undefined undefined William Henry Boyle | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

William Henry Boyle

Birth Date
On 1851 February 19 (Born)
Death Date
On 1913 January 22 (Died)

William was born in California, but traveled with his family in 1857 when Brigham Young made the call for all the Saints to return to the Utah Territory. He was traveling with his sister, father, and grandfather. His father refers to him in his journal as Henry.


1851 February 19

Date Details

Occurred On 1851 February 19

Traveled in Company Unknown (1857)

1857 (Age 5) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Occurred Circa 1857
Joined Company
Circa 1857
Company Arrived

Married Mary Jane Ewell

1869 December 24 (Age 18)


1913 January 22 (Age 61)
William Henry Boyle (1851 - 1913) Profile
William Henry Boyle (1851 - 1913) Profile


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