William Thomas Van Noy

Birth Date
On 1827 March 13 (Born)
Death Date
On 1900 March 2 (Died)


1827 March 13

Date Details

Occurred On 1827 March 13

Traveled in Company Unknown (1847-1868)

1847 – 1868 (Age 19) Pioneers in Company
Additional Information

William arrived in Salt Lake City with an emigrant party that was headed for the west coast but he fell ill and remained in Utah.   He was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 8 December 1850 at Salt Lake City proving that he had arrived before this.

At the time of the 1850 federal census of Utah (spring of 1851) he was living in the Salt Lake City 19th ward, occupation: carpenter.  On 19 December 1851 he received a Patriarchal Blessing from John Smith.  He was ordained a Seventy on 16 February 1853.  A Public Works record dated 14 November 1855 includes him in a Mason's Time Book.   His name appears on the Territorial Militia records in 1857 at Salt Lake but in 1861 he was on the rolls in Cache Valley.  He is buried at Richmond, Utah.

Date Details

Started On 1847
Joined Company
Ended On 1868
Company Arrived

Married Catherine Tabitha Hendricks

1851 January 30 (Age 23)

Married Agnes Burrell

1859 December 25 (Age 32)


1900 March 2 (Age 72)
William Thomas Van Noy (1827 - 1900) Profile
William Thomas Van Noy (1827 - 1900) Profile