undefined undefined William Marion Cahoon | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

William Marion Cahoon

Birth Date
On 1848 April 8 (Born)
Death Date
On 1931 February 16 (Died)

Note that FamilySearch shows her birth date as 8 April 1848.  The inscription on his gravestone also shows his birth year as 1848.  However his death certificate shows his birth as having taken place on 8 April 1847.  Further research is needed to determine which year is correct.


1848 April 8

Date Details

Occurred On 1848 April 8

Traveled in Samuel Gully/Orson Spencer Company (1849)

1849 May 28 – September 25 (Age 1) Pioneers in Company


1931 February 16 (Age 82)




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