William Turpin
Born in Clifton, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
1815 January 18
Hannah Washington
John Turpin III
Date Details
Occurred On 1815 January 18
Married Elizabeth Tidswell
1838 May 13 (Age 23)
Traveled in Company Unknown (1852)
1852 (Age 37) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Additional Information
Evidence from genealogy and church records proves that the Turpin family traveled to Utah in 1852. The family name is located on the William Morgan company roster as "expected soon" and may have traveled with the company. They may have also traveled in the 1852 James C Snow company, and was assigned to settle in the Provo area. Birth date is confirmed by West Jordan Ward records at the time of a rebaptism on 5 March 1853.
Date Details
Occurred Circa 1852
Joined Company
Circa 1852
Company Arrived
1853 March 5 (Age 38)
Married Ann Kindler
1864 September 10 (Age 49)
Died in West Jordan, Salt Lake, Utah Territory, United States
1878 March 31 (Age 63)