William Owen Orton

Birth Date
On 1844 October 3 (Born)
Death Date
On 1924 November 8 (Died)

Son of William and Hannah Orton.  The family crossed the Atlantic on the ship William Tapscott in 1859, then crossed the plains in 1861 with financial assistance from the Perpetual Emigrating Fund.  There is a "Wm. Orton" on the roster of the Cannon company. This is puzzling because in an autobiographical sketch (see Lundgren source), William Orton said "we remained in New York until June of 1861 and then came to Utah in Captain Ira Eldridge's company." It's unlikely that there could be two people with that same name traveling to Utah that same year. He may have generalized how he and his family traveled to Utah in his autobiography. Possibly he began traveling with his family in the Eldredge company and became a teamster for Thomas J. Jones in the Cannon company en route.

In 1866, he crossed the plains again as an out-and-back teamster for the Thompson company.

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1844 October 3

Date Details

Occurred On 1844 October 3

Traveled in Ira Eldredge Company (1861)

1861 July 1 – September 13 (Age 16) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1861 July 1
Joined Company
Ended On 1861 September 13
Company Arrived

Married Sarah Ann Dalley

1865 January 1 (Age 20)

Traveled in Daniel Thompson Company (1866)

1866 July 24 – September 28 (Age 21) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1866 July 24
Joined Company
Ended On 1866 September 28
Company Arrived


1924 November 8 (Age 80)
William Owen Orton (1844 - 1924) Profile
William Owen Orton (1844 - 1924) Profile