Transcript for "Langley A. Bailey reminiscences and journal," 1920-1929
Title: Langley A. Bailey reminiscences and journal, circa 1920-1929 Reminiscences and journal, circa 1920-1929
Call Number: MS 7059
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Front Cover
Ms d 7059
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Donated by
Relia A. Christensen-granddaughter
7482 No. 6500 West
American Fork, Utah 84003
phone 756-2759
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I Langley Allgood Bailey. Born March 27th 1838
Whitwick Leicestershire England.
My fathers name John Bailey. His fathers
name William. his mothers name Mary Bailey
Her fathers name Henry (Bailey) his fathers name Henry
this last Henry came from Whitwick. all the others
born at Sheepshed.
Mothers name Jane Allgood. her fathers name
Langley. his fathers name Reed. his wife’s name before
marriage Jane Langley.
My mothers mother name Elizabeth Wakefield
My fathers family consisted of four sons.
Langley. Allgood John Thomas and David
My brother Thomas at the age of fourteen was
chilled to death, about Sept. 6th 1858 four miles
South of Sewer Bridge. Edwin Holden whom he
as engaged to work for. (Whose home is now
named afer him) These two started one Sunday
afternoon, from Nephi for Mr Holdens home with
a mule team. At Chicken Creek the mules gave out
a Snow Storm over took. (them) They two starled on foot.
Crossed wash board valley. reached Seiver bridge. Brother
gave up four miles South. became chilled and tiered
could go no futher. how long he lived we have no
account. Mr Holden pressed on. passed thro now
named Cipio valley. keepeted on untill a few
miles of his home. he gave out afterwards found dead
My father had two brothers William & James
also three Sisters. One Sister married a Mr Belcher
has one daughter. Emmgrated to Philradelpha about
the year 1852.
My mother had Six brothers. Reed John Langley
Thomas Henry and William.
By trade father was a fraim work knnder. or
stocking weaver. I learned the traide quite young
father had at one time as high as twenty men
working under him.
When I was eight years old my uncle Langley
made me a flying kite, with some older boys, we
went up the road to a field. the Boys took the Kite
in the field, got the Kite a flying. I staid in the road
the keeper of the field came and took the Kite. I told him
it was mine. Said he would give it to Mr Bonnet
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the owner of the field. I ran home and told mother
She Sent the hired girl with me to Mr Bonnets. his
daughter carried me to her father. I told him I
had come for my Kite. Said you cannot have it
I will have (u) placed in Jail for tresspass. A week went
by then a constuble came and served a summon
on father to appear before a magistrate at Ashby. A
gentleman by the name of Rose brought a carriage
took father and I to Ashby to stand tryall. when
Mr Bonnet found we had arrived he with drew
the complaint this we did not know, while in the
magistrales room, wating for my turn, a Poleceman
intered I left father ran to the officer, whom I knew
he placed me on his knee, and pattered me. A smile
was seen on all present in the room, my case was
then call. Clerk read the summons Langley Allgood
Bailey laborer aged 21 years. I was then produced
a loud laughter rang thro. the room, Cleark
anounced the case was called off. The officers of
the court gave me quite a lot of money, and
told me to buy a hobby horse. and Call it Bonnett
At the age of 15 We had Sunday School . There were five boys
belong to the class I belonged too, Some of these boys
got a little careless about School and meeting. I was
Voted in to be their leader, we was all about same age
At the age of 16 my father got work for himself also me and
my brother in a Factory Just been built . The men &
boys that worked there some of them bad, they done
things I was ashamed of. One night a man was
working by his window lamp light some these factory
boys knew they could play a Joke on him, got squart
gun. That would (hold) a half pint of blood. one got a gun
there was a hole in his window, opposite his face
One boy gave the signal. The boy with gun fired off
his pistol, the boy with blood sguart shot the blood
in his face, he fell over and cried murder murder
bleod run from every direction. Said he was dying
they washed off the Blood of his face. then found it all
a joke. The master of the factory got to hear of it , said
he would (give) all the Boys a straping, I with the rest was told
what we might expect. The gaffer came (in) the factory with
the strap in hand (came) direct to me, looked at me for a few
seconds. I keeped on working , he left did not strap me
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The other boys didnot get off so well, he was asked by some of the
men why he did not strap me. said I could not I looked so
When at the ago 16 the saints was holding an out door
meeting, a near by town, A man trieded to kick up a disturbence.
my faher was preaching, I came behind this man triped
him down. it caused a laugh. was told it served him right
I ran away. one day after this he caught me. Some men
Standing near by told him to leave me along, or they would
maul the life out of him.
My father & mother became very anxous that we gather
to Zion They didnot like the company we were in. The travling
Elders interceided in our behalf, soon after we received a letter
from the presidance at Liverpool a blank to fill out with
all our names and ages, this was done at once. Afterwards
received a letter to get ready to Set Sail, on May 16th 1856 Ship
Horizon. This word came forepart of May.
My father took me to Sheepshed where his father lived
(grandmother. being dead.) told grandfather. he would start for
America some time this month. Grand father Said he was
verys sorry to part with, said (him) you have caused him and his dear
mother not trouble. You have behaved like a dutifull son
Father told him he was going to gather with the Saints to Zion
Grandfather why go to America where there is savage
Indians & wild beast. told father that Christens would go
to heaven. and the Mormons would if they done right
This being Sunday father preached his farewell
sermon to the saints, afterward we returned home.
Father engaged an auctioneer to sell our furniture.
a saint, by the name of Machine, a member of the
church. the town cryer. was ingaged, went all over
the town with bell in hand ringing -" O, yes, O yes-
Bro. and Sister Bailey are leaving for Zion. Come one
come all and buy their goods.
I felt a little ashamed. I wanted father to
stop him. Mother said no; he is not ashamed to let
people know, that we with him are Latter day Saints.
The day arrived for father and family to bid
good-bye to grand-father and grand-mother and
her six brothers, many of the saints went to the
station to see us off.
We arrived at Liverpool. took lodgings for the
night. next day went and saw our vessel. "The
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Horizon" On Sunday May 28th. we left dock. we
had not gone very far when a disturbance arose
between the first mate and the sailors. The mate
drew his pistol, ordered the men to be put in irons
They were rowed in a boat to Liverpool.
Some of our men (saints) said they could fill their
Our captain. Mr Reed. he treated the 800
saints like a gentleman, althrough the voyage.
We had a very good trip, it was a new
sailing vessel. we reached Boston June 28, 1856, being
five weeks on the ocean. On July 2nd we took train
for Iowa City, reached there July 8th. From the train
to the camp was about four miles, all felt to
rejoice to have this little walk, 600 strong. we had
not gone far before a thunder storm came ovr us. all
had heir bed clothing Etc. to carry, we were all drenched
with rain, many did not reach camp untill dark
Bro. John and myself got seperated from
our parents in the dark, we were conducted to a
tent, stood up with many more all night in our wet
clothes, when it began to get light father and mother
were out hunting us, this was our first experiance
in traveling to Zion on foot.
We were delayed in camp for two weeks, most
of the carts had to be made. At this place John and
I learned to swim in the river. A tall man walked
in the river where I was treading the water. I saw him
go down, then come to the surface twice then went down
again. I called to those around me to form a line
as quick as possible. I saw his hand come in sight
I grasped his wrist swam to the nearest man we
were both hauled out, it took a long time before he came
to himself. Gave the reason for going in deep water.
thought I was walking on the botttom of the river.
We staid on this camp ground for two weeks
It was a sight to see 600 people pulling their carts
through the cities and vileages of Iowa. People came
out of their houses and jeered us. On we went, all
happy and cheerful, we encounted thunder storms
we were wet through many times. John and I took
off our shoes and stocking, this mode of travel proved
too much for me.
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I was taken down with hemerage of the bowles.
I was unable to walk, had to be hauled on Bro. Isaac J Wardel
and my brother's John's cart.
After reaching Florence, a Doctor was consulted, said I
must not go another step or I would die, and be burried on
the road side. A captain, named June, would not administer
to me, said he did not have faith enough to rais the dead.
Mother on hearing that Apostle F.D. Richards and C. H.
Wheelock had arrived in camp got them to administer [two lettersscrossed out]
to me. they promised me I would live to reach the vallies.
All this time I was uncounsis of what was going on.
The Doctor called again to see me, told father he would
take care of the family and fit us out next year to persue
our journey. Father thanked him kindly, he pled with
father to stop said it was to late to make the trip, said
when we reached the mountains we would be snowed
in. We found his words to be too true.
The emergrants were called to geather to know
their minds in regards to stop untill the next year or go
on. Voted to go on. On August 25th 1856 the company made
a start. I not being able to walk. Isaac J Wardel and Bro.
John, only 15 years old, hauled me on their carts. We
got along fairly well until we reached the mountains,
then bad weather set in, snow stroms came impeded
our traveling. no one can describe the suffering we end-
ured. Our rashings consisted of 4 oz. flour and nothing
else did we have to eat.
One morning believing I could walk a little
a head of the company. I got this privledge from my
parents; my plan was to get away lay down under
a sage brush and die. I saw my father and mother
and my cart pass by, I streched out to die, just
then a voice said "your mother is hunting you jump
up" I saw mother in haste comming towards me, wandted
to know what had gone rong with me, I told her I had
planned to lay down and die, I felt it was to much to
pull me on the cart, at some time had as much lugage They
could manage, scolded me a little. She reminded what I
was promised by apostle F.D. Richard. I wrode on a cart untill
the teams from the Valleys met us
One day mother was in the croud wating her turn
to receive our daly rachens. her sh(a)ul fell of her shoulders. no
one seemed to know who picked (it) up. Some weeks afterward I
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While the folks was stakeing the tent, one evening
I saw a sister pass by. I saw on her under her shaul mothers
shaull, mother, went (to) this ladys tent there lay her shaul Mother
asked her if she was not ashamed to steal and going to Zion
It was quite a sight to see the poor womin take
hold of hands in wadeing thro the cold rivers with their cloths
froze when they came to the other side.
We campled at place afterwas called Martins Hole
We could not (go) any further for snow
My father went to gather some brush willows Ele
There being no wood, to keep me warm. his hands became very
benumbred he laid down by my side told mother he was
going to die. (It was not any trouble to die) mother took (hold) of him
gave him ashaken up, and told (him) she (was) going on to the valleys
he then gave up dying.
While at pray meeting a bitter cold night Bro. Rodwell
Spoke in tongues. interpertaton was the rescures woud be
with us within three days, on the third day Jos. A. Young on a
while with another (man) wrode into cam. O what a shout went
up. Said make a Start in the morning. There is food a few miles
Back. during the (night stole men) few crackers also straps Saddles were all
taken and (eat) for hunger is a mild name. 19 die that, night
graves dug in the snow, many died at this stopping place
graves dug in the snow, all was too weak to dig in the frozen snow
wolves came during the night tore up the dead bodies
Next morning a start was made in the deep snow
Isaw a young lady age about 16 walking in the (s)now
she left the blood prints of her heels and toes on the snow I am
told her legs were amputated when she arrived in Salt Lake City
I refrain from writing about the suffering of those people
It never can or will be told.
On leaving this morning my bro. John saw the
wovles devoring the bodies, he had helped to burry the day before
he tried to drive them a way he had to run for his life.
That morning in starting I was placed in a wagon
on top of frozen tents. a very (few) oxen was left to haul or pull
the few wagons, made [word crossed out] about 4 miles. when the company
stop that evening. mother came around the wagons Calling
Langley. I could hear her calling, she could not hear me answer
when she found me lifted me(took) out of the wagon, my legs & arms
was stif like a frozed shirt, an ox was about to die. he was
killed mother got some of the meat boiled it, gave me some
of the brough, it run thro me like going thro a funal.
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We met the rescures near devels gate. Log houses were
pulled down. good fires was made of the logs. provision were
rather short on account of the teams being so long on the road
deep snows made travling very slow
We arrived in Salt Lake City Sunday noon. Comming
out of immergration Canyon. I was lifted up in the wagon could
see houses in the distance. It (was) like Isrealites of old in
beholding the promised land. date Nov 30, 1856.
We was taken to Sugarhouse ward. The house was emp(t)y
Prest Brigham dismissed the meet[two letters crossed out]ing early that
forenoon told the saints to go and take care of us.
We staied in the city about a week. Sydney [letterillegible]ee &
brother Thomas Wright came with ox teams to (take) us to Nephi
it took a week to reach Nephi
At Santiquin we staid all night with Patriarch
Isaac Morley. We eat corn meal mush for breakfast, by the
time they lifted me in the wagon I was hungrey.
Some teams from Nephi over took us, mother and I
was placed in Ned Kendalls wagon , he told us if we became
hungrey there (s) some loose corn on the cob. (flint white corn) we
could help our selves, we were unable to bite a kneral
About 4 pm. we came to a big durt wall, we entered Nephi
thro a large gate or door. We was taken to an empy one room
house, no funiture. Some sage brush had been placed by the
door, a fire was made, watched the smoke go up the chimney
I said to my parients is this Zion we have been praying &
singing about, the surrownding was very uninviting
We made our beds on the hard flour. We lived on charity during
the winter, sometimes we had food. Sometimes we were short
We had been travling for 8 months. Suffering for food
and latter part of the time very cold, was pleased to find a
resting place, tho very humble indeed. I looked around
and saw little adobe houses roofs made of willows
covered with durt. Opposite our window near by a corrall
it was Sunday morning. Some young men was roping
some wild steers, The languge used fairly shocked me
I said to my mother is this Zion. The following Sunday
I asked the priveledge to go out side the house and see
what kind of people attended meeting. As some boys
passed by me. They Knocked me down with snow balls
I crawled back to the house, mother helped me in. She
saw how I had been treated. She got the snow out of my
neck and back. I said to mother is this Zion where the pure (in Heart) lives
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One morning I asked the preveledge of visiting sister
Sarah Wright. whom I had not seen since leaving England
I got as far as Geo. Kendalls corner. (now WC Ockeys). There was
a ditch to cross, after looking and resting. I made the attempt
to cross it. I got down in the ditch, something lifted me
right out. not a very large ditch. I was so weak. At Wrights
door was three steps to assend. I stoped and looked how could
I get up to the door. Sister Wright came out and helped me up
and in. I sat and rested. She said are you getting better now
I told her I was not sick. My wish was to ask me to eat
some bread and butter. so she did cut me some bread &
butter, after eating I told her I must (go) mother said not to
stop. On my way back I wonded if mother would have
some dinner, (ready) I was always hungry
A Mrs. Cooley a neighbor to(ld) mother that I could (come) and
eat at her house while her husband went to S.L.C. with
a load of grain. be gone about two week I could attend
babies and churn, I was much delighted with this
Job. I play(e)d with the children. Next day came the
churn. I didn not have the strenght to life the dash up
and, so she helped me. but told me to mind the
children. I showed signs of feeling bad, I feared I had
lost my Job. Said doant feel bad you cannot help being
I was so thin many people came to see me. mother
took off my Shirt, there was nothing but skin & bones
One day in Spring 1859 a team came I was asked to
take a ride to mill while there I was weighed I tipled
the scales at 60 lbs I was 18 yers and 9 months old
Later on I got a Job hearding Sheep. I took them out
in the morning brought them in at night
I worked seven weeks for a pair of shoes. I was bare
foot. two sizes to large. These shoes had been worne
Early Summer 1857 Father Wm. Cazier invited me
to come a live with him, here I found a good home
Pat(e)arch Cazier had two wives. They treated me very kind
Mrs saw the bare knees. in my trousers. She took some
stocking legs and mended my trousers. Father Cazier
bought two buckskins of the Indians. Smoked the skins
then were made into trousers. They lasted me for years
I was caught in a rain Storm the legs of the pant
streched so long I cut them shorter. When they become
dry they become too short, and baged out at the k[illegible letters]ee
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I was baadly in need of a hat. I went to a Straw
Sta(c)k picked out a lot of streght straws. A Sister Love showed
how to brades even straws, by the fire light at night I braded
quite a number of yards. I tried to sew it into a hat but I
failed. Sister Love made it for me. I wish you could have
seen that hat after it was made. Winer weather came it
was to cold to ware this straw hat. we succeeded in killing
a wolf. cut of the hare of the hide, and Bro. Sidwell made
me a hat. it was thick and warm, when rained and got
wet I could hardly carry it.
On June 2nd 1857 I was ordained a Sevent in the
49 quorum. Elder George Kendall ordained me..
Bro Kendall was ordained by Prest Joseph Young. Bro Young
was ordained by the Prophet Joseph Smith. The Prophet
Joseph was ordained by Peter James and John
Father Cazier gave me 2 acres of volenteer wheat I got
I got 52 bushels. I let my father have the wheat. That helped
him purchase a yoke of oxen. he and mother John & David
moved to Moroni Sanpete Co. this was in the year 1859.
Father Cazier gave me an ox for one years work. This Ox
I gave to the emmigration fun. for me proposion of Emig.
In the year 1860 I worked for Dd Cazier. Father Cazier
said he was not able to pay me what I ought to have, with the
pay I received from Dd Cazier I bought a yoke of oxen of Brother
Ed Ockey. on March 27th 1861 I took my team helped my
Bro John at Moroni, put in his crop of grain. I returned
back and forth to Nephi. I helped in the harvest field earned
a little during the Summer.
During the year 1860 Sept Bro & Sister Andrews Two boys
and two girls (arrived) I became atteched to Sarah their daughter
we were married by Elder Thomas Wright on Nov 17th
1861. Bro Wright Emmigrated the Andrews family. I paid
Bro Wright for my wifes emmergration, The following
year Father Andrews and I farmed on shares for bro Wright
On Sunday morning some Indians entred Bro Wrights
house. They had a drum, made out of raw hide They made a
awfull noise Bro. Wright been sick all night the noise
made him mad he knocked them out of the house. They told
me they would fix him. Bro Wright was using in the
field my cattle. Indians thinking they belong to Bro Wright
shot a poisen arrow into the ones thigh he died, my team
was broken. I was uable to purchase another ox. Bishop
said to me, let the one ox left go and haul rock for S.L.C, Temple
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I owened a cow it died, our 6 month old child a boy
died. I felt down cast and discouraged. I dreamed I saw
a corrall full of horses and cattle. A man stood near by
pointing to the aniamals, said are all yours donot be so
impatient, it taught me a lesson.
I began to prosper. I bought 5 aceres of land, got me
a team and wagon. In the fall of 1862 I took wagons
two yoke of cattle and hauled a load of oats on the mail
line to Fish Springs, while there I sold one yoke cattle
for $100. in gold. Was told to take cattle home & keep them
until Spring. Oat money cattle money gave me a
good Start. bought more cows and work oxen land &
water right, took up some land, raised good crops
bought this city Lot we are now living on, and built
a house.
1863-4 I helped on the Nephi Tabernacle hauling
logs from the mountains to be sawed into lumber
I attended mason, helped shingle the Tabenacle Etc
I served Three years head water master. 1871 I
was selected assistent Supt. to W H Warner of the S.S.
to Jan. 1886. At this date was Set apart as Superentent
until (served untill) 1897 with a[illegible letters]& T. Vickers as assistence. The
schools was devided 1891 I served as S.S. Stake Supt. untill
1904. with my assistence H.F. McCune &, I Bail
I was counselled by Apostle Geo Teasdale & Prest Wm.
Paxman(to take another wife) this was a hevy blow, it made (me)sick. I could
not eat or sleep. I prayed and prayed, it was made
manifested to me in a dream who was the Lady for me
April 5th 1883 I married Sarah Emma Warner in
the old endowment. Prest Joseph F Smith and Sister
Eliza R Snow officating. about this time U.S. deputy Mar.
became very active, was thretened to be arrested.
Feb 2nd 1885 called by Prest. John Taylor to take a
mission to Great Briton. Morning Feb 3rd Will & Langley
took team drove me to Mona. Prest Joel Grover was on
the train also a deputy marchall, as the train stoped(at Mona) Bro.
Grover got off gave me a leg into the caboose. I was set
apart same day by Apostle F.D. Richards. Bro. Grover Dept
Marchall John Whilbeck got into high words (on the train) in his trying to
arrest good (men). blows were struct. Conductor & brakeman got
between them. Save further troubles or Mr Marchall would
have received a w(h)ipping. I got my ticket same day. I was
taken to Bp Harrison Sperry Staid all night. In the morning
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In rig to Murray Station. the company I was (to) go with had gone
the day before. on the Denver line this was Feb.4, 1855. I reached
New York Feb 9th. I put up at Stephens Hotel. all along no one did
I know
Feb 10 Took a trip over Brooklin Bridge. Thence to Green Wood
cemetery. took Steemer back to N.Y.
Feb 11th very cold day. I met on the street Apostle John H.
Smith Just returned from Presiding over the Britsh mission
told me the steemer I was to set sail on, that (he) had returned
on was disabled. I would have to go on another boat.
I met Bro. C.W. Penrose on the street. Said he would send
Robt Sloan he would engage a passage on the ship City Chester
for me I made the acquantce of the following name
brethern. Bros. Ed. Thomas Anson Call Bro. Hedberg, and a
Mr. Gold.
Feb 12 We all boarded the vesel. We all met and sang
songs of Zion. I was asked to dedicate the Ship and there on
to God. I did so. we encounted some terable storms
Our rudder broke off very slow traveling. The waves burst
thru the skylight onto me while in bed wet my clothes
I was th(r)ee days I did not eat or drink. I lay in bed my cloths
was all wet. I was carried to another department in clean
dry blanket by the sailers. The main mast was broken topled into
the sea. life boats broke of into the Sea. The wheelhouse buit
of iron was bent in This awfull night I got out of bed
and by the power of the Priesthood I rebucked the storm
it was obeyed. I thanked God for hearing my cryes
Feb 25th we sighed land on Feb 26 a Pilot came on board
toed us into Queens Town Fri 27 took steamer to Queenstown
traveled all day sight seeing, returned to our steamer after dark
We all on board got onto a steamer in order to meet the City of
Berlin. had to return back to the harber. Then we boarded the
City Berlin. Reached Liverpool Harbor 1-30 am. Sunday
March 1st a boat came with Prest D. H. Wells and other Elders
landed and marched to the Saints head quarter Islinton
we all went to meeting that morning. The first food I
pertook of in England was the Sacrament. On the City Berlin
I met Bro Walsh I with him was assined to labor in the
Hucknall district in the Nottingham Conference
On Monday I went with Prest Wills to the baths took a bath
I returned to the office was a(s)ked to write an account of
our voige for the Starr. That evening with bro. Walsh took
train to Berry. On the Journey next morning at Manchester
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I orded a suit of cloths and pd. for them. reached Notts at
3 pm [word crossed out] March 3rd reached [word crossed out]49 Sabina St. Conferenc House
fou(nd) an Elder Lorance Young, Bro. & Sis Burrows keept Conference
house. Bro Burrows (mother) lived as servant at our house in Whitwick
when I was a baby . March 4 sleeped good went with bro Walsh to
station. returned sang songs untill 11 pm. 5 very foggy
had a walk with bro. Young. he was going to Derby 6 I rote
home a letter. Sun. 8 attended meeting afternoon and night
I spoke at both meetings
Monday 9th Bro Tho Wright Prest M.L Pratt and bro Eardley
came . they were travling Elders. 10 recd letters from home
with the Elders visited Nots Castle & Musem
{word crossed out} Mar 11 All started for Hucknall held meeting, All the brothren
spoke. March 12 & 13
I left Hucknall went Annesley found Uncle Thomas
Allgood also Aunt and cousens Edwin & Thomas
reached there 5pm. was very pleased to see me. After tea
Uncle sang , cou, Tom plaid organ. went to bed late
Sleeped good After breakfast Uncle took me thro Coal pit
buildings. Thence thro Squire Musters Park . Uncle said I
could stay with them as long as I wish to.
March 14 Wrote to Bro Wright at Mansfield, took a walk with Uncle
I saw a girl on the way with a small child. I kissed the
baby. I thot of home a tear came appeared
" 15 Visited some of the caves of Robin Hood, John Sarman at Uncles
he asked many questons about L.D.S. beleif he was a Baptis
minister. I attended his meeting at night his text was the sower.
16 Cousen Edward said before I came they had talked a great
deal about me, that night I entained them telling about
the Indians. I went to the doctors for Uncle some medcin
on my way back. I came along by a hill that Cardnall Wolsey
passed over, a man sudinglly apeared before me, Said you are
a good man I am not, you are rich I am not, then disapeard
my toungue was tied I could not speak, I always thot it was Wolsley
17 I was weighed 152 lbs. Uncle gave me a lesson, drawing
flowers. Took a walk with Uncle thro the fields
18 At 9 a.m. went Hechnal, met Bros Wright & Eardleys
at night attened meeting spoke 10 m. Sleped with Bro Wright
at sister Goddards, Received a letter from home
19 wrote a poem. "The absent Father". Reed a letter from B. Riches
I viseted Robin Hood Semitery. Saw some very (fine) mouments, one a
women about (to) fly with a vail on
[Page 17 of 78]
March 20 Wrote home had my picture taken. I found Photos office, pictures
of Geo. Q. Cannon. Brigham Young Geo Teasdale I got them. bought a
pair shoes pd S/12 - d/5 made a poem "Do they pray for me at home"
Red a letter from son W. B. I wrote him a letter. Starting for [illegible word]
I called at longhbrough. I asked a Bobby to tell me where my Uncle
William lived. he asked where was (I) from told him America
he took (me) to Polece Station there left me. after being there for more
than an hour. An Eldery Polece man entred, asked who I was
and what do you want. told (him) I asked Poleceman if he could
tell (me)where my Uncle & Aunt lived went away left me here
I told (him) I was born at Whitwick. And I knew a Poleceman
by the name of Bale. Said I know this same man told me
there was nothing wrong with me. to be contented and
he would look after me. I heard him give some orders to
this same Polece That bro(ght) me here. After a while cousen
John Morgan came. Said to me are you Langley. I said
are you John Morgan. I thanked the Eldery Poleceman
Thence with cousen Morgain to Their house. found Uncle
and Aunt. also cousen Emma Morgan. Emma is the
daughter of Wm & Harrit Bailey. my fathers brother, all was
very pleased to see me. Sleeped good. After breakfast had walk
to resivor out side of city. Morgan son-in law. After dinner I
Started for Whitwick Cou. Morgan went several miles with me
eight miles to Whitwick as I walked over the old road my mind
went back to my childhood.(days) when I walked that same road
with my father, he showed me a pon near Black Brook where
he was walking with a man convinced him that the gospel
he taught was true, he demanded baptisem. they both striped
off Father Baptised,(him) and confurmed him a member of the
Church of Latter-day Saints. I knew the place when I come to it
I journed a long over Black brook thro Greens Close up Sharpley
Thence thro the old Dents foreest. I entered Lester Road. I came
down the street to where we usued to live. Then to the Spring
where we got our drinking water. Then I went and (under) the bridge
some young girls were watching me. I entered the market place
I came to a sign Henry Allgood I entred a young Lady on
seeing me said are you cousen Langley from America. Said
her bro & wife had gone to Aunt Boam to tell, her (Uncle Wm Allgood
widow) that Mr Samuel Monks brought a Starr, stating I had
landed in England. I did not sit down tho very tired. I
went up Silver St. met them at the parsons Vickage. I did not
know them nor them me. We knew each other, by (way) we all
acted how pleased they was to see me, Henry & Wife Fred Wife Wm Allgood daugher
[Page 18 0f 78]
March 22 (1885) Sleeped at Cousen Henrys. After breakfast visited (aunt Boam
Uncle Wm Widow). much pleased to see me. after dinner with
her, met Wm Moore he took me to temple on the hill, inside
saw forms of the Savior and virgin Mary
23 Took a strole thro the Church yard. Saw the old spring, a little
further on came to the house where I was born. I entered &
found Joe Brooks and Wm Hucknall. Brooks bought the
place in remembrance of father and mother His old friends
Wm Hucknall at a out door meeting made a disturince
while my father was preaching. I came behind him triped
him down on his back, caused a laugh, he failed to catch me
on several times afterwards threathened to thrash me but
friends came to my rescue. after thirty years I had growed
to a man was quite frendly. I then visited the house we left
on leaving Whitwick for Amrica. I was handed a spade to dig
Saw Andrew Kimball he gave me a book of Skakespere plays
I met Samuel Monks, old friend, with cousen Henry & Fred
went thro Carter wood. Thence to Monestrey entered, saw many
Monks, on the road saw Wm Huet old friend of fathers
I visited Bro & Sis Johnson. Thence thro town to town end
25 With Bro. Dumelon went to Coalville vised Whitwick Colreary
then the Baptis School I attneded, when young. went down
Church lane. then to Lester road. found Elder Walch at Dumlons
I met Some Monks said I must baptize him. been out of church
a long time, we held meeting had spirited good time
I baptized him in black brook. With a brother Dumelon
visted coalville and Colerery went in side of a school I tended
quite young. School Master treated me kindly
March 26 took train for Annesley. Met Priest Pratt visited Pho. Mr Smith
Saw pictures of Brigham, Geo Q. Cannon. This was at Notts. took train for
Anesley at 5 pm Uncle & aunt pleased to see me return
March 27 my birthday had walk with cousen Edwin wrote Sarah Emma
at night Uncle sang, cousen Tom, plaid on organ Mar. 29 walked
to Hucknall called on Sister Lester went to meeting together
One day as I was taraveling between Ansley and Hucknall
I saw a boy about 14 years old on his way to hucknal his home, is
face was black with coal dust. I entired into conversation with him
I asked how far did he go under ground. answer 2miles, I spoke to
him about going to Church on the Sabbath day. he attended ChurchSome times
I spoke to him respecting baptism, Said his father had gone to heaven
he was not baptised. Said Sup of water would not keep any one
out of heaven, I quoted a scripures to him I told him I was
a Mormon Elder Some times I preached Hucknall will you come and hear me
[Page 19 of 78]
This young mans name was Davis {kb= word white out) he found out one Sunday
that I was in Hucknall he attend the meeting. told the door
keeper (to tell) me he had keept his promised. he returned home he
had attended L.D.S. heard an Elder preach said he talked
like a man of God. This boy mother two Sisters attended meeting
Joined the Chruch. Came to S.L.C. married settled down, was
Called on a mission the England and labored in the same
Conference I did i.e. Hucknall district in Notts.
I heard that a man named John Ball who lived at
Newstead. I obtained No. of house, went there rapped the door
a lady came to the door I asked if Mr. Ball lived here, said
yes. is he home answered yes. Could I see him. bide me
to follow her, as I entered another room I beheld an
eldery Gentleman. I said is (your) name Ball answered yes
I told him I was staying near by for a little while. That I
had learned that he knew something about a people
Called Mormons. he raised to his feet and Said you
are a Mormon Elder in disgise. I aked why he thus
accused me. I felt you influence as you entered my
house, as I was about to leave Said he wished to go with
me a little way. he then related his story, when my dead
wife was a live we were good member of the Church also
my three sons, she died, I married again, she gave me
much trouble whenever I attend meeting accused me
of going with other wimen. I took to drinking, neglected
my meetings. I was cut off (the church),he then bore a faithfull Testamony
I got his Three boys back in the Church. I baptised this good
man before leaving for home. his wife wanted me to
baptise her. I told her to repent of her sins then come to me
I was orded to visit Belper a branch of the Church. on my way
I called at Cadney Park, was told that (a) Saint lived there, by the
name of Heolson. I rapped at the door, a voice Said come in
I saw you this morning before I got up, you are a Mormon
Elder, he got me something to eat and drink. Then asked where
are you going told (him) Said I will go away out of town then
put you on the right road. On Sunday while preaching at
The meeting This Bor. Heolson entred. I stoped speaking Said
Bro Holson as many miles to go before reaching (home) Said go on brother
I know you are a man sent of God. Next time I come this
same way I called on him, he asked me to write a letter for him
to frends in Utah I did so, asking to be helped to gather out
the means came. he left for Utah before I did return
I have had people tell me they knew of my comming before I came
{Page 20 of 78]
Aug 1st In co with Elders M.L. Pratt James Eardley. & Humheris we
too(k) cars for London. Met Prest D. H. Wells and C.H. Penrose. I didnot
travel around but little that day Sat. I was assined to Stay with
Sis Goodchild, wrote many miles on St. cars before reaching her
house she mad me welcome. She was a widow and poor
2 Sunday morning we two took underground R.R. wrode under
the Temms river. found the Goswell Hall, where meetings were
held Prest Wells Penrose Pratt Auther had an interesting meeting
Meeting again at 6:30 pm Bro Pratt acompanied me back with
3 Next morning we took cars Sutheren St. No19 A meeting was held
Priesthood meeting 20 Elders was present we had a 4 hours meeting
I was called to speak. after meeting Saw Parlement House also House
of Lords. Westminester Bridge. also Westminesteer Abby, also St Pauls
catheral went on top left my ansuals cut with knife in sandstone
4 With the above named bre. Visited Zoological gardens. We visited Madam
Tusddes was (wax) work show was grand. all the Elders tickets were
5 by London Saints to take train to Hepping Forest. had all kind of
sports. I didnot take part. the reason (my knee became out of joint
gruddly got stronger each day) I sleeped with J W. Paxman that night
6 Took cars to Crystal Palace Bros Eardley and Humphies & Pratt
7 With Bro Eardly saw Buckhing Place, Saw Queens horse soldres.
8 Sleeped with Albert Jones. after breakfast mailed to wife Crytal
place book mark, Boarded train for Notts. Staid with cousen Lewis
Baily over night
9 With Bro. Eardley went Hucknall. I paid Bro Pealt S/1 -D/6 for a
group of all the Elder in the British mission. it hang in the house
today. Went to Uncles and Anseleys. I related my trip to London &
13 what I saw. I returned to Hucknall met Bro Humphes to a walk
to Sis Baileys. Sleeped and eat breakfast at Sis. Lesters, held meeting
at night Bro. Humpheres bid the Saints farewell been released to
return. I told the Saints That Bro. H. was short of means quite
(a number) gave him money. made him fell well. bought (him) a trunk with money
14 Returned to Ansley. Uncle took to Woodhouse, by the church where
Lord Bryan lay in the tomb. I vised John Ball at Newstead
16 I walked to Underwood found Bro. Eardley, Staid at Bro & Sis(Pur-day)Purdy
afternoon we went to New Brunsley held meeings I spoke felt good
I was impressed to visit bro Bradfords, wife was very bitter her husband
being a member of our Church. I not knowing, I felt her Spirit. I taught
her the gospel. She became reconciled. Bro Bradford and I went to
a meeting. Bro B. told me as we walked that his wife said she
would poisen him if he attended the meeting. her said I had cast
The Devil out of her. I called on her next morning, said she had been
[Page 21 of 78]
praying Was willing that now to join the church. Should I not have
the privilege, anothe Elder would baptize her
Aug. 17 at Underwood attended Relief Society Meeting with Elder Eardley - had
a very good meeting. We adminestred to those that were sick. all
acknowledged they felt much better
I returned to Annesley Bro Eardley to Henchnell
18 Received a letter from Mother. Then went Newstead at pm.
had a talk with Mr. J. Ball on the restored gospel. told him
what to do. I felt a little cast down on account of Aunts remarks
she made. She hated the name of Mormonism and Brigham Young
19 Wrote letters home. after dinner went Hucknall met Bro Eardley
went to meeting spoke 30 minutes. Bro. Eardley spoke 30 minutes
20 Went to Notts 21 Aug. bought locket sent one to mother one the S.E.
I sent si(l)ck handerchiefs Etc. Then we walked to Arnol. Sleeped
at Bro Wrights I had an aufull night could not breath. Sis Wright
placed a musterd plaster on my breast. Elder Eardley saw I
had lost my breath he opened my mouth and breathed into it
I was unconcisous the while, morning came I felt better
I returned to Hucknall. Thence to Annesley. I had along talk
with cousen Edwin on Mormonism. I bore by testamoney to
him in planness. Went to a grove of trees a Wood. a place I fixed
to come and pray.
26 I rested very badly coughed during the night Uncle told me to
return home before the foggy weather set in, not later than
29 Aug I read part of a letter I had wrote to my mother (his Sis.) Uncle
did, not like some thing I wrote, in telling of the evels I saw
in thes coun[crossed out letter]try he told me I insulted him. I told him that
had no thought of him. he got into a passion. Then said what
he had done for me I told him to say what I owed (him) I would
pay him - I felt bad took a walk, on returning, Said my
explaming was satisfactory. Said he had prospered while I
was with them. We took a walk in the fields to gather musrooms
he braged about beating all my uncles in picking them up
I said to myself I hope (he) does not pick one up, he did not I gathered
quite a lot. returned to house, told Aunt I picked them all
I made up my mind that I would quit them and travel
amongst the Saints. Sunday after dinner I bid them goodbye
Could (not) tell when I would return, went to Huchalls. I prayed
That I might find a Saint I could stay awhile with, at night
breathing was bad could travel but little, at meeting several
saints wanted me to come a stay with them. My prayers
was answered. I wrote many letter. One to the Star Profiecs fullfeled
[Page 22 of 78]
Sept 3 took train to Notts met Prest M.L. Pratt to [illegible word] Smith. thence to green
Wood Semitary. vised the grave of Elder Cherry who had died as a missionary
4 Called on Cousen Lewis Bailey. was very pleased to see me
5 Took train for Sheepshed found Uncle James Bailey and family
he was sick in bed I gave aunt a shilling. Uncle James son John
came with me part of the way to Whitwick. I taught him the eveled
gospel. Said he like to get my ideas by so doing could beat his minester
I gave him a took Orson Pratts works
7 Went to Whitwick Visited around Yesterday Sun. held meeting
at Bro Domelows Prest Corbet and Joseph came over from
10 Received a letter from cousen John Bailey of Sheepshed saying his
father was dead and for me to come over. I walked there that
noon 4 miles [word crossed out] I attend funeral 4 p.m. I walked in the
prossion between two ladies I was honored by all the relitives
afterward veseted Bro Corbet. I gave aunt James Bailey a shilling
I returned that evening. Cousen John went part of the way
with me. I met Elder Walsh at Whitwick
11 Samuel Monks came and wanted be baptized. Elder Walch all
three walked to Blackbrook at 2 ½ miles Bro Monks said he
could (not) walk so far, he tried to get a rig but failed. I promised him
if he would make a start, we would help him a long. I promised
he would return without our help. after reaching there I striped
off I baptized him, the water was very cold. I gathered some blackberre
and eat them on returning we could hardly keep up with bro.
Monks. he felt so good. I called on Bro Walsh to confirm him a
memember of the C of J.C L.D.S. by the way side, he was born
1812 Dec 25 at Whitwick. That afternoon walked to Coalville in com
with Elder Walsh. took train [two words crossed out] from Coalville to Ashby. we rode
for some mile. Then walked to Church greesley we held meeting at Bro
Horkleys then took train to Burton on Trent sleeped at bro Haslems som
and met Sister Sleigh. now named William She was Mosers of Sleigh
factory at Whitwick
12 Visited Sis Williams talked over old times at Whitwick. She treated
me very kindly. Said I could Stay as long as I wished with them
I then visited bro Haslams for Prest M.L. Pratt (was) there. Bro Walsh Pratt
and self sleeped in one bed I did not rest very good
13 after breakfast walked to the Trent river. Thence to St Pauls Chruch and
attended servises. we then held meetings [crossed out word] out of doors on the street
In the evening we held meeting with the Saints I spoke
45 minutes. Bro Fisher took me to Bro Haslems to sleep
15 Bro Salisbury , Dd Salisbury Bro. took me althro Basses brewery
From the top of Building to the bottom, I was offered drink afraid to take but little
[Page 23 of 78]
Sept 16 I took train to Derby with Elder Walshe staid all night. was
sick all night. Took train to Notts. along with bro. Walsh was a
man (&) daughter and (her) The daughters. I asked this man where was
he going, to be baptised in the L.D.S.Church. said he wonce was
a member years ago but drifted away. I then ask where did
you live then said Wattentury. I asked who used to come to preach
to you said John Bailey and Langley Allgood. I told him that
was my name name he Said no Langley Allgood a big man
before we reached 49 Sabiner Street, (I told this man. I donot
remember his name his daughters name Buckery). I was a
mormon Elder. And that man named John Bailey was
my father and that Langley Allgood was my Uncle. I was
named after him. he was suprised he had been walking with
me for miles. and not dawn on him that I was an Elder
and that I was the son of the men that (taught), him Mormonis
many years ago. On reaching Conference house found sis Liza Bailey
and Sis Simpson, All went to the baths after dinner I Baptised Sis Bailey
and Sis Simpson. Bro Walsh baptised his converts the father daughter
and two girls. I confirmed one of the girls.
17 With bro Eardley walked to Hucknall. Vised around amongst the
Saints, then walked to New Binsley. I was very tired.Took tea at Bro
and sis Purdy we held meeting Bro Eardley took up all the time
I was all in
18 We sleeped at Sis Whatsons. Bro Eardley and Self Called at Underwood
saw bro. Raffort. I went to Annsely, Bro Eardley to Hucknall
Uncle and Aunt pleased to see (me). took a walk to Newstead viseted
with Bro Ball
19 Rested good during the night. I had a talk with cousen Edwin
night before. I told Aunt I was going to pack up my clothes &
was going to Hucknall. I shooks (hands) with her. Uncle and I took
train Uncle went to Notts I shooks (hands) with him on my leaving
the car. Sister Eliza Bailey said she would wash my clothes and
gave me a drawer to place my cloths in. There was a picture from
20 wife and and Mothers picture. With Bro Eardley went to Arnold found
found Bros Pratt Naylor Walsh, held an out door meeting. We
in the evening held our meeting Elder Waldrum spoke. I spoke
for a short time. eat supper at Bro. & Sis Wrights, with Bro Eardley
went and sleeped at bro & Sis Schofields. I had the very worst night
I ever had in my life. About one oclock I could not get my
breath. All the folks was up with me. I lost my breath Bro Eardley
opened my mouth and breathed into my mought it was said
I caught my breath again. I lost all knowledge what was
going on. I became easer. sleeped some. I got up eat a little breakfast
[Page 24 0f 78]
[Illegible word]
Sept 21 I was told go to bed sleeped some after dinner Bro Eardley & I
took hack to Notts. I vomited some corrupson up was easer. Bro
Eardley adminstied to me. This was before leving for Notts
22 Prisiding Elder M.L. Pratt to [letter crossed out](wrote) Prest. Well at Liverpool telling
of my condission. With bros Pratt & Eardley went to Pho. Mr Smith
to have my picture enlarged to take home. bought a trunk for 10/6
bros Pratt & Eardley carried it for me to 49 Sabina St.
23 I coughed very much during the night. I wrote a letter to my wife
With bro. Eardley started for Heucknall tried to get a hack but failed
I gave out several times on the road had to stop, then try again
We met Sis Bailey going to meeting. bro Eardley went with her
she soon returned and got me some gruel. Bro. Eardley returned
I told him to administer to Betsey Bailey and she would be
healed so she was instanstley
24 I was very bad all night sleepted at Sis. Lesters. They placed a pultice
on my brest, had the nose bleed. I felt some better eat a little
dinner at Sis Baileys. Bro Pratt came with a letter from Prest Wells
said I cold set sail for home on Sept 26th at 3 o clock, or wate untill
Oct 24 when a co, of Elders and Saints would set sail. I told bro Pratt
to tell prest Wells I would go with the Elders I would be looked
25 after. I paid Bro Pratts fair back to Notts on the train. I went
to Sis Lesters found quite a number of saints there awating my
return from Sis. Bailey. all was very much pleased to See me alive
after so near a call. Bro Eardley when going to bed placed another
pultice on me. Bro Eardley was very attentive to me made some
camelmile (flowers) tea and gave it to me. I wrote a letter for Bro Bailey
26 to a Mr Wagstaff of Alma Why America. Bro Lester gave me a
bottle glycerene. I sleeped with Bros Pratt and Eardley that night
27 Rested very poorly, after breakfast Bro Pratt left for Mansfield and Bro
Eardley New Bainsley. I attended meeting this being Sunday I
Spoke 20 m. many strangers were present. I bore a strong testamony
That an angel had come to the earth with the restored gospel. I flet
very weak after speaking in meeting.
29 I sleeped at Sis Lesters. I got up in he morning resting some better
Sis Gilbert & Sis Simpson came to Sis Baileys to see me. I wrote a letter
to Hutchson, wrote a poes went to bed at Lesters
30 Rested better saw Sis Burrows gave me a smelling bottle to smell
it done me good. at night went to meeting found Bro Eardley
he spoke took up all the time I told him to. before going I interestred
the Saints telling stories till quite late
Oct 1st Rested very well during the night. I was asked to adminster
to Sister Bailey, said she felt much better after being administered
too. with Bro Eardley saw the prade of the Salvation Armey
[Page 25 of 78]
Oct 1 The army made a great showing, painted on their carriages
Victory Blood Etc.
" 2 I read in the Saints Starr of my releise to return home
Bro Eardley was not feeling very well, he asked me to
admister to him I gave him a tablespoon full of conereated oil
he afterwards left for New Brinsley
" 3 Received a letter from my wife S.E also one from Bro. Wright
(who had reached.)(home) to have his picture enlarged. I wrote a letter
home. also composed a poem and sent with letter. I received
a letter from Liverpool in answer to inqures respecting a
number of none Saints for the price of fare to S.L.C. as they
wanted to go with the saints Etc. it being 12(ñ) 2. (s) 8. (d) each
Sun 4 Attend meeting I spoke 40 m. quite a number of strangers
was present. I felt well after meeting was dismissed I
shook hands with these people asked them to come again
said they was well pleased with the remarks
6 Received letter from. also money 4.(£) 1.(d) then walked to Ansley
Aunt Seemed pleased to see me. I walked to Newslead saw
Bro John Ball. I returned back found Uncle home
I gave them mothers picture. also my wifes and daughter
Sarah Ann. I told them I was going to set sail for home
Aunt Said she would go with me Baseford to purches
dress goods and curtains. I returned to Hucknall, next
day I took train for Baseford Aunt came on same train
I bought some very nice dress goods Etc
Notts 7 I started for Notts I walked, saw horse races on the way
8 I found John Ball we went to the baths I baptized him
Bro M.L. Pratt confurmed him. I wrote a long letter to my
father-in-law Wm Andrews.
" 9 Received a long good letter from Aaron Hardy of Moroni
10 My brething was bad all night. I went took dinner at cousen
Lewis Bailey. I then bid him and wife goodbye took train
for Haven then walked to Sheepshead, on the way my kees gave
way I was unable to walk. I held my knees in my hand
I asked the Lord to healt my knees. I took and found I could
walk. I saw aunt Janies Bailey. She gave me a pair stockins
to take home I bid her goodbye. Couse John B walked with to
Sharple on the way to Whitwick, in parting I gave him a book
Whitwick. Orson Pratts work. I fouond Cousen Henry took supper went to
bed very tired at Cousen Freds
Sun 11 Attend meeting. Mrs Fluit attend too. heard me preach next day
she asked would any go to heave besides the Mormions. I said if
you life a good life you will have a good heaven she was mothers old acquantence
[Page 26 0f 78]
Oct 12 Fred Allgood wanted me to let him have mothers picture
Took tea at the Fluets she gave me tea too strong. I never sleeped
a minuet all night. She said her and my mother had
drank many cups of tea to gether. I vised Aunt Boams
Uncle Wm Allgoods widow. She married Mr Boam after his death
Visted Samuel Monks gave him (s)2-(d)6 for a vest. Viseted and old
friend Wm Moore. I found Elder Naylor at Bro Dumplows
I called on Kate Summers her name before leaving for Zion
" 13 I walked with Elder Naylor who was on his way to Whatentury
I returned after reaching Sharpley
" Went to Dornelows he held the Old Branch book.I copied my
baptism also Fathers mothers Father-in laws Andrews and wife
and others. I gave Bro.Monks 5 shilling for a vest he was a
Taylor. Cousen Henry painted on canvas my name address
to put on my trunk. I received some presents. Mrs Spencer gave
me a book and other present to give to Cousen Wm. Moor
of Coalville Utah. At 2-30 p.m. took train to Loughbrough.
My relations was sorry to say goodby. A Loughbrough cousen
Emma Morgan gave me 2 pair socks. I bid all my relations
goodbye. Uncle Wm Bailey and aunt cousen Emma and
John Morgan. Took train to Notts. That evening. I found that
15 my coat and vest had arrived from being dyed.
Took train to Notts. I bought wife lockets and other things. I vised
around some. Took train to Hucknall. 16 I mended my pants
viseted among the saints. Viseted Bro & Sis Fouls paintd their
address on Trunks and boxes they going on same visel with me
17 I walked to Ansley Bro. Foles gave me 2 d [word illegible] so I could ride
back in the evening. I found Uncle & aunt cousene Ed & Tom
I gave them some pictures of my wife and folks. After tea took
train for Hucknall. I bid them goodbye Uncle took lantern to
Depot. I bid him goodby, reached Hucknall. Sleeped at Lesters
18 Sunday I attend meeting in the evening Spoke 35 m. I rec
many presents. Took supper at Sis Baeleys sleeped at Lesters
Hue 19 Bros Pratt Eardley an Bro Wright from Arnold many came to
say goodbye Bro Lester gave me a bottle of glisline and a shilling &
wissed me he had[word illegible]during my sojorn with them
22 Took train to Notts. I must say many of the Saints of Hucknall
Came with tears to say goodby
Notts I went to Photo Smiths I had my picture enlarged in oil painting
pd 18 shilling. I also got bro. T. Wrighs picture to take home
I bought some watch chins to take home -and other things
23 I had a very bad night. I eat but little breakfast. I bid Sis Burrow
goodbye she keeped 49 Sabine(st) Conferemce (House) Always been good to me
[Page 27 of 78]
Notts Morning
Oct 23 Bros Pratt & Eardley accompanyed me to Station, helped me with trunk and velease
Elder Pratt went with me to Liverpool. I felt sorry to part with bro Eardley
Liverpool as we got of (at) Station a stranger handed me a shilling. I was told to go to
the Liverpool office for that day and night. Then go on vesel next day
Recd a note from Bro. J. W. Paxman for me to take his mother a hymn book
Recd letters from Sis Bailey and bro & Sis Lester, at Hucknall. I wrote them back
I bought )£)2.0 & 8/10 worth of church books. Elder Gadd to(ok) me to(ok) sleep at a very nice
place. I rested and sleeped good. Sis John Morgan had the room I was to have
She orded a closed up cab to take me and her to vessel. the shilling the stranger
handed me pd. for my bed. I had spend nearly all the money I had
Prest AH Lund gave me my berth with Bro. Dent. he proved very good to me
24 Vessel Started out at 7 pm. rested very good eat a little breakfast, reached
25 Queentown Harbor 3 pm. took on board the mail, and more passengers
and started again
26 Rested but little during the night eat but little breakfast. many was sea sick
Travled 163 miles. Oct 27 I was sea sick could not eat travled 223 miles
28 travled 282 miles. was sick all day. a Sailor fell from about 30 ft broke his
leg. in two places Oct 29 fet a little better travled 280
Our captains name Douglass we had on board 25 Elders returning
30 travled 307. Oct 31 made 320 miles. felt better, Nov 1 Travled 287 miles
Sunday Purser read the prayers. Doctor read a chapter from the Testament
We attended our prayers in our berths. I was called to offer prayer
Nov 2 made 332. we held a meeting. I called to offer prayer. 3rd made 326 miles
a pilot came on board 4th we saw land. I wrote to Sis Bailey of Hucknall
Nov 5 landed. I had charge of Sis. Baileys mother Gran Ma Goddard. I got
her boxes thro the custom House with out charge. I was put in
Charge with Bro McPherson two cars of Saints, One day as I was
passing thro the cars. I was told by the parients of a 12 year old
girl That she acted very queer. I got Some 4 Elders to come &
administer to her, She at once became natural. a boy on the
oppsite seat commence to act queer, we administred to him
he became all right a large women a sister started to scream
and acted like a demon. The Elders held her arms I poired the
oil on her head we admmsetered to her She became clain
and she wonddered what power had taken hold of her. Saten
was rebuked and cast out of the car.
I received a letter from my wife. Sis Goddard got onto another
train She had my provisons with her. before leaving N.Y.
a man brought to me a bad of Inglish soverens to me to
exchange for American money. I made the exchange
when I returned he had gone and left me. At last letter crossed out] after
a while I found him. I said to him you should not have trusted
a stranger with so much. (money) reply was I have leared that you was the son
[Page 28 of 78]
New York
Oct 5/85 This man Said that many years ago that my father and
Langley Allgood preached the gospel to him. Afterwards he fell
away. Now I have renewed my covenenants. Said I know that
you are an honest man. he handed me half crown for my
trouble. That helped me to purches my food. it proved to be the
Same man that gave me the shilling at Liverpool Station
that paid for my bed. Providance was over me sure
On reaching Evenson Sis Baileys daughter Fanny came to meet
her grandmother Sis Goddard. She gave me some 4 or 5 nice pork
pies They very nice. Sis Goddard Thanked me for the care and
attenson I had given her. While travling thro the States we had
good times with the saints in the cars. Saints and Elders sang
Zions Songs. we enjoyed ourselves very much together.
10 When we reached Ogden Tom Blackburn of Brigham City came
and wanted me to accompany him to his home. while talking
a deptuty Marchall entered the car Bro Blackburn said to me drop
your head down. he was after me. he did not know me. the cause
This my release to return home on account of being sick was
published in all the news papers excepting Deseret News
I parted with my friend bro. Morgan reached S.L. C. Nov 10th qute late
I went to Bro & Sis Cordidges was pleased to return again
he was delighted to hear talk of old Whitwick his and my birthplace
I visited Deseret News Office. Thence to see Sis Eardley whom I did
not know but she knew me by pictures sent her. I then went
to Sis Teasdales. Sleeped there. I found in the City Prest Lund he
fixed my ticket to return home on R.R. I also bro J. S. Hawkins
I talked about my mission he told about the deptudy Marsals doings
I learned the whereabouts Prest Woodruff was in hiding at the
Historeans office I gave a note to one of the men to give Prest W.
I got to see him was much pleased to see me return, sorry about
my helth. I viseted Geo Allgood Staid all night with him
Fri Nov 13 I board train for home. I got off at Mona. boys came with team
I got off Just before reaching home. I walked in the Deputues were on
the watch for me. reached home at 5 pm. It was Son Will who
Came to Mona for me. I wore a pair of specks an old hat a comforter
around my head. It was hard to tell who I was. People on hearing
I had arrived came to see (me) bro C Sperry came. my daughter Kate did not
know me Said I was not her pa. I rested good for the first time for
long time past. My wife and folks was gratified to see me after my suffering
Sat 14 I viseted Warners folks. Sarah Emma was pleased to see me
Bro Sperry came invited me to attend prayer Circle Sunday morning
Sun 15 attended circle. Afternoon attended meeting Elder McPherson Spoke
I was call to talk Said but little, went home did not go out at night.
[Page 29 of 78]
Mon Nov 16 I visited around amongst the people very glad to See me.. had along
talk with Bp Warner S.E father
" 17 The following people came to See me Bro & Sis Sperry Bro & Sis Schroder
and daughter. Bp Parkes and wife. Bro & Sis Warner and S.E.
" 18 Horse and bugy wife baby Earnest Started for Moroni eat dinner at Sis
Carted. reached Moroni 5 p.m. Father and mother was very pleased to see me
Bro John and others came to see me. went to bed tired
19 After breakfast viseted aunty Warner Bro Davids. Then to Anderson to have
[word blotted out] him (clean) W.B. & Langley and Toms watches to be cleaned and repair. I vised
arround a mongst my many friends
21 After breakfast Started for home. Mother was much intered to hear me tell
of her relation in Whitwick. So also was father pleased to hear of his relations
at Sheepshead
22 Sun Attend prayer circle then to S.S. After noon meeting The P[crossed out letter]rophet Josephs
Son Joseph was in attendance. Elder J.D. Chase Spoke on the Prophets life
how he had more wives than his wife Emma, and knew he the Prophet
Sealed wives to others
Nov 30 Wrote to Elder James Eardley 49 Sabine St. Notts
Dec 2 Made collections for D.N. and Juvenile Is. went to S.S. Teachers meeting
but few came
" 3 at night attended Elders quromn meeting. I spoke a short time
" 5 Bought Langley and Tom a suite cloths each. W.B. had got married
needed some furniture.
6 In co. with Bro Spery to Juab Wd. attended meeting read a
letter from Prest Wm. Paxman, after meeting drove to Levan
held meeting I spoke 40 m. Met Bro J.G. Bigler & S Pitchforth at meeting.
7 Returned home from meeting at Levan. In the morning
Bro Joel Grover asked me to help him settling Tithing at Levan
I was gone several days. I also helped Pres. Wm. Paxman at Levan
and other places. gone several days. the year preveous I went around
with Prest. Teasdale helping the Wd Bishops on their tithing
Jan 11, 1856 Prest Wm. Paxman called me as Supt. of Nephi S.S.
" soon after this date the Deseret News people asked me to travel for
them in intrest of the D.N. I asked Bro. Warner who had just been
released to look after the School untill I returned. he took it very
hard to be released. I travled thro Sanp(e)te co. Fountain Green Moroni
Fairview Mt,Pleasant Spring City Ephream Manti, Sterling I returned
home. I found on reaching home letters from D.N. to go thro Sevier Co
Feb 5th I left home again for the D.N. Co. got as far as Levan Staid over
night at Bp. Aagaard all night
" 6 Started for Fayette Staid with Bp Bartholowers, visted bro & Sis-ane
who once lived in Nephi, 7 Feb Started for Gunnison. found agent
Ludvegsen I put horse up with (him) went to meeting after dinner
[Page 30 of 78]
Feb 7 Sun Went to meeting Bp Madsen called me to the stand to speake
spoke 40 m. [word crossed out] I visited Bp Madsen, with Steve Ostler and Metcalf. had
a very pleasant time, back to Lunvegsens then to bed.
" 8 went to the store wrote home. I got 5 new Subcribers for the News
wrote to agent Johnson at Redman. I pd. Steve Ostler 10 cts fixing bridle
9 I then went to Salina found agent McFadzon, after dinner went to
Redman got Several Subcribers. I wrote a long letter to Prest Teasdale
I returned to Salina. I was told of a nearer road to return [word crossed out] to
Salina. I got to the Seiver revier. the bridge was very shakey
my horese backout. I coaxed him it was of no use when he
placed his feet on the bridge he backed out again. I walked over
the bridge then he followed me over, was getting dark, unless
he went over I was lost or return to Redman. I returned
Salina 10 to Salina. Sleeped at agent Mc Fadyn. I put up my house at Bp Jensen
I attend the Elders and Priest meeting. I Spoke 30 min. felt Well
I got quite a number of new Sub. made collection at 11 am
[illegible word] I found agent Vanluvens, was teaching School got a number of Subs
Richfield 13 And collected money on my way to Richfield I called on Bro &
Sis Baxter old neighbors. I put up with Wm Bakers.
Sun 14 Attend SS. called to speak. attend meeting 2pm. Spoke 3/4 of an hour
I got 10 new Subs. That night I sleeped good on leaving Bro Baker
said no charge to on old friend.
Elsinore 15 I started reached Elsinore found agent Bell, went with me to obtain
Subs. I viseted Y.M.I.A heard of Bro Geo Q Cannos arrest
on my way from meeting. a voice told me that Bro Cannon was all
right not trouble. went to bed at 10. at 3 in the morning I felt
some shocks of Earthquake. I viseted Kingston thence to Monroe I
attend Priesthood meeting spoke felt well. I was thinking of return my
home. but recd letter from D.N. Co. to go on to Panwich. I staid all night
at Junction attended meetings and spoke. I got quite a number of Subs
I viseted St Joseph. On[letter crossed out] rearching Panguich people mistook for Deputy
Panwich 24 Marshall. no one would tell me where Prest Crosby lived. Untill I
saw some sisters. I found That Prest. been warned that a dept Man
was after him. he knew me, had a man to take care of my horse. I
staid with him for several days. I doubled his Subs.
I receved a letter from D.N. Co to return by Sanpete saying the two cans
of [word crossed out]flour had not been shiped. I arrived at Marydale. My horse became
very sick I staid with Ton Calaway he docked my horse I got up in the
night found him stretched out thot he was dead sure, I spoke to him he got
up. I left next morning. I made my way to Mount Pleasant. found the flour
was shiped. Staid over night at Moroni viseted father and Mother
next day returned home. I took train to S.L.C. the News was pleased
with my work wanted me to contine and travel North as fars as Iadho
[Page 31 of 78]
Nephi March After reaching home I called the S.S.School Teachers meeting I found
that some ill feeling was amongst the teachers. Ex S S Supt Warner had not
done much toward helping to keep down friction. In attending school on
Sunday I found the same spirit of disatfaction. I was visited by George
Kendall and Charles Sperry said some of the Teachers wanted me to
resign I said I am quite willing. I told these bretheren that I could
not help it in seclecting me as Supt. if they had made a mistake
it was not my fault. I hope you choose the right man. I felt
very bad, I sought the Lord in prayer. I dreamed that these
two men returned and reinstated me in the School, sure in
the morning these same men came to see me. Id forgot the dream
told a mistake had been made in dissmissing (me) for me to continue
I told them no I had done. I would have no more to do with the School
They said to me dare you[letter crossed out] rebel against the Priesthood. I replied that
you dismissed (me) once when was you right. I told them I would think
it over. Then I thot of my dr(e)am and the prayer I offered
some of the teachers came and told me I was the right one for Supt.
I learned who was the complainest. They wanted the possession
June Prest. Goel Grover who acted Stake Prest. Came to me said he had
been apointed Bps Agent of the Tithing wanted me As his assistant
I met him one day comming out of the bank. Said he had endorsed
A.K. not and had to pay it $200. Also told me he was not feeling
well. had not eat that day a thing. he drove around with his wife
to the semetary. That night he took with sevier pain Two doctors
was called in beged them to give him morfine. They gave
some. his suffering was sevier. he called for more, he died from the cause
I sent a telegram to the News. I had a volt made at the senetary
masons and tenders worked all night to have it finished by Sun.
Apostle H.J. Grant came took charge of the funeral. Sis. Glover
sent for me said she was well pleased for the interest I had taken
in their behalf. I told her I had all the mens time and amount
due. She was slow of paying. I told if she did not settle the bills
I must. She asked if she would have to pay those who attended
the funeral I made no answer, next day she sent for me feeling
very bad ,on what they told her what she said. I told her about the
two hundred dollars Bro (Grover) had to pay for A.K. note She thot , I was her
friend. I was promised by her Attorney in setting up the estate that
I should have ($)50. All Sis Grover allowed me was 4 the cheese. I made a
trip to S.L.C. bout, an Iron door for the volt. semented all over the top
of the tomb. She gave me the key to take care of the place. Sis Grover brought
Matalic Casket . Bro Grovers Bros. & I (ex)chaned him one to the other
it was not a nice Job. One dayshe sent for me to take her to the volt
She went in I left her. she read a letter recd from Apostal J F Smith I
had to force her out staid to long
[Page 32 of 78]
June 1886 Preveous to Bro Grovers death. the presiding Bps. engaged him
Bro. Grover to take charge of the Tithing of Nephi was, and Stake
he asked me to go in with him. I promised I would. After Grovers
death They wrote to the High Counsel, for them to sugest a man
for the place my name was sent in unknown to me. I
received a teligram to meet Bp. J.Q.Cannon and head secretry
Isaac Brockbank to meet them at station I did not know these
these men. I met them they (asked) me my name, They interduced
themselves to me, we walked to the Tithing office. I interdused
Them to Bro. Chapman. Prest Wm Paxman Clerk. Bro Paxman
had charge of the T.O. before leaving for New Zealand.they told
Bro. C. I was apointed to take charge of the Tithing. this was
news to me. They came with me and took dinner then
returned on P.M. train. When Sis Wm. Paxman learned what
was done, She perswaded Prest. C. Sperry to send in her sons name
James W. The Two Bretheren orded(me) by Telegram to meet them I did
They told me what the Paxmans folks wanted, after eating
dinner and asked questions about J.W.P. was he married I said no
we want you to take hold. Said if you can use young Paxman
to do so. I Spoke to James W. about helping. he replied by saying
That he would rather beg his bread from door to door than help me
On returning of Prest. Wm. Paxman him and son was my enimey
Two of the H.C. was sent to see the Presiding Bps to have me
disposed off. The Bps. turned them down. Prest Woodruff sent
for me I called on him said complaints had come from
Nephi agains me. Said he found on enquiry They were false
told me to return and contine in the office. Prest Paxman
sent two of the HC bretheren orded me to vac(a)te Prest Bps. told me to
continue. Another time Prest. P called his two counselors and
Bps. and me to attend the meeting. It was told by J.W.P. That I
robs the office. I asked what I had done with the mean. Answerd
I put in the bank. I asked for the proof. I went and had a
talk with Apostle Jos F Smith. Soon afterwards Apostle Teasdale
was sent By Prest. Woodruff and Prests. G.Q. Cannon & Prest J.F. Smith
to Prest P. to let me alone. for neither he nor his Son J. W. could
not have my Job. told Bro. Teasdale(to me) to keep right along as tho
nothing had happned. After This Prest. P. treated with the greatest
of respect and kindness. about six months afterwards he fell of his
house at American Fork. it caused his death. I viseted him before
he died. said I was indeed his friend asked me to admister to him
1897 J.W. Paxman ordained Prest. I told (Bro Sperry) I thot The Saints would erect
a monument if They was approached they called the H.C. meeting
at the meeting it was voted to have a monument. For me to have charge
[Page 33 of 78]
of its eriction. I went forth collected means of the saints throut
to Stake. I met with Success. I then to S.L.C. Seclected a mountimet
like the one I wanted Nephi L Morris took me thro the two
Semiteres. I returned home and reported. The H.C. meeting was
called I asked Bro. Morris to be in attendance. he came down from
S.L.C. and attended the meeting. a contract was made and I
was called on to sign it. We got a Thousand dollar monument for
a little over $650.00 we erricted it the H.C. gave me much cr.
for my Serveses in building it and collecting the means
Prest. J.H. Grace Said there was not another man in Juab
Stake that could accomplished what I had done, soon after
this Prest. J. W. P. orded the Bps. to discharge me this year 1900
he orded the two Bps to take charge. they keept (me) in as Stake Clerk
I had charge of all Juab Stake Nephi two Wards, Levan Juab
Mona Eureka Mammoth Silver and Dimond for 14 years
For the Stake 7 years. J.W.P. took this from me gave it to his bro.
1st July /86 I will relate an (account) what happned. I received a letter from Bp.
Preston Stated that I was held responable as Tithing Agent
for the manegement of the Tithing of the Juab Stake of Zion
and for me to take hold at once. I showed this letter to several
bretheren of the H.C. also to the clerk then in the office
I then at once took hold. I looked thro the books, saw a
copy of the Balance account, also account current. Eventory
and other accounts. I then began to realize what was before me
I felt bad. I did not understand the making up of the
report of the Tithing. I got Some writing paper and envelop
to tell the presiding Bps. that it was not posserble to make
out the reports. Something wispered to me go and call
on the Lord in Prayer. I did so as commanded. A voice
spoke to me and said. Make a beginning you will
be showed what next to do. I thanked God who
answered my prayer. I got off my knees realizing that
that the God of Isreal was with me and I had been
called to the possessin by Him
While I am on his subject I will relate another answer, to prayer
Nephi had 14 people helping on St. George Temple. The people had been
asse(ss)ed according to the assesment roll. I was called on to collect
100 bushels of wheat to be made into flour. Three teams to not
leave later than three days. I took my sacks went to a threshing
machine, not a bus. could I get from anyone. I returned to
my granery shut the door. I kneeled down. told the Lord my trouble
a voice spoke and said return to where you came from I said no
three times I was orded to return. I returned had no trouble to get
the 100 bus wheat in that day
[Page 34 of 78]
after taking hold of the Tithing matters I pulled down the
old Tithing office and granery it was build of adobes. I got
permission to build a lumber granery. also to build a porch to the
brick Office. On quitting the office. On Bp. W.B. Preston blessed me
said that (my) accounts had always been (correct) and the expenses the least
June 1900 of any of the Stakes of Zion! I am pleased to say that all
the Wd. Bps was sorry to part with me. Elder Karl G. Maiser
promised me that Lord would bless and prosper me
1914 June I wrote out my resignation as Stake Supt. of S. Schools
Bro. Summerhayes and other brethern came down from S.L.C.
released me. Pres Jos. F. Smith Sent me a hand painting
of The Hill Cumora. "Presented to Supt. Langley A. Bailey
by the Sunday School Board of the Hill Cumorah June 9th,
1914 I prise the picture very much. One reason of quitting
my first assistent H. F. McCune left Nephi. I. Bail my 2nd
assistent was sick and getting old. Prest. J.W. P. didnot sustain(me)
I Saw the time when J. W. Paxman was droped from his
presidance Aug. 1914 T.D. Rees was ordained president.
Aug. 1914 While in S.L.C. took cold in my left ear. continued
to trouble me.
Oct(1914) with son Wm. went to Dr. Stuckey thot
he could scatter that which was in back of ear drum. he finely
pearced thro,the drum of the ear. I suffered considerable, then a
Swelling commence on my liver the pain was sevier.
Dec. Dr T.D. Rees orded me to the Hospital. 4 Sons and 5 Son-in-laws carred
me to Station on a cot, Wife Sons Wm Thomas accompanied me
at The Hos. They got me a room and nurse. Next morning Mon.
I was taken to opperting table. Dr. Midelton cut me open broke
The gatheren, sowed me up, took me to bed. I was not under the
influence of the either but a short time. Drs.said I could not
live, told tho. to not return for 4 day he could take me home dead
I got along very sicely. I never gave up, many friends came to see me
Dec 30/14 Dr. N. J. Rees and Bro Judd came to Hos, with Tom Bowles who had
cut his throat. Dr Allen said I could go home with them. Judd took
me to the Station. William (son) was with me. Wm & Dr Rees carried (me) from Auto
to car W[letter crossed out]ife and Dau. Mary Jane was there. Mother (was) with me all the
time be day time(while in HOS.) Jen came Xmas day. I was well cared for I told
son Wm. to pay all my bills which he did. I settled with him in reaching
home. opperation $175. opperating room $10. room and nurse girl $9.50 per day
altogether cost $300. The place where They cut me open sowed me up. There
was a discharge for six and half months. I got along very will
it seemed like every body was suprised that I got better at my
advanced age. Nephi Prayer Circle which I belong remembered
me in their devotation. Bro H F McCane had me remembred S.L. Temple
[Page 35 of 78]
I will now give an account of my anchesters of the Baileys
Henry Bailey of Whitwick B. 1708. Married Mary Orton of Sheepshed B(Married 1733) 1710
Son Henry Bailey of sheepshed B 1740 Married Hannah Bently of Sheepshed B 1732
Dau. Mary Bailey of Sheepshed Jan.(not sure) [date crossed out] Married Geo West of Sheepshed B 1761
Son of Mary Bailey Wm & Baily of Sheepshed 1779 ( I copy Pioneer BK.) and Sarah Hacket born
1779 Sheepshead Lestershire Eng. my Father John Bailey B. April 28th 1807. Came to
Utah Nov 30th 1856 Ed Martins Handcart Co. Married Jane Allgood 1837. Daughter
of Langley Allgood and Elizabeth Wakefield, She was born July 4th 1810 born in
Bosten Came to Utah with her husband, Their children Langley Allgood b. March
27th 1838. M. Sarah Andrews Nov. 17. 1861 John Bailey B Nov. 21 .1840 M. Charlotte
Shepheard. Thom. b. July 1st 1844 D. Sep. 6th 1858. Four miles sout of Seiver Bridge
Froze or Chiled to death. David B. Jan11. 1851 m. Elizabeth Blackham
I Langley Allgood Bailey son of John Bailey and Jane Allgood b March 27/38
Baptized in the L.D.S Church Oct 12th 1847. Married Sarah Andrews Nov 17/61
( by Elder Tho. Wright. Daughter of Wm. Andrews and Ann Wright pioneer of
July 1860.) She was born Jan. 12th 1845 Packington Eng. Their Children
John Wright Andrews B. Sept 11. 1862 died at six months old. William b Jan 29
1864 . m. Kate E. Udall Dec 1902. Langley Allgood B. April 5. 1866 m. Elva
Bigler 1900; Elizabeth Ann B. April 6. 1868. died Oct.1868 Thomas b. Nov 7, 1869
m. Mary Eleanor Chapman May 31, 1900. Sarah Ann b. Jan 15. 1872 m.
George A. Allen July 12. 1893. Mary Jane b. April 7. 1874 m Fred M. Beck
Jan 17.1900; Rosey Alice b. July 17, 1876. m. H. Lee Boyer of SpringVille June 18, 1902
Cathrine b. May 17 1879 m. Wm Alvan Bowles Nov. 17. 1910 : Henry Andrews
b. July 2nd 1881 died Dec 1883 : George Ernest b Oct. 4. , 1884. died Nov 26/89 :
Bertha b. Oct 17, 1886. m 2. Oct. 1914 to Frank Russell
I married Sarah Emma Warner April 2. 1883 Salt Lake endowmen(t)
house, Prest Josephi F. Smith preformed the sealing. Sister
Elza R. Snow assisted . in giving the indowments, Daugh(t)er
of Wm. H. Warner and Elizabeth Andrews. Born April 25. 1864.
Born in Nephi. Their Children. Wm Henry b Feb 13, 1888 married
Maggie May Pecocock, Aug, 27 1910. Elizabeth b. April 5, 1892. Died
Wilford b. Aug, 20, 1893. Married Ruby Winn March 7 1917. Died
Born March 3,1893. And was the daughter Samuel R. Winn Died
Jan. 9th 1919: Reed Warner b. Jan, 29, 1896. Drafted as a Soldier
September 7, 1917. left for Camp Lewis, Wash. Sept 8/18 Served in
many battles. Was in Bel (g)eum when peace was signed
Pearl b Dec.8, 1899. After her mothers death she lived with her
grandmother, then lived with her bro, Wm. He attend School until she
passed the eight grade. Then came and lived with her Father and
aunt Sarah to Attend High School. Son Reed Warner Bailey married
Adeline Barber in Logan Temple Dec. 1920. Came to S.L.C. Same eveing
I had a long talk with both of them gave them some good instructions
I gave her $ 50.00 in cash. They returned to Logan. Gov. is careing for him got gased
while serving in the german war
[Page 36 of 78]
I Langley A Bailey Born March 27th 1838. I was baptized
a member of the L.D.S. Oct. 12, 1847 at the age of 14 I was called
by S.S, Supt William Freeston of the Whitwick Branch to preside
over. A class of Six boys about my age. That was my first call
I was ordained a Seventy of the 49 Qurom by Elder George Kendall
2nd day June 1857. Pres Joseph Young ordained Bro. Kendall
Prest Joseph Young ordained by The Prophet Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith was ordained by Peter James & John
Dec. 1865 With wife and Father & Mother Andrews, and Grandmother Chapman
with ox team traveled to S.L.C. received our endowments. The weather
was very cold. Grandmother became very sick first night first night
after leaving S.L.C.
Dec 1861 My father and mother took ox team got their endowments
11 Oct 1905 William Bailey Son of L H & S. Bailey Sealed to us S.L. Temple
[ several lines blacked out]
Manti Temple 11 June 1908
Langley A. Bailey Sealed (John Bailey dead) Cliford Bail (Prosy)
Tho Bailey dead Sealed (Jane Allgood Bailey) Sarah A Bailey
By Lewis Anderson
Whitness Claus Harps
Witness Peter Gottfordsen
Nov 29/1888 I will here relate What I saw an Angel in The Manti
Angel. Temple. Prest D.H. Wills while officiating, remarked that I
crossed the Sea to and fro. to England(with his) and that his dear wife
Spoke of the higest of praise of bro L.A. Bailey Since then his wife had
passed away. Just as he finished talking. I saw his Angel wife come
thro the door from The Sealing room dresed in her Temple cloths
She came around to where I was sitting. She seemed to envelop
me all over. [word crossed out] I never felt such a feeling of joy before in
all my life
[Page 37 of 78]
Our son first born now dead was Sealed to mother and Father
John Wright Andrews Bailey, same date our son William was
Sealed to us. I saw an a angels face in the celestial room
at thurd window. I Thot he looked like the Prophet Joseph Smith
face. had a ruddy smiling face. I cannot forget the heavenly
look of That face.
Nephi Sunday Schools
Wm H Warner Supt 1871 to 1886
Abraham(Orme) 1st Asst. L A Bailey 2nd Asst.
Langley Supt. Jan. 1886 to 1897
A Orme 1st Tho. Vickers 2nd asst
Stake Supt
L A Bailey Supt 1894 to June 1904
H F McCune 1st Asst. I Bale 2nd asst.
I L.H. Bailey was Supt. Asst Supt to W H Warner
14 years I was Supt of Nephi School 11 years
and Stake Supt 7 years. I had 11 Schools to look after
Nephi 1st Wd. Nephi 2nd Wd. Levain Mona Juab
Norton Ville Heber Ville, Eureka Mammoth Silver and
Diamond. I created or organized Norton Ville Heber Ville
Silver and Diamond. I also organized a School now called Mills
I Served as Supt. of Nephi S.S. untill the School was
devided. Afterward Stake Supt.
Patriarch I was ordained By Prest Charles W. Penrose assisted
By Apostle Talmage 16 day of March 1921. On April 12th
I receved my commison of Hyrum G Smith also
a Book to place in recorded blessing and instructions
Sunday March 27th 1921 at the circle meeting Prest T.D. Rees
read a letter received from Prest. Penrose notifying him
I had been ordained a Patriarch. All votied to sustain me
Nov 17 1921 We celebrated our Sixteth Wedding anniversery. Friends
came from S.L.C ie. F H McCune & wife I. H Grace his Sister E[word illegible]
Pyper. All the family was present excepting Reed & wife
could not get (here) on account of a heavy fall of Snow fell in the
Valley. Aug 23 I and wife took train to S.L.C. Frank & Berthal (met) us with
auto. Aug 27 Boarded Bamberger car for Logan. Reed met me with auto
I with Bro & Sis. Barber, daughter. Reed Sophed all over North Cash valley
Aug 30 ' Aug 31 with Reed went to the Colage. Thence up Logan Canyon
Sept 1 To car to Brigham City Viseted Bro & Sis Blackburn. Wife & Bertha
reached here at 6 p.m. Sept 2 Judge Call took us to Ogden in
his $3.500 car.
[Page 38 of 78]
March 19th 1922 We received a Phone from
Brigham City Saying That Bp.Thomas H Blackburn
Died at 5 a.m. with a stroke in his side
Wed 22 Took train with Som William and Elva Langleys
wife to S.L.C. Leland & Pearl met us at Depot
with Auto. Staid with Bertha & Frank Russell
at 8 a.m. boarded Bamberger to Brigham City
Elva & sis. also Abner Bigler, On reaching B.
went directly to the Blackburns house found
Saw Bro. Blackburn in his coffen. looked smiling
I then saw his wife. She was pleased to see me
and the folks from Nephi. I took a little peace of
bread & water at Bro & Sis Horsleys. at one oclock
Funeral started for the Tabernacle. I walked with
Sis B. & Daughter.
During the servses the brethen named my
name. Said I made Bp. Blackburn a home when
but a boy 14 years old, and we are pleased to have
Patriarch Bailey with us here today. Son William
was one of the Speakers.
After meeting was told wanted at the Phone
and learned that Mother was very sick and to return at once
A Mr Baty and William hired an Auto, we called at
Berthas and took her along. It was a hard ride
home. Then my feeling ran high, was pleased to find
her alive we adminstred to her She was promised
that she would recover. Two nights it looked like
the end had come I again adminstred to her
the spirit prompted me to say she would recover
so she did and The Lord be praised.
[Page 39 of 78]
My Arrest
June 5th 1888 I was arrested by Deputy McCllain
12 noon, I apeared before commisoner John Moorehouse
$500. bonds Wm. & C. Warner (& J Ball) was my bondsmen
on The following (day) I was to plead before U.S. Commisoner
Moorehouse Deputies failed to appar, it was put off
untill July 2nd no one appeared against me. It was
put off untill July 23rd 1888 Deputy came in the
Tithing office said we will have your case. come of today
I left Several Gold peices on the Table I went away
to another part of the room. on returning I found them
gone. (Prest. George Q. Cannon sent word while in
prison to keep my name out of the Grand Jury room
and smooth my path, I knew what he hinted at)
I appered before the commisoner on July 23rd 1888.
Deputy Said he wished to with draw the complaint
agains me. I was discharged
Set 8 1917 Son Reed W. Bailey enlisted in the U S army
Left for Camp Lews Washington State. Mother & I
May 8, 1918 took train to Tocoma Reed met us there. Next
day was Sunday by auto went to Camp Lewis attended
meeting of the Saints. We viseted Seattle. After staying
two Weeks we took train to Portland it was Sunday
we attended Sunday School. Afterward left us to
return to camp. next day we returned home ward
Called at Brigham City Met our our Boy T.H. Blackburn
after a few day stay took train for Ogden staid all night
took train for coalville. found cousen Jane Beach
and husband and cousen Betsey.. Thence to S.L.C.
then home gone a month
Our Son left for France June 1918 called on the way England
March 27 1918 My 80th Birthday
I gave to each of My 6 Dau, and Daughters $50.00
Sarah Ann Allen $50 Kate Undall Bailey 50
Mary Jane Beck 50 Elva Bigley Bailey 50
Rosey Alice Boyer 50 Mary Echap(man) Bailey 50
Chathern Bowles 50 Maggie (pecock)M Bailey 50
Bertha Russell 50 Ruby Win Bailey 50
Pearl Bailey Snarr 50 Adaline Bailey 50
Mother Bailey 100
[Page 40 of 78]
KB letter from: The Church of Jesus Christ of Letter-Day Saints
Office of Presiding Patriarch
Salt Lake City
Dear Brother:- Langley Allgood Bailey
I enclose herewith a certificate of your ordi-
nation to the office of Patriarch, and have on file your
personal genealogy. No doubt, you will carefully pre-
serve this certificate as a memento of your having reach-
ed this honorable position in the Chruch. I trust that
you will exercise your office and calling for the benefit
and blessing of the Latter-day Saints in the stake where
you reside.
As a Patriarch, it is your duty to bless those
who come to you with a desire for a blessing, providing
they are worthy members of the Chruch and reside in the
Stake where you have been called to labor.
You should not officiate for persons who are
not members of your Stake without authority to do so,
excepting in cases of kinship. And, should you bless
those who are not members of the Chruch, you do it upon
your own responsibility.
It is a good rule, although not a binding one,
to commence your labors by blessing your family and im-
mediate kindred; and it is your right to bless them
wheever they may reside.
You are at liberty to receive a gift or free
will offering from those to whom you minister; but do
not peremit any one to leave your presence feeling that they
have paid you for a blessing. Patriarchal blessings can-
not be purchased; they are the free gifts of God to His
children under the hands of His Patriarchs.
All copies of blessings should be approved and
signed by you before they are delivered to the persons
receiving the blessings.
All children are proper subjects for Patriarchal
blessings, although a common guide is to wait until after
they have been baptized.
[Page 41 of 78]
1918 Father L.A. Bailey in his 80 year March 27, gave $50.
to the following names
Daughters Daughter-in Laws
Sarah Ann Allen $50. Kate E. Bailey $50.
Mary Jane Beck 50. Mary Ellen Bailey 50.
Rosey Allice Boyer 50. Maggy M. Bailey 50.
Cathrene Bowels 50. Rubby Bailey 50.
Bertha Russell 50. Elva Bailey 50.
Pearl Bailey 50. Adaline Bailey 50.
Mother Bailey 100.
In the year July 1856 The hand cart emmergrant were
camped near Ioway City a river of water was close by were
us boys went a bathing. I L. A. Bailey was in the river
on one side was very deep while treading in the water
a tall Emmigrant striped walke right in to the water
I saw him come up twice striching the water with one
hand I called out a man is drowning. I told told the
men to come in The water as far as They could, when I
saw his hand strice the water for the last time I grasped his
wrist and swam to the nearest man, and got him
out it took over one hour to bring him too. I saved his (life)
In the year 1858 I was living with Patriarch Wm
Cazier. A Mill race full of water was running thro, The lot
or yard. I went out of the house, I came out [two words crossed out] to
make a viset with my mother. something came
over me I could not move a step. In the dark I saw
a form of a person (come) to the bridge to dip a bucket of water
The stream pulled her head first in, the water. i Jumped
in the water I took hold of her it was all I could do to
maniage her. I saw it was mother Jackson, mother
of Samuel and Nephi Jackson. I took her over to S.L. Adams
where she was living. Every body in Nephi said had
I not been There she would have drowed for the
banks of the mill race was steep.
In the spring of 1867 I was riding on horse back
up the st. now called R.R. Street. I saw a little boy
fall in to a large streem running down the ditch
I quickly, jumped of my horse caught the child rowling
down the streem. I caught him took to his father
and mother [word illegible] it was with much difficulty to bring him(too)
Thus making Three persons I saved from
[Page 42 of 78]
Pen(s)ion Certificate
On March 26th 1925, I received from
Washington D.C a pension of $1920.00
My Penston Claimed passed the Pension
Commissioners March(1)3, 1925 at 38 (to 11 o clock) minutes
There I received the check calling for $1920.
at the rate of $20. per month from March 4th
1917. to March 4, 1925.
Senator Reed Smoot plead my cause
after trying to prove up my claim as
a Black Haw Veteran in the years 1865-6
Mr. H.L. William of Washington as an
Examiner of Pension was orded to Viset
me and examine my claim which he did
also took an affidvidt of my wife also of
Thomas Bowles Nephi Jackson and Jacob Bowers
These are the names I donated money to
My Wife Sarah Bailey $500.
Dau Mary Jane Beck 15
" Rosey Alice Boyer 15
" Kate Bowles 15
" Bertha Russell 15
" Pearl Snarr 15
"Law. Clve Bailey 15
" " Mena " 15
" " M M " 15
" " Elva " 15
" " Adaline " 15
" " Alice " 15
House Maid Emily Sperry 8
Friend W A C Bryan 15
Tithing 192
Total 880
Earnest Bailey at school 25
Thomas Bowles 05.
[There was a division of the page, this is the right side of the page]
March 27, 1925 I L A Baileys birth
-day 87. My daughter got up a warm
dinner. Those present the two old folks
William B and wife Langley & wife
Tho. and wife. W.H. B and wife Wilford
and wife Reed and wife.
Mary Jane and husband, Kate. & husband
Pearl and husband. Bertha.
Presdancy of Stake A H Belliston
Tho. H. Burton and wife Samuel Paxman
and wife. All all the Grand Children
At 5(30) pm a dance & Program
W.B. Master of ceremonies. Wifford B
flow manger. many was invited
by card thro the mail. We had a very
pleasant time.
Bro John Bail [letter missing]and wife [letters missing]d her Sister
Amey Hardter Bro David. Sis Hardy and
Sarah Ann [word missing] Moroni
[Page 43 of 78]
CELEBATES HI[missing letter]
87TH BIRTHDA[missing letter]
Member of Family and In-
vited Guests Gather at The
Armory and Enjoy Dance.
Patriarch L. A. Bailey celebrated
his 87th birthday last Friday even-
ing at the Armory Hall by giving a
dancing party and program to the
members of the family and a large
number of invited guests.
At 5 p.m. a fine dinner was ser--
ved at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bailey to the members of the fam--
ily, all being present except one.
Other guests at the dinner included
President A. H. Belliston, Mr. and
Mrs. T. H. Burton, and Mr. and Mrs.
S.G. Paxman of the Stake Presi--
The dancing party given in the
evening was interspersed with
songs, and readings by members of
family of the honored pioneer, talks
were also given by President Bel--
liston, and Judge T. H. Burton.
William Bailey, eldest son of Pat--
riarch Bailey, acted as master of
During the dance punch and cake
was served. A splendid time was
enjoyed by everyone present, and
Mr. and Mr. Bailey were the re--
cipients of many hearty congratul--
ations and good wished during the
Among the out of town visitors
were Mr. John Bailey, and Mr. David
Bailey of Moroni, Utah, two broth--
ers of Mr. Bailey, both of whom are
in the eighties. Also Mrs. John
Bailey, Mrs. Amy Hardy of Moroni;
Mrs. Sarah A. Justason of Spring
City; Mr and Mrs. W. H. Bailey and
family of Sterling, Utah; Mr. and
Mrs. Reed Bailey and family of
Logan, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Leland
Snarr and family of Salt Lake City,
Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Allen,
Moroni, Utah; and Mrs. Bertha
Russell of Salt Lake City.
In honor of the occasion the fol--
lowing poem was composed by a
friend of the family living in Gilbart,
Arizona, by the name of Mrs. Bertha
Kleiman. This poem was read by
Mrs. Alvin Bowles at the dance:
[This section was the right side of the page which was divided]
Stand by, Old Time, with your frost
hung wings,
And temper the storms away,
That only the best of life shall grace
This glad anniversary Day!
Dear honored venerable father,
Had I the power to give,
Old Time should crown you with
For the years you have yet to live.
I would woo from his knarled old
In place of the smiting scythe,
A store so full of your earned reward
You could never hold the tithe.
For his age--worn dial the days of life
Should fall gently down as dew,
And the choicest gifts of the harvest
Be the even--tide to you.
Beloved and reverenced parents---
No tribute is complete,
That does not crown our dear
heads both
In a unity replete.
Together your footsteps have moun--
Thru briar and tempest and gale--
Together they enter the shadows,
Where twilight fades on the trail.
Together still healing and blessing,
As the rhime--frost whitens your
With your hand still busy in ser--
And your good works everywhere.
May your years be long as you wish
Replete with your every need----
May the evening span down the hill
side slope
Be a journey of joy indeed.
For old and young and a thousand
Are the friends who throng your
Who bless your name for the good
deeds all
And wish you their best today!
Inscribed in honor of Brother Lang--
ley A. Bailey, on His 87th birthday
Bertha A. Kleinman
Mesa, Arizona
Page 44 of 78]
Langley, A Bailey (son) of of those names below
Born April 28 1807. Sheepshead Co Leicester
Feb 8-1891 My Father John Bailey died at
Moroni Sanpete Co Ut
Mother Born July 4th 1810 Jane Bailey died 20 Oct 1885
Born William Andrews May 12. 1818. Born
Packington Leicestershire Eng.
Died January 23rd 1902 At Nephi Utah
Born Ann (Wright) Andrews Oct. 15th 1821
at Packingtoon Leicestershire Eng.
Died 9 May 1897 at Nephi Utah
The above named are the
of Parcents of Sarah Bailey
[Page 45 of 78]
[The following picture is of a Western Union Telegram]
20 govt
Washington D C 128 p 3/23/25
Langly A Bailey
Nephi Utah
Your pension Claim has been
Allowed at rate of twenty dollars
per month from March 4, 1917
Reed Smoot
1158 am
I Langley Allgood Bailey receved on March 29
1925 pension Check from Washington $1920.00
I receive each month check of $20.) pa Tithing ($192.)
I gave my wife Sarsh Bailey $500. Also to
six sons wives and five daughters $15. each
I paid Bp Thomas Bailey , Tithing one hundred
and $20. Each month I pay $2.00 Tithing
1927 May 5. I received $50.00 Pension raised from
$20.00 to $50.00.
I have paid Tithing on the $20.00, $2(00 upto May 1927
I have started to pay Bp Bailey on the $50.00 which
is $5(00 each month
[Page 46 of 78]
[Letter sent from Deseret Sunday School Union.
408-9 Templeton Building
Salt Lake City, Utah]
Salt Lake City, March 27, 1899.
To the Stake Superintendency.
Dear Brothren : --
The Deseret Sunday School Union Board has de-
cided, as you know, to hold a Sunday School Jubilee during the year 1899,
in commemeration of the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of
Sunday Schools in the Rocky Mountains.
A committee has been appointed by the Board to look after the de-
tails of the Jubilee, and the Board has decided that there should be
a committee of three appointed by each Stake Superintendency to re-
present the Stake and act in conjunction with the general committee.
Your early attention to this will greatly oblige.
Kindly appoint a committee and send me their names and addresses,
giving also the name of the chairman, in order that we may communicate
with them.
Your assist(an)ce in helping us to make this occasion another great
aid to the Sunday School cause will be greatly appreciated.
Very Truly, Your Brother.
Geo. D. Pyper
General Secretary.
[Page 47 of 78]
Nephi S S
62 years ago Richard Ballantyne
55 " “ Saml Clarrge Supt
52 " “ Schools divided, Pitchforth South Knight(North)
50 " 1870 " 1896 Schools united Wm Warner Supt A Orme L H B
34 " 1886 “ 1897 L.H. B Supt A Orme & T Vickers Asst.
Continued untill School divided So & North.
23 " 1897 “ L. H. Grace Supt So. C H Grace North
22 " 1898 " John A Booth
[ Line drawn across the page]
44 " " Geo Teasdale Stake Supt
38 " " Wm Paxman " “
22 " " L A Bailey " " H & Mc & I Bale Asst (1894 to 1904)
16 " " C.H. Grace " "
Alber R Pasemann "
Andrew Nielsen " "
Tho Bailey " " 1912
Robert Winn " " 1914
[Line drawn across the page]
During L. A. Bailey Supt the School were graded S.S. [word illegible]
Bro Rigs assisted in grading the school came from S.L. C.
After This The leaflets we studed by The School
I went to Canyon Sunday relate what happned
Viseted Manti Temple & Funks Lake
Salt Air, Excursons to Canyon
We had 12 Schols Nephi & Levan Mona Mills. Juab
Norton Ville Heberville Mammoth Eureke Silver & Dimon
[Page 48 of 78]
[Newspaper Article. Article is on an angle.}
Sunday School
Manti and Funk' s Lake the Pleasure Re-
sorts Chosen- The Temple Visite.
By the Teachers and scholars.--
A Good Time Spent.
Precisely at 7 0'clock last Tues-
day morning, six well loaded cars
attached to the Sanpete engine
pulled out from the starting point
on Main Street for a jaunt through
the Granary of Utah and incidently
to visit the charming resort in the
heart of the mountain -- i.e., Funk's
Never was a more jolly crowd
aboard a railroad train than that
which made up the "greatest and
grandest excursion" Juab county
ever seen.
Brother L.A. Bailey, as father
of the ceremonies was there in all
his glory, being ably assisted by
Brother H.F. McCune and Abram
Orme, and they were also assisted
by Superintendents J. A. Booth of
of the South ward and Charles H.
Grace of the North ward, with
their aides while the Sunday school
teachers vied with each other in
helping to collect tickets, keeping
order and endeavoring to point out
the scenic beauties of the trip.
When the temple city was
reached, the large crowd, which
numbered nearly 800 souls, wended
their way up to the temple, and
where these who had recommends
were allowed to go through the
spacious edifice and view the beau-
ties of the interor. Neither tongue
or pen can describe its beauties so
that it can be appreciated by the
readers of this paper but suffice it
to say that every one who went
through that glorious building were
amply repaid for any inconvenience
which they may have incurred
during the trip out.
After nearly two hours of inspec-
tion the large company again
wended their way to the depot and
boarded the train for Funk's Lake,
which started off on its journey as
soon as the regular from Nephi
came in with another large batch
of excursionists.
It would be impossible to tell the
beauties of the mountain resort,
with its deligtful scenery, beauti-
ful hills, its pleasant shade trees
and above all its beautiful trickling
streams of pure mountain water
which the thirsty and tired trave-
lers indulged in to a great extent.
The return journey was made in
good time, and without an accident
which speaks well for the officials
of the Sanpete railroad, and by the
way Superintendent Kerr and his
aids deserve the united thanks [word illegible]
the people in the successful handl-
ing and management of the trip.
Everyone were pleased I with the
success of the trip and the cour-
teous treatment received at the
hands of Presidents McAllister and
Maiben of the Manti temple and
trust that other excursions of a like
character may be inaugurated in
Juab county.
He forgot to mention the fact last
[word cannot be read] that Brothers L.A. Bailey, H.F.
McCune and Charles Grace visited San-
pete and perfected the arrangements
for the most gigantic and magnificent
excursion ever held. The success of the
[torn page]is mainly due to the inde-
[torn page]efforts of Brother Bailey.
[Page 49 0f 78 Pages]
{KB= letter from OFFICE OF Deseret Sunday School Union
Main Street]
Salt Lake City, Utah Sept. 2nd, 1896
Elder L. A. Bailey,
Nephi, Utah.
Dear Brother: - Your letter of Aug. 30th was read before the
Deseret Sunday School Union Board yesterday, and was much appreciated.
Thank you for the interest you have taken in sending us the details of
your outing and also for the copy of the news paper containing an account
of the same. The brethren expressed satisfaction at the spirit of your
letter and at the successful termination of your excursion, and hope
that the reunion may result in the advancement of the Sunday School cause
in your Stake. They feel that it is a time for renewed activity in the
interest of the young, and that greater efforts must be made in the future
than in the past to successfully carry out the object of the Sunday School
work, viz.: the making of Later-day Saints of our children.
Kindly accept again the thanks of the Board for your interest.
Turly, Your Brother
Geo. D Pyper
Gen'l Secy.
[Page 50 of 78]
[Page 51 of 78]
[Newspaper article]
Sunday School Conference,
The Juab Stake Suday school annual
conference convened at Nephi in the
Tabernacle, Saturday and Sunday, May
28th and 29th, 1898, with Stake Super-
intendent Langley A. Bailey Sr. pre-
siding. We had with us Elder George
Goddard, of the general superintend-
ency, L. John Nuttall, of the board,
Elder James W. Paxman and counsel-
ors, besides Superintendent L. A. Bailey
and assistants.
During the two days, reports were
given by the various superintendents,
showing all schools in a growing and
prosperous condition, and, as the ex-
ercises showed, there had been consid-
erable progress and improvement during-
ing the past year. There were also
exercises and songs given by the vari-
ous schools, viz., Nephi Secon d ward
primary gave an exercise on "Lehi's
travels in the promised land; the sec-
ond intermediate department of Nephi
First ward gave a class exercise on the
"lives of Abinadi and Alma; a quar-
tet was sung by four young ladies of
the Nephi Second ward; the Levan
theological department gave a synopsis
of the fore part of the "Ecclesiastical
History;" The Nebo school was repre-
sented by a song by Israel C. Bale and
"O My Father," sung in the German
language by Johnnie Klenk; the theo-
logical department of the Nephi sec-
ond ward gave an account of the birth
life and edath of Moses; O.A. Bates
and Ernest Winn of the Nephi First
ward sung a duet; and address on
Faith was given by Foster W Jones of
Nephi First Ward.
Elders George Goddard and L.
John Nuttall spoke on the following
subjects during the conference: Order
punctuality, the Sunday school hymn
books, fasting and prayer, tithing bap-
tism, the Sacrament and the leaflets;
exhorting all to observe and live up to
the above named principles. In the
evening of Sunday, Elder L. John Nut-
tall spoke on the Word of Wisdon,
saying it did not mean just to leave
tea, coffee, whisky and tobacco alone,
but it meant for us to observe every-
thing that would prolong our lives and
health. Spoke on the imported canned
goods we are continuously eating and
the poisonous substances contained in
them, and the diseased animals from
which the canned meats come; said it
is no wonder there is so much sickness
and disease amongst us. Said if we did
not build up our own industries and
cease importing so much, the time is
not far distant when we will be forced
to manufacture and raise what we
need, as there would be strikes and
other calamities come that would cause
the transportation to be cut off and we
would not be able to get anything only
what we have in our own State.
On numerous occasions Brother God-
dard, in his every jovial and pleasing
way, sang for the little forks, which
pleased them very much.
Elders Jas. W. Paxman, H. F. Mc-
Cune, D. K. Brown and L. A. Bailey
also made some encouraging remarks,
speaking of the necessity of the par-
ents seeing to it that their children
attend Sunday school so they could be
taught in the fear of God and be pre-
pared for the responsibilities that will
be placed upon them in the future.
All through the conference the Spirit
of God was with us and a very enjoy-
able time was had by all in attend-
Stake Secretary.
[Page 52 of 78]
[letter from: Presiding Bishop's Office,
Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints.]
Feb. 28th, 1900.
L.A. Bailey Esq.,
Jua b Stake Tithing Clerk.
Dear Brethern: -
The tithing reports of Juab Stake for the year 1899
have been duly audited and found in very satisfactory condition.
A few slight changes have been made of which you were appraised when
at this office.
We have added in column 2, opposite the department of
cash, the sum of $100.00 which appears to have been paid after the
accounts had been made up. This increases the tithes on hand a like
amount. Please make the necessary change on the copies filed in the
Stake office.
We compliment you on the neat appearance of the accounts
and the accuracy and excellent manner in which the tithes have been
handled, all of which is very much appreciated.
We call your attention to the fact that only one copy
of each ward list on non-tithe payers was included in the report and
request that you kindly send the extra copies at your earliest conven-
ience and oblige.
Your Brethren in the Gospel,
[First name Illegible] Preston
[Page 53 of 78]
Histry of William H Warner
Born Aug. 20 - 1827 arrived in Nephi
1853 with his wife Emma D Tomtson
Married Elizabeth Andrews By Patriarch
Issac Morley July 1861 at Moroni
Ordained High Counselor member 1865
" Bishop of Nephi First Ward 1883
continied untill Nov. 1901.
Daughter of the above Sarah Emma
Warner married in Salt Lake City April 5th 1883
By Prest. Joseph F Smith. In The Indowment
House., Died aug 1st 1894. Leaving by besides
her husband Langley A Bailey. Son Wm Henry
Bailey. WilfordB. Reed W. B and Dauggter
Pearl Bailey.
[Page 54 of 78]
I L.A. Bailey July 19-1925 Fred Beck
and wife LA B Jr. and wife called with auto
took me to Logan found Son Reed and wife
20 next morning hunted up the folks. They
orded a tent. at the School Building ground
found them. I then registred my name, they
then pined a ticket with name from Juab Co
Aug 22 Wed Reed W took his car Fred Langley Jr and
I up Logan Canyon Thence to Bear Lake. it
was a beautifull sight was the blue water &
so high in The mountains. Was told the Lake
was 30- to 40 miles long and many miles long
we returned again, The sights going down Canyon
was grand. I paid all expenses. I watched The
many people dance in the School dance hall
untill mid night
23 We returned to S.L.C. found Mother Bailey,
24 Fred Langley Elva Jen Beck returned home at noon
& Bertha and Mother went to a show
25 Frank Bertha Mother and I took a bath in
the Sulpher Spring Bath house
26 We four attended Liberty [word crossed out] Stake conference at
Liberty Park out doors under shade trees very good
July 8/25 All the Nephi circle members Bps and their
counselors and the Bailey family & all their
wives 70 in all went up Salt Creek canyon
we had a cooked supper Ice cream and program
had an excellent time all felt well. I paid
all expenses cost all told $24.70
March 27/25. My Birthday got up a good dinner all our
sons and daughters excepting a few. Names (not) present
Pres Belliston Burton Sam Paxman
I. H. Grace W.H. Bailey Wilfor Reed W Jen Kate
Bertha Pear Rosey Leland Snarr and all their
wifes. Dance at armory many invited
Wm Bailey master of cermonies, Wilford floor
manager. I paid all expenses.
[partial newspaper article]
Aug 22 1926
Aug 22
so operating without the aid of
God would be caught in his own
After the choir sang "Let the
Mountains Shour for Joy," and the
congregation sang the "Doxology,"
Patriarch L.A Bailey of Juab
stake pronounced the benediction.
[Page 55 0f 78]
[ Doctors billing statement]
NEPHI, UTAH 2/26/26 192
Mr L.A. Bailey Sr.
Drs. Beckstead & Allred
Did not make 44 calls Served 3 weeks
44 Calls @ $3.00 $100.00
My sickness was during first of Dec. 1825
[Word illegible] I was given up to die, I said no I will not die
Dr Said I had the grit of ten men. On Jan 1st 1926 I sat
up and eat dinner with the family In Feb. I took cold
and coughed hard, in March I was Seized with Stopeaged
of my bowles. I was taken the S.L.C. for three days I had the
exrays plates placed on me each day. On my birthday
March 27 my Son Langley Thomas Dau. Mary Jane Beck and
dau. Kate Bowles and Fred Beck came in auto to dughters
Bertha celebrated my birtha day. My wife Sarah Bailey was
with. In the evening before the folks lift I took very
painfull in my bowles. Dr L. A. Stephensen came
he gave me that I never was troubled afterward
[Page 56 or 78]
Names and dates that presnded in
Nephi and Stake
Elder Joseph L Haywood 1851 to 1853
Bishop Jacob G. Bigler 1853 to 1861
" Charles H Bryan 1861 to 1868
Bp and Prest. Jacob G Bigler 1868 to 1870
Bp & Prest Joel Grover 1870 to 1877
Prest of Juab Stake George Teasdale 1877 to 1882
Two Wards was organized North & South
Bp. 1 wd John Andrews South Ward Charles Sperry North
Prest William Paxman 1882 to 1897
Prest James W. Paxman 1897 to 1914
Prest Thomas D Reese 1914 to 1924
" Albert H. Belliston 1924 to
[Page 57 of 78]
July 21st 1927
I bought of Jenkins of Salt Lake City
overstuff set Paid $150.00. 3.00 for freight
A very nice rigg Linomem to go around the
[word illegible] Room also a Grafphone over cost $200.
also a Radio cost $200. Also a parley stove
a heater cost $100. after wife death sold for $50.
Oct (1927) 10 Mother was taken to L.D.S. Hospital
" 11 Mother was opperated on by Dr Stuffer took from
her eye catrack. Dr Stephenson W. Bailey watched
opperation prounced it a succeess. In The
Evening Wife lay in bed both eyes had a bandage
over both eyes I went and toch her cheek with
my three finger. Said this (is) father. I then spoke
to her. I asked Wm, & Langley to adminster to her
She was much pleased to have her own folks
with her
" 19 Mother was moved from Hosp/ & Frank & Bertha
came with auto. Dr. promised to attend her at
20 Dr came 8 p m I paid him $145.00 mother had
paid him $5.00 preveous making in all $150.
" 22 Mother told me I could return home Frank R.
took me to train. Emily returned with me
Nov 12 Mother returned home, Bertha came with her. Mother Birth(day)
" 14 Bertha and Pearl returned Pe(a)rl to Provo
When Mother returned she was suprised to see the
new stove it was to warm all the rooms, was
very much pleased with it. I bought a very nice
Rug and Lynomine to around the room Wall
paper looked very nice was much pleased with
the surounding and her home
Jan 6 Langley took mother and I stoped at Roseys SpringVille
Staid two hours then went on to S.L.C.
Jan 12 Was mothers birthday Bertha took us a ride in auto
Mother Sarah Bailey (we) got a Doctor and day &
night nurse All the sons and dughters was
notified by Phone of her condision most
all came all was done That skill & Elders could (do)
Jan 22 7.15 I spoke to her she heard me said Father
I then(said) let her go, was gone in an instant
I was very hard for me to see her body taken away in box
[Page 58 of 78]
[handwriting at the bottom on the page with newspaper articles]
Mother was taken to the undertakers. Many people
went to See her as She lay in the coffen. I signed checks
for Son Thomas to (pay) Dr. Nurse Undertaker and Tranpotation
to Nephi Son Langley we were assigned ride on train X
that carried her remains. See the above respecting serveses
[Page 59 of 78 Pages]
[Three newspaper articles 1 with a picture]
(90 Years old)
On Tuesday evening March 27th,
Patriarch L. A Bailey celebrated
his 90th birthday, and a social in
his honor was given at the home of
Bishop and Mrs. Thomas Bailey. A
speech of welcome was given by
Patriarch Bailey. The evening was
spent in social chat, after which de-
licious refreshments were served to
the following; Patriarch L. A Bail-
ey, Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey,
Bishop and Mrs. Thomas Bailey,
Mr. and Mrs. Langley Bailey, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell of Salt
Lake City, Priscilla Hays of Salt
Lake City, Mrs. Rose Boyer of
Springville, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Snarr
of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Kate Bowles,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck, Mr. and
Mrs. George Allen, Mrs. Emily J.
Sperry, Thelma Bailey, Lois Allen,
President and Mrs. A. H. Belliston.
Patriarch Bailey was born in
Whitwick, England, a.Mrch 27th,
1838. His parents joined the
church in 1844, and emigrated to
America in 1856. His parents, and
four sons arrived in Salt Lake City
Nov. 30th, coming with the ill-fated
hand cart company. Patriarch Bail-
ey came direct to Nephi where he
has since resided.
Patriarch Bailey was married to
Sarah Andrews, and they enjoyed
(Continued on page four)
sixty-six years of married life. They
raised six sons and six daughters.
Mother Bailey Dear
March 27, 1928
I'm lonely with-out you Dear wife
I miss you morning, noon and night
My cheeks are wet with many tears
God knows I love you, most dear.
We were married sixty-six years past
The vow we made will always last
Sealed together in Gods appointed
Our reunion will for-ever stay.
Instructed her children how to pray
And walk the straight and narrow
To Sunday School each Sabbath day
Keep this is mind you'll never stray.
Six sons, six daughers she has raised
Married in the Temple God be praised
Taught them all to be good and true
To live a goodly life in all you do.
Warned her children with all her
To live their Religion and do right
Prayed for her family every night,
For health of body and spirit bright.
Langleys mission to Samona did go
Tom went to England you must know
Will, to Germany a far off land,
Wilford sailed to Australia strand.
Mother always loved to say prayers
As she knelled down by her chair
Remembered her loved one every
Tho preaching in a foriegn clime.
I'm ninety years old this very day
How long I'll remain I cannot say
Wife's preparing a manson for me
To dwell with her through Eternity.
Birthday Party for
Patriarch Bailey
Patriarch L. A. Bailey was given
a birthday party at his home last
Saturday, March 30th in honor of
his 91st birthday, which occurred on
March 27th. An elaborate banquet
was served at 6 p.m. to over fifty
descendants. "Count Your Many
Blessings" was the opening song.
William Bailey, Acted as master of
ceremonies. The evening was spent
in listening to songs, recitations,
poems and talks by members of the
Patriarch Bailey, is a pioneer of
1856; and Indian war veteran receiv-
ing a pension; he had performed a
mission to England and has sent four
sons to foreign missions. He has
been in Utah 73 years and has been
a member of the church for 82 years.
At the conclusion of the program the
patriarch spoke of his wife who had
passed away a year ago, they having
lived together for 66 years.
The following were present;
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey, Edwin
Bailey, Helen Bailey of Salt Lake
City, Udall Bailey, Jesephine Bailey,
D.L. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hull of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs.
L.A. Bailey Jr., Naomi Bailey, Ivan
Bailey, Jesse Bailey, Donald Bailey,
Harold Bailey, Myrtle Bailey, Bishop
and Mrs. Thos. Bailey, Raymond
Bailey, Tremma Bailey, Felma
Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Beck,
Mr. and Mrs. Vernell Beck of Spring
Canyon, Eugene Beck , Mrs. Rose
Boyer of Springville, Mrs. Kate
Bowles, Virginia Bowles, Catherine
Bowles, Geraldine Bowles, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Russell of Salt Lake City
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bailey of Ster-
ling, Sanpete Co., Jack Bailey,
Lucille Bailey, Helen Bailey, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. A. Allen, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert B. Allen of American
Fork, Miss Lois Allen of Salt Lake
City, Mr and Mrs. Wilford Bailey,
Gordon Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Reed
W. Bailey of Logan, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Snarr of Provo, Glenn Snarr,
Elaine Snarr, Mrs. Emily Sperry,
President Albert Belliston, and host
Patriarch L. A. Bailey, Sr.
Babies --Keith Bailey, Ann Clare
Bailey, Janey Bailey.
Patriarch Feted
On Birthday
NEPHI, April 2.--(Special)--Pa-
triarch L. A. Bailey was given a
birthday party at his home on
March 27. Fifty descendants,
children and grandchildren, enjoyed
a supper at 6 p.m.
The evening was spent in listen-
ing to songs, recitations, poems and
talks from members of the family.
William Bailey acted as toast mas-
Patriarch Bailey is a pioneer of
1856; and Indian War veteran re-
ceiving a pension; he has performed
a mission to England and has sent
four sons on foreign missions He
has been in Uah 73 years, and has
been a member of the Chruch for
82 years.
At the conclusion of the program
the patriarch spoke of his wife who
passed away a year ago, they hav-
ing lived together for 66 years.
They have reared six sons and six
Stake President A. H. Belliston
was an invited guest.
[handwriting at bottom of page of newspaper articles]
(In Utah 73 year.
Member of church 82 years)
[Page 60 of 78]
[Newspaper articles and 2 pictures]
Pioneer Resident of Nephi
Passed Away At Home of
Daughter in Salt Lake City
Last Sunday Morning
Funeral services were held
Wednesday afternoon at the Juab
Stake Tabernacle for Mrs. Sarah
Andrews Bailey, wife of Patriarch
Langley A. Bailey. President A. H.
Belliston was in charge of the ser-
vices, and the opening prayer was
offered by President Thos H. Bur-
The speakers were: Wilford J.
Cole, Geo. R. Judd, I. H. Grace and
the closing remarks were made by
President A. H. Belliston
Sentiments of love and respect
pertaining to the life and charac-
ter of the deceased were expressed by
the speakers and they stated that
she had done her part in this life in
the home, community and church.
That she was a devoted wife and
mother, and had endured the hard-
ship that is incident to the pioneer
life of this community.
The music for the funeral was
furnished by the Nephi ward choir,
Mrs. Will. L. Hoyt director, and the
opening number "Oh, My Father,"
Sacred solo, "I'll Go Where You
Want Me to Go," Clarence Warner,
Mrs. Lola C. Jensen, accompanist.
Vocal solo, "I Know That My Re-
deemer Lives", Mrs. Will L. Hoyt,
accompanied by Mrs. Daine G
Booth, piano. Vocal duet, "Cast Thy
Bread Upon The Waters", Mrs.
Florence Greenwood, and T. D.
Davis, accompanied by the choir.
"Though Deeping Trials Throng
Your Way", by the choir.
The floral wreaths were beautiful
and profuse. Benediction was pro-
nounced by Charles R. Jenkins.
The grave in the City Cemetery
was dedicted by President Samuel
G. Paxman.
Mrs. Bailey passed away at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank
Russell at Salt Lake City, Sunday
morning following an attack of pneu-
Mrs. Bailey was born Januray 12,
1845, at Packington, England. She
emigrated to the United States with
her parents and brothers and sister
in the year 1860, coming direct to
Utah. She crossed the plains with
an ox team in Brigham H. Young's
company, walking the entire dis-
She was a Relief Society teacher
for 35 years, also a member of the
old folks committee on which she
served for 25 years.
Besides being the mother of twelve
children she also reared four other
children that were left motherless
and also mothered the late Bishop
T. H. Blackburn of Brigham City.
She leaves, besides her husband,
Patriarch Langley A. Bailey, the
following children: William, Lang-
ley A., Thomas Bailey, Mrs. Kather-
ine Bowles, Mrs. F. M. Beck, of
Nephi Mrs. Rose Boyer of Spring-
ville, Mrs. Bertha Russell, of Salt
Lake City, Uah, and forty grand
On Tuesday evening, March 27th,
Patriarch L. A. Bailey celebrated
his 90th birthday, and a social in
his honor was given at the home of
Bishop and Mrs. Thomas Bailey. A
speech of welcome was given by
Patriarch Bailey. The evening was
spent in social chat, after which de-
licious refreshments were served to
the following: Patriarch L. A. Bail-
ey, Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey,
Bishop and Mrs. Thomas Bailey,
Mr. and Mrs. Langley Bailey, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell of Salt
Lake City, Priscilla Hays of Salt
Lake City, Mrs. Rose Boyer of
Springville, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Snarr
of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Kate Bowles,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck, Mr. and
Mrs. George Allen, Mrs. Emily J.
Sperry, Thelma Bailey, Lois Allen,
President and Mrs. A. H. Belliston.
Patriarch Bailey was born in
Whitwick, England, aMrch 27th
1838. His parents joined the
church in 1844 and emigrated to
America in 1856. His parents, and
four sons arrived in Salt Lake City
Nov. 30th, coming with the ill-fated
hand cart company. Patriarch Bail-
ey came direct to Nephi where he
has since resided
Pariarch Bailey was married to
Sarah Andrews, and they enjoyed
(Continued on page four)
(Continued from page 1.)
sixty-six years of married life. They
raised six sons and six daughters.
Mother Bailey Dear
March 27, 1928
I'm lonely with-out you Dear wife
I miss you morning, noon and night
My cheeks are wet with many tears
God knows I love you, most dear.
We were married sixty-six years past
The vow we made will always last
Sealed together in Gods appointed
Our reunion will for-ever stay.
Instructed her children how to pray
And walk the straight and narrow
To Sunday School each Sabbath day
Keep this in mind you'll never stray.
Six sons, six daughters she has raised
Married in the Temple God be praised
Taught them all to be good and true
To live a goodly life in all you do.
Warned her children with all her
To live their Religion and do right
Prayed for her family every night,
For health of body and spirit bright.
Langleys mission to Samona did go
Tom went to England you must know
Will, to Germany a far off land,
Wilford sailed to Australia strand.
Mother always loved to say prayers
As she knelled down by her chair.
Remembered her loved ones every
Tho preaching in a foriegn clime.
I'm ninety years old this very day
How long I'll remain I cannot say
Wife's preparing a mansion for me
To dwell with her through Eternity.
Funeral Service
For John Bailey
Funeral services were held at
Moroni August 8th for John Bailey,
Sr.., father of Mrs. George A. Allen,
at the West Ward Tabernacle. Mr.
Bailey is survived by his widow, nine
living children, fifty-six grand chird-
ren, and twenty-six great-grand-
children. He also leaves two
brothers, Patriarch L. A. Bailey, of
Nephi, and David Bailey of Moroni.
He came with the Martin Hand-
cart Company in the fall of 1856 and
settled in Nephi, living here until
1860 and removed to Moroni, and
was one of the first who helped
settle Moroni.
sixty-two years ago the 20th of
last February, he was married to
Charlotte Sheppard, who survives
He served in several civic offices,
having served as city councilman and
as mayor for two terms.
He was a Balck Hawk Veteran--
being one of the first to receive a
pension for his services.
Those attending the funeral from
Nephi were as follows:,Mr. and Mrs.
Geroge A. Allen; Patriarch Langley
Bailey; Mr. and Mrs. Langley Bailey;
Mr. Will Bailey; Bishop Thomas
Bailey; Mrs. F.M. Beck; Mrs. Gil-
bert Bailey; Mrs. Wildord Bailey;
Mrs. Emma Sells; Miss Trena Bailey;
Raymond Bailey.
[Page 61 of 78]
Vision By Langley A Bailey
About the 15/ June 1928
I took very sick a kind of a sun stroke
had to take to my bed Dr Allred attended me
I was sitting (up) in my bed in the morning
I saw a man standing at the foot of the bed
Also my wife she looked at the man I reconized
he look just like my son that died 6 years old
the boy died he look in the face just like that
boy I would have (not) knoned him seeing my
[ word crossed out] wife [word crossed out]was was with (him) I knew it was
him she knew I hated to part with him wen alive
I put my hand out to shake hands, he
disapeared I then put my hand to take hold
of her She also disiperad. I shall never no never
forget seeing My wife also my son that growed
to manhood This Boys name was Earnest
I paid for a Bible to Ervin Allgood Bailey
his sister Evelyn mailed it to him Germany
Presented A. Bible
Grace Evelyn Bailey Hull
Grandfather Langley Allgood Bailey
December 12th 1928.
Cost $6.
I gave Earnest Bailey
Bk Morrmon Doc. & Pearl of of Grace Price. price 5.00 & $5 Bill
Friday Nov 30th 1928
Ray Bailey [ word crossed out] Son of Tho Bailey my Grand
son I handed him a Book combined with
Book of Mormon. Voice of Warning Pearl of Griace Price
cost ,6.22 very good binding quite a number of
the family present is called as a missioney
to California
[Page 62 of 78]
[ newspaper article with picture]
Reed Bailey Directs
Forest Experiment
Station In Ogden
The Intermountain Forest and
Range Experiment Station which
occupies the forth floor of the
regional forest office in Ogden,
is the research division of he
United States Forest Service.
Reed W. Bailey came to Ogden
to take the position as director
of this branch after assisting for
two years in setting up the water-
shed work of five state CCC
camps which are now engaged
in erosion and flood control
Born In Nephi
Born in Nephi, Utah, Jan. 29,
1896 Mr. Bailey graduated from
the Nephi High School, studied
geology and ecology at the Utah
State Agriculural College. At
the school he was editor of "Stu-
dent Life" the school paper and
was president of the college stu-
dent body.
He was graduated from the
University of Chicago with a
bachelor's degree and master's
degree and later was engaged in
geology field work for the Uni-
versity of Missouri.
Returning to Logan in 1924,
Mr. Bailey was a professor of
geology at the U. S. A. C. until
1933, when he was loaned out to
establish the CCC camps for ero-
sion control work. He is married
and had three daughters.
The function of the Intermoun-
tain Forest and Range Experi-
ment Station is to determine
methods and ways to utilizing
natural resources so as to con-
serve them to make sure of their
continued use.
Mr. Bailey is collecting a li-
brary of western history as a hob-
by. He was with the ninety-first
division of the United States
Army in France for two years
during the World War and went
through that trying ordeal with-
out being wounded.
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