1907) Profile
William Foxley (1831 - 1907) Profile