William Martindale Frampton
In the spring of 1852, Commodore Perry with his wife Elizabeth Reeves, and children William Albert, Rufus Benson, and Perry Martindale traveled to the Salt Lake Valley with the John S. Higbee/James W. Bay Company. He was captain of the guard. They also traveled with Laura Farnsworth, and her son William Martindale Frampton. Laura would later become his second wife.
1831 September 20
Date Details
Occurred On 1831 September 20
Traveled in John S. Higbee/James W. Bay Company (1852)
1852 May 28 – August 13 (Age 20) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1852 May 28
Joined Company
Ended On 1852 August 13
Company Arrived
Married Mary Abby Terry
1855 May 27 (Age 23)
1906 May 23 (Age 74)

William Martindale Frampton (1831 - 1906) Profile