William Lewis
William Lewis traveled with his wife and children. They emigrated from England by way of the ship General McClellan. They then continued their westward journey as part of the 1864 Rawlins Company.
William, Jennet, and Jane secured loans from the Perpetual Emigrating Fund to pay for the family’s journey. William and Jane are listed together in the PEF ledger entry. Jane's promissory note indicates that her father co-signed on her loan, this is why they are listed together in the ledger.
1811 October 24
Date Details
Occurred On 1811 October 24
Traveled in Joseph S. Rawlins Company (1864)
1864 July 15 – September 20 (Age 52) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1864 July 15
Joined Company
Ended Between 1864 September 19 – 20
Company Arrived
1871 September 21 (Age 59)