
1921 November

Opened November 1921. The mission's objective was to preach to and help the Armenian population living inside the Ottoman Empire. Main areas of focus were Aintab, Aleppo and Haifa. Work ended with the death of President Booth in 1928.

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Joseph Wilford Booth Called as President

1921 September 14 – 1928 December 5  See Missionaries

Date Details

Started On 1921 September 14
Set Apart
Ended On 1928 December 5

Mission Founded

1921 November

Reopening of Mission

1921 November 4

Joseph W. Booth was called to renew missionary work in the Near East and was appointed president of the Armenian Mission. He arrived in Palestine in November. The mission home was located at "Fayh House", Alleny Street, Haifa, Palestine. 

Date Details

Occurred On 1921 November 4

End of the Ottoman Empire

1922 November

The Ottoman Empire came to an end as the sultanate was abolished by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.

Date Details

Occurred On 1922 November

Mission Closed


Death of President Booth

1928 December 5

President Booth dies of heart failure at Aleppo.

Date Details

Occurred On 1928 December 5