undefined undefined William Kegg Comish | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

William Kegg Comish

Birth Date
On 1833 April 11 (Born)
Death Date
On 1893 June 23 (Died)

The Comish family evidently began traveling in the Hindley company, but according to a "Deseret News" article (22 Aug. 1855, 189) they arrived in Salt Lake City with the Livingston and Kinkead freight train. Evidence that they came in 1855 is confirmed in information found in Church financial records. Their surname is spelled "Coomish" on the handwritten and printed Hindley roster.


1833 April 11

Date Details

Occurred On 1833 April 11

Traveled in John Hindley Company (1855)

1855 June 7 – September 3 (Age 22) Pioneers in Company


1893 June 23 (Age 60)
William Kegg Comish (1833 - 1893) Profile
William Kegg Comish (1833 - 1893) Profile


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