Transcript for Bailey, Langley Allgood, Reminiscences and journal [ca. 1920]-1929, 4-7
We staid on this camp ground for two weeks. It was a sight to see 600 people pulling their carts through the cities and vileages of Iowa. People came out of their houses and jeered us. On we went, all happy and cheerfull. We encounte[re]d thunder storms we were wet through many times. John and I took off our shoes and stocking[s.] this mode of travel proved too much for me.
I was taken down with hemerage of the bowles. I was unable to walk, had to be hauled on Bro. Isaac J. Wardle and my brother’s John’s cart.
After reaching Florence a Doctor was consulted said I must not go another step or I would die and be burried on the road side. A captain named Tune [John Toone] would not administer to me, said he did not have faith enough to rais[e] the dead.
Mother on hearing that Apostle F.D. Richards and C.H .Wheelock had arrived in camp got them to administered to me, they promised me I would live to reach the vallies.
All this time I was uncounsis [unconscious] of what was going on.
The Doctor called again to see me, told father he would take care of the family and fit us out next year to persue our journey. Father thanked him kindly, he pled with father to stop[,] said it was to late to make the trip, said when we reached the mountains we would be snowed in. We found his words to be too true.
The emergrants were called to geather to know their minds in regards to stop untill the next year or go on. Voted to go on. On August 25th 1856 the company made a start. I not being able to walk, Isaac J. Wardle and Bro. John, only 15 years old, hauled me on their carts. We got along fairly well untill we reached the mountains, then bad weather set in, snow storms came impeded our traveling. no one can describe the suffering we endured. Our rashings [rations] consisted of 4 oz flour and nothing else did we have to eat.
One morning believing I could walk a little a head of the company. I got this privledge from my parents, my plan was to get away lay down under a sage brush and die. I saw my father and mother and my cart pass by, I stre[t]ched out to die, just then a voice said, “Your mother is hunting you, jump up.” I saw mother in haste comming towards me, wanted to know what had gone rong with me. I told her I had planded to lay down and die. I felt it was to much to pull me on the cart, at same time had as much lugage they could manage, scolded me a little. She reminded what I was promised by apostle F.D. Richard. I wrode on a cart untill the teams from the Valleys met us.
One day mother was in the croud wating her turn to receive our daly rachens. her sh<a>ul fell of[f] her shoulders. no one seemed to know who picked <it> up. Some weeks afterward While the folks was stakeing the tent, one evening, I saw a sister pass by. I saw on her under her shaul mothers shaul, mother, went <to> this ladys tent[.] there lay her shaul. Mother asked her if she was not ashamed to steal and going to Zion
It was quite a sight to see the poor womin take hold of hands in wadeing thru the cold rivers with their cloth[e]s froze when they came to the other side.
We camped at place after was called Martins Hole. We could not <go> any further for Snow
My father went to gather some brush willows Etc there being no wood, to keep me warm. his hands became very benumbred he laid down by my side[,] told mother he was going to die (It was not any trouble to die) mother took <hold> of him gave him a shaken up, and told <him> she <was> going on to the valleys[.] he then gave up dying.
While at pray meeting a bitter cold night[,] Bro. [John] Rodwell spoke in toungues[.] interpertation was the rescures wou[l]d be with us within three days, on the third day Jos. A. Young on a while [-] with another <man> wrode into cam[p.] O what a shout went up. Said make a start in the morning. there is food a few miles back, during the <night stole their> few crackers also straps on their saddles were all taken and <eat> for hunger is a mild name, 19 died that night[,] graves dug in the snow. many died at this stopping place[,] graves dug in the snow. all was too weak to dig in the frozen snow[.] wolves came during the night tore up the dedd bodies
Next morning a start was made in the deep snow
I saw a young lady age about 16 walking in the snow[.] she left the blood prints of her heels and toes on the snow. I am told her legs were amputated when she arrived in Salt Lake City
I refrain from writing about the suffering of these people[.] It never can or will be told.
On leaving this morning my bro. John saw the wolves devouring the bodies he had helped to burry the day before[.] he tried to drive them a way[.] he had to run for his life.
That morning in starting I was placed in a wagon on top of frozen tents. a very <few> oxen was left to haul or pull the few wagons. made that about 4 miles. when the Company stop that evening. mother came around the wagons Calling Langley. I could hear her calling. she could not hear me answer when she found me[,] lifted me <took> out of the wagon my legs & arms was stif like a frozed shirt. an ox was about to die. he was killed[.] mother got some of the meat[,] boiled it, gave me some of the brough [broth]. it run thro me like going thro a funal.
We met the rescures near devels gate. Log houses were pulled down. good fires was made of the logs. provision were rather short on account of the teams being so long on the road; deep snows made travling very slow.
We arrived in Salt Lake City Sunday noon comming out of immergration [Immigration] canyon. I was lifted up in the wagon could see houses in the distance. It <was;> like the Isrealites of old in beholding the promised land. date Nov 30, 1856.