Willis Liddell Roberts

Birth Date
On 1915 August 7 (Born)
Death Date
On 2005 July 5 (Died)

Born in Raymond, Alberta, Canada

1915 August 7
Martha Elizabeth Liddell
Isaac Bliss Roberts

Date Details

Occurred On 1915 August 7

Baptized by Ellison Hawk

1923 August 11 (Age 8)

Served in Tongan Mission

1935 November 7 – 1938 August 11 (Age 20) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Marital Status
Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
United States
Set Apart By
George Albert Smith
Location Served

Date Details

Started On 1935 November 7
Set Apart
On 1935 November 10
Departed from Home
Ended On 1938 August 11
Arrived at Home
A Tongan feast at Makeke, Tonga
Missionaries in the Tongan Mission meeting with their mission president, Emile C. Dunn
Tongan Feast at Makeke, Tongatapu, Tonga


2005 July 5 (Age 89)
Willis Liddell Roberts (1915 - 2005) Profile
Willis Liddell Roberts (1915 - 2005) Profile
Missionaries in the Tongan mission with their mission president ca 1937-40
Missionaries in the Tongan mission with their mission president ca 1937-40
A Tongan feast at Makeke, Tonga, Between 1935 March – 1938 February
A Tongan feast at Makeke, Tonga, Between 1935 March – 1938 February
Missionaries in the Tongan Mission meeting with their mission president, Emile C. Dunn, Between 1937 – 1938
Missionaries in the Tongan Mission meeting with their mission president, Emile C. Dunn, Between 1937 – 1938
Tongan Feast at Makeke, Tongatapu, Tonga, Between 1935 – 1938
Tongan Feast at Makeke, Tongatapu, Tonga, Between 1935 – 1938
