Transcript for Bailey, Langley A. to Isaac J. Wardle, 28 November 1916
Nephi Nov 28/16
Isaac J. Wardle Esq
My Dear Most Respected Old Friend. How are you.
I was much disapointed because I did not meet you at our annual HandCart meeting.
I hope and pray that you are well in health in your old age. and prospering...
You and me are in much better condishions than we were at this time 60 years ago, I can remember one morning every tent was blowed down but ours. You did stake our tent down strong and firm. My dear Brother I honor and respect you much more than I Can explain. You and my brother John (he was only a boy 15) hauled me on the handcart for hundreds of miles Can I forget you. Can I ever repay, for your kindness No. No. ...
God bless you. May peace crown your latter days. Please let me hear from you. Get some one to write for you. I am yours Very Respectfully
Langley A Bailey