undefined undefined William Hill | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

William Hill

Birth Date
Circa 1837 (Born)
Death Date
Unknown (Died)

The Hill family traveled to the Salt Lake Valley with the Aaron Johnson Company in 1850.  The Hill family included Isaac and his wife Eliza Wright and their son William, and Isaac’s daughters from a previous marriage Elizabeth and Lucinda.  Eliza died en route. 

Isaac’s oldest daughter, Nancy Ann, and her family traveled to the Salt Lake Valley with the David Wood Company in 1852.

In the 1850 census, Lucinda, William, and Isaac are living with their older sister Elizabeth, who had married Joseph Kite.

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Date Details

Occurred Circa 1837


No dates given

Traveled in Aaron Johnson Company (1850)

1850 June 8 – September 12 (Age 13) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started Circa 1850 June 8
Joined Company
Ended On 1850 September 12
Company Arrived



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