Roughly 260 individuals with 50 wagons when it began the journey from Kanesville, Iowa (present day Council Bluffs).
James Hofer, although not listed on the company roster, is listed in the journal history supplement as traveling with the Webb family.
Mark Driggs and Phoebe Curtis aren't listed on the company roster or in the journal history but are listed on census records with their family.
Thomas Noakes, Luther Ramsay, and John Stoddard were all born on the trail and are not listed on the company roster or in the journal history.
Members of the company arrived in the Salt Lake Valley between 29 September and 1 October 1852.
Company Departed from Kanesville, Iowa
1852 June 28
Uriah Curtis Called as Captain
1852 June 28 – September 29 See Pioneers
Date Details
Started On 1852 June 28
Joined Company
Ended On 1852 September 29
Company Arrived
Company Arrived at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah Territory, United States
1852 September 29