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Church History Biographical Database

William Webster

Birth Date
On 1817 January 1 (Born)
Death Date
On 1894 July 14 (Died)

William, his wife Hannah, children George, Mary Ann, Levi, Sarah, Ellen and Alice Cockle sailed to America in 1855 on the ship Siddons.

He came with wife and 5 children. Evidence that he came in 1855 is confirmed in information found in Church financial records. His birth and death dates are confirmed by the Utah State History Cemeteries and Burials Database.

Page 29 of the Rosel Hyde, notebook, 1863 shows William Webster's name.  The 1863 Rosel Hyde pioneer company was an out-and-back company and many teamsters went east with this company to help saints who were coming to Utah.  William came to Utah in 1855 and was likely a teamster with the Hyde company.  He was from Kaysville, and several of the teamsters were from that area.   His son George was also in this company.

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1817 January 1

Date Details

Occurred On 1817 January 1

Married Hannah Day

1837 October 14 (Age 20)

Traveled in Milo Andrus Company (1855)

1855 August 4 – October 24 (Age 38) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1855 August 4
Joined Company
Ended On 1855 October 24
Company Arrived


1894 July 14 (Age 77)
William Webster (1817 - 1894) Profile
William Webster (1817 - 1894) Profile

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