On 12 July 1925 the North Central States Mission was organized, comprised of areas formerly part of the Northern States, Western States, Northwestern States, and Canadian Missions.
Mission Founded
John Gurnett Allred Called as President
Date Details
Started On 1925 July 12
Ended On 1929 July 9
Mission Founded
Mission home located at 3044 Elliot Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
From the Mission History:
"The Mission is bounded as follows: Starting at the southeast corner of the State of Minnesota and thence west along the Minnesota-Iowa boundary line to the southwest corner of the State and then south along the South Dakota-Iowa boundary line to the southeast corner of of the State of South Dakota, thence west along the South Dakota-Nebraska boundary line, and thence north to the 45th parallel north latitude, thence west to the South Dakota-Wyoming-Montana boundary line, (this leaving the Black Hills district of South Dakota in the Western States Mission), thence continuing along the Montana-Wyoming boundary line to a point determined by the intersection of a line running north and south through the State of Montana just east of the city of Great Falls with the Montana-Wyoming boundary, thence north through the State of Montana and through the Province of Alberta to a point a few miles north of the city of Metiskow, Alberta, thence east and south through the Provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario to the city of Armstrong, Ontario, thence south to the city of Port Arthur, Ontario, (including that city), thence southwest along the shore of Lake Superior to the cities of Duluth, Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin, (including those cities), thence south following the Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary line to the starting point.
"Thus the new mission takes in the following: all of the State of Minnesota, all of the State of North Dakota, all of the State of South Dakota except the Black Hills district, all of the State of Montana east of the city of Great Falls, a narrow strip of the eastern part of the Province of Alberta, the southern part of the Province of Saskatchewan, the southern part of the Province of Manitoba, the southwestern corner of the Province of Ontario, and the city of Superior in the State of Wisconsin."
Date Details
Occurred On 1925 July 12
Arthur Welling Called as President
Date Details
Started On 1929 June 11
Ended On 1934 July 20
Wilford Woodruff Richards, Jr. Called as President
Date Details
Started On 1934 June 7
Ended On 1937 August 24
Mission Home
Mission home located at 3240 Park Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota.