Transcript for Bailey, Langley A., "Reminiscences", Deseret News, 1 September 1906, 20-21
In the year of our Lord 1856, May 29, about 600 Latter-day Saints took passage on the sailing vessel "Horizon," from Liverpool, England. After five week's good sailing we landed in Boston harbor, from whence we boarded the train and rode 1,500 miles to Iowa City. We were informed that we must travel on foot four miles to the camp ground. All felt delighted in having the privilege of a pleasant walk. Accordingly, all took up their beds and walked. We had not gone far before it thundered and lightened and poured down with rain. The roads soon became very mudy and slippery. The noble 600, about 200 having stayed at Boston and other places en route, trudged along. The day was far advancing, and many did not reach camp until after dark. We were conducted into tents, packed very close together, and stood up all night in our wet clothes. In the dark parents and children became separated. Daylight in the morning brought fine weather and parents and children found each other with joy. This was our first "experience in our start on foot."
Finally the noble 600 made a start with their handcarts, singing as they went along, "Some must push and some must pull as we go marching up the hill," etc. Bad roads and storms did not daunt these noble pioneers.
By the time we reached Florence, I became very sick. An elder, a captain of a company, was called by my parents to administer to me. He came, said he did not have faith enough to raise the dead, and left the tent. Elder Franklin D. Richards and C.H. Wheelock, having arrived in camp were asked to administer to me. I was promised by them that I should live to arrive in the valleys. Apostle Richard[s] always remembered me by this incident, and spoke of it the last time we met.
It is true, I was hauled all the way across the plains in the hand cart until the teams met us, by my brother, John, who was a lad of 15 years, and Isaac Wardle. I promised my [….all] team that I would give them some of my bread if they would try and miss the rocks in the road, which pay was better than gold at that time. Our ration was a quarter of a pound of flour a day [- - - ] the hand carts and stood guard received no more than the women and feeble ones.
The "half will never be told" of what we suffered before we reached great Salt Lake City, our promised land.
Our emerging from Immigration [Emigration] canyon Sun, Nov. 30 will never be forgotten. I was lifted up in the wagon, more dead than alive, and saw in the distance houses. Christopher Columbus and his men were no more pleased [illegible to rejoice [illegible habitations once more. When [illegible] the city the people were coming out of meeting. Hundreds came and viewed us with much amazement.