William Henry Gange

Birth Date
On 1855 May 5 (Born)
Death Date
On 1864 August 22 (Died)

The Gange family came to Utah in 1864 the year they sailed to America. In some sources their surname is spelled "Genge" or "Gauge." Thomas legally changed his last name from GENGE to GANGE in March 1882 (See "An Act," The Deseret News Vol. XV NO. 98, pg. 4) William Henry and Edward Lorenzo traveled with them. They both died on the plains.

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1855 May 5

Date Details

Occurred On 1855 May 5

Traveled in Company Unknown (1864)

1864 – 1864 August 22 (Age 8) Pioneers in Company


1864 August 22 (Age 9)