"A Short Sketch of the Life of Richard Charles Orr," in Family Group Sheets and Biographies of Joseph and Ellen Eliza Lyon Orr, Verlene Orr Triplett and Brent Wayne Orr, comps, 1998
- "A Short Sketch of the Life of Richard Charles Orr," in Family Group Sheets and Biographies of Joseph and Ellen Eliza Lyon Orr, Verlene Orr Triplett and Brent Wayne Orr, comps, 1998.
Read Transcript
A simple faith: Anders Persson Lofgren, Swedish son - Mormon immigrant, 1996
Anders P. Lofgren autobiography, 1898
Anderson, Christian, The Personal Journal of Christian Anderson [1982?], 9
- Anderson, Christian, The Personal Journal of Christian Anderson [1982?], 9.
Read Transcript
Andrew Nielson reminiscence, 1916
Autobiography of Hans Christensen
Christensen, Hans, Autobiography, 1890
Daughters of Utah Pioneers collection, 1828-1963
- "History of life of pioneer James Reese Bryant", Daughters of Utah Pioneers collection, 1828-1963.
Read Transcript - "John Haslem Clark, reminiscences", Daughters of Utah Pioneers collection, 1828-1963, Page 11-12.
Genealogical charts and biographical sketches of members of the L.D.S. Church, Ogden Stake
Heber C. Christensen - Annie Peterson: history of their life and labors
Memmott, Thomas, Thomas Memmott Journal, ed. H. Kirk Memmott, 2 vols. [1976], 1:45-59
- Memmott, Thomas, Thomas Memmott Journal, ed. H. Kirk Memmott, 2 vols. [1976], 1:45-59.
Our Pioneer Heritage
- Our Pioneer Heritage, Vol. 9, Page 427-428.
- Our Pioneer Heritage, Vol. 6, Page 61-63.
Ross, Catherine Elnora Anderson, [Reminiscences], in Marie Ross Butcher, comp., Descendants and Ancestors of Hakan Anderson and Mariane Marie Nielsen [1972], 416
- Ross, Catherine Elnora Anderson, [Reminiscences], in Marie Ross Butcher, comp., Descendants and Ancestors of Hakan Anderson and Mariane Marie Nielsen [1972], 416.
Read Transcript
Stella H. Day, comp. Builders of Early Millard: Biographies of Pioneers of Millard County, 1850 to 1975
The life and times of William Thomas Owens, Sr: including the histories of wives, parents, and grandparents
Thomas Memmott journal Vol. 1
Thompson, John, Autobiography, 1922, 1
Voices from the past: diaries, journals, and autobiographies
William Gibson journals and notebooks, circa 1841-1890