November 1840 the first missionaries arrive in South Wales. Early missionaries preaching across the Welsh-English border included: James Palmer, John Needham, and Richard Steele.
The Welsh Mission was officially founded in 1845 with the arrival of Dan Jones, a native of Wales and fluent in the Welsh language, to preside over the Welsh Mission as he had been called by the Prophet Joseph Smith before the martyrdom.
After several thousand Welsh Saints had emigrated to Utah by 1864, it became a Conference of the British Mission. Wales became a District of the Bristol Conference in 1907. in 1919, the headquarters for the Bristol Conference were relocated to Cardiff, Wales. In 1921, the Welsh Conference of the British Mission was reestablished with headquarters in Cardiff.
Dan Jones Called as President
Date Details
Started On 1845 February 15
Ended On 1849 February 25
Mission Founded
William Samuel Phillips Called as President
Date Details
Started On 1849
Ended On 1854 January
Dan Jones Called as President
Date Details
Started On 1852 August 28
Ended On 1856 April 19
Daniel Daniels Called as President
Date Details
Started On 1856 March 29
Ended On 1858 June
Benjamin Pearce Evans Called as President
Date Details
Started On 1857 December 19
Ended On 1861 June 25
Thomas Evans Jeremy Called as President
Date Details
Started On 1860 September 22
Ended On 1864 October 21
Mission Closed