
Transcript of "Richard B. Margetts diary, 1849 August-1857 March."

Title: Richard B. Margetts diary, 1849 August-1857 March

Call Number: MS 6248

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Ledr 15th. Iron sawmill
Jun 12            "     " 

[Page 64-67 of 258]

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Monday August 6th 1849
This day working in Shop
attended to fellowship meeting
at night at Br Huktins
had a very pleasant meeting
the Saints enjoying the
Spirit of Liberty very much
in Speaking - Sister Goff
Confirmed & her child Blessed

Tuesday Aug -7th 1849
  This day - working in shop
at Council Meeting at
night Martin Cole & John
Caffall appeared rather disatisfied
that Thos. [Thomas] Margetts did not give
a detailed account of outlay
and income of last Tea party
Thos. [Thomas] promised they should have

[Page 69 of 258]

night after 12 o'clock by M Cole

Sunday Aug 12th 1849
This morning I viseted the
Saints under my Jurisdiction
went to Leavesden Preached
there & then went to Leavesden
Wood Side & Preached there
the people at both places were
very attentive and a many
expressed their thanks that
I had come to preach to them
Also a desire that we should
   Come again - M Cole accom
=panied me but would take No part
in Preaching - We returned home
to dinner attended & assisted
in afternoon Meeting Br Thos. [Thomas]
Preached at night

[Page 70 of 258]


Monday Aug--13th 1849
This day working at shop
J Tuck assisted me in
Consequence of A Dickinson
being Married to Charlotte Rush
to day - Evening and nights
at Tea party & meeting after
enjoyed Myself very much
A Dickinson & A Rush was
ordained A.D. to the office of
Priest A R to that of Deacon
S Wmmill & A Clarke Con -
- firm'd after Meeting John
Caffall & myself laid hands on
   Wm. Caffall with Cholera Recoverd
Told Thos. [Thomas] I dreaded the thoughts of his
being away from Watford remander of - (week)
Tuesday Aug 14th /49
This morning Thos. [Thomas] started for

[Page 71 of 258]


Southhampton with - Br. R Knell
I working shop all day
evening had some conversation
with Thos. [Thomas] Barrett on the importance
of leaving England for America
afterward had a council Meeting
at Thos. [Thomas] house all agreeable

Wednesday Aug - 15th / 49
This day working in shop at
night suffered very much from
an attack of the Cholera

ShapeThursday Aug - 16th /49
This morning received a letter
from Emma Smith that left
England about 18 months back
& arived at Salt Lake Valley in
Suposed to be the first letter sent
from the Salt Lake to a private indivual

[Page 72 of 258]

Oct. 1848 she writes from
the Valley all things going on
well rather short of Bread stuff
but good prospcets for next harvest
My Sickness still remains with
me followed my work till 4 p.m
went home attended Meeting at
night very weak from the
severe attack of Cholera.

Friday Aug -17th /49
This morning a little stronger
in body attended my work
nights Painting my velocipede

Saturday Aug 18th/49
Working at shop
afternoon met with a

[Page 73 of 258]

accident & mashed my Thumb
on my right hand -Truly
I may say that Evil
has attended me dureing
past week - on every occa -
=sion when. Thos. [Thomas] has been away
for any length of time since
this Branch of the Church has
been organized I have had
sever attacks of the evil one

Sunday Aug 19th/49
This Morning I Preached at
Leavesden & Leavesden wood Side
very good attention good prospets
A Dickenson accompanied me
Returned home to Dinner

[Page 74 of 258]

Attended to meeting at 4 pm
in afternoon & Preached at
night - When at home I felt
as though I had done a days work
being yet weak inside from
last weeks illness.

Monday Aug 20th/49
Not working in consecquence
of my Thumb Made arrangements
for going to Hillmoston to -

Tuesday Aug 21th/49
This morning - started for
Hillmorton arrived safe
& found all well as usual
afternoon my Br. Henry arrived
at Hillmorton from Crewe

[Page 75 of 258]

Spent the Evening at Hillmorton

Wednesday Aug 22nd./49
Spent the day at Hillmorton
& Rugby - evening Tho. Smith
viseted us from Rugby he
appeared to entertan good Idias
respecting the London property
Mr. Clarke of London who has
kept it back so long now
offers his assistance in
getting it on conditions that
Eight registers of Bro. Tho.
Bromwichs family can be
produced - He has a mistaken
notion that Tho. Bromwich
had two Wives where as he
had but one

[Page 76 of 258]

Thursday Aug 23rd./49
This day I went in Company
with Br. Henry to Lutterworth
to viset uncle Curcton Moretsen
had a sharp Contest with
Aunt Cureton on the prinoiple
of the gospel I laid down
the Gospel in its fulness
She boldly asserted she had
got the remission of her sins
& there rejected my testimony
& withstood me as she did
last December although [crossed out word]
I left her no ground to stand
on Still She was bigoted in
her own veiws I left them
all & returned home to

[Page 77 of 258]

Teusday Aug 28th./49 -
working 1 day in shop
Tho. Henry started for London

Wednesday Aug 29th./49
Working 1 day in shop
night went to enquire about
the Gilead Chapel but
Could {not} suceed in taking it -
Attended Meeting J Clarke Reached
This mor(n)ing Geo Caffall Henry
Caffall & Wife & a Moss left.
    here for Liverpool Also
    Robert Knell

[Page 78 of 258]

Thursday Aug 30th. 1849
Working 1 day in shop
Night at a supper amongst
the (men) before our forman
(St. Stevenson) leave here

Friday Aug 31st./49
Working this day in shop

Saturday Sept 1st. 1849 -
This morning A Moss return
=ed from Liverpool
- I working in shop 1 day
Night advised Jas. Campbell
to go to Liverpool and try
to get off in stead of
A Moss

[Page 79 of 258]


Sunday Sept 2nd. /49 -
This morning Jas. Campbell
started for Liverpool
I Preached at Leavesden &
Leavesden wood Side the
people gave very good at=
tention - afternoon I
attended to meeting and
night Preached at room
    This day Br. Tho. opened
a new room at St. Albans -
Wm. Hall gave in his name
for Baptism

Monday Sept 3rd. /49
Working at shop 1 day
Night at meeting (Br. Welsh's)
Baptized Wm. Hall & Mary Ann

[Page 80 of 258]

Teusday Sept 4th. /49
This day working in shop
heard that the ship "Parmell
Sailed on Sunday Morning so
Jas. Campbell was to late
     Night attended Council
Henry Started work as Weleuyn
           Wednesday Sept 5th. /49
Working in shop
Night went to St. Albans
with Brs. Thos. [Thomas] & Clarke
Thos. [Thomas] Preached the Prospects
in St. Albans seems to have
brightened up a little
after Meeting returned

[Page 81 of 258]

Thursday Sept 6th. /49
This day working in shop
Evening went to Watford
& purchased some articles
by the requests of men in
shops to present to Jas.
Cole for his services in
Shop Club - Night
attended Meeting at Thos. [Thomas]
house -

Friday Sept 7th /49
This day working in shop
Presented articles to
Jas. Cole the man was
much pleased with my Choice
& Jas. Cole much delighted
with present which consested
of Silver Pencil Case - Pocketbook
& Cigar Case full of Cigars -

[Page 82 of 258]


This evening I received my
wages up & my services
ended at Shops - Spent this
Night at Thos. [Thomas] house

Shape     Saturday Sept. 8th. /49
This day sent an order for
L 1..10.0 to Wm. Wess for book,
Spent the afternoon with Thos. [Thomas]
& Br. W Graveney Fishing
Night had supper at Thos. [Thomas]
Henry came from Welyn
& George from Wolverton

Sunday Sept. 9th. /49
Morning Preached at Leavesden
also at Leavesden wood side
went on to St Albans and
Preached there afternoon

[Page 83 of 258]

and night     I had good
attention from the people on
all four occasions returned
home at night - A Dickenson
accompanied me during the

Monday Sept. 10th. /49
Morning at home
Afternoon went in company
with a number of the Saints
to Cashio Park to have a
Tea party the (wheather) turned out
very wet Compelled to send
all the Sisters & children home
in consequence of the rain
after spending the evening very
pleasantly with several of Bretheran
we returned to Thos. [Thomas] house &

[Page 84 of 258]

Finished the night in a Social
Meeting & Supper

Tuesday Sept. 11th. /49
Morning with Br. Thos.[Thomas] at
his house cutting out boards
for boxes - afternoon
we went fishing to pass
off a little time and at
Night attended Council
received orders to commence
work again at Shop tomorrow
took very Ill        [shorthand]
   Wednesday Sept. 12th. /49
Commenced work at shops
dureng the afternoon sevan
of us being employed sorting
out waggons in Ballass pit

[Page 85 of 258]

Land to Avoid the plague - which
was not only Coming on but
which was already felt & that
Severely in all parts of England
-  Called Cholera which at
this time was takeing off
hundreds per day in London
alone - he appear'd to see
it a little better and ack(n)ow
= ledged the Truth of (my) argueing

Friday Sept. 14th. /49
This day working in shop
[word crossed out] Morning Father started
for Hillmorton - night at

Saturday Sept. 15th. /49
This day working in shop

[Page 86 of 258]

Sunday   Sept. 16th. 1849
This Morning Started from home
about 8 o'clock in good health
& spirits with Br. Thos.[Thomas] &
Br. Charles Knell with Mule
& Cart went on all well
till we had got hear to
Hatfeild when I found
myself sickening and still
getting worse arriveing at
Hatfeild was seized with
voilant vomiting which lasted
about 2 hours I strove hard
to stand against it but
found myself getting so weak
that it was (with) difficulty that
I could either stand or speeke
by this time I was well
convinced it was the

[Page 87 of 258]

Cholera that was thus
distressing My body -My Br.
Thos.[Thomas] being with (me) and Seeing
the wret(c)ed state I was in
laid his hands on My
head the Moment he did
so I felt the pain leave
My body he obtained some
Oil - Consecrated & Administred
some to Me & laid his hands
on My head again according
to the order of the Church &
Prayed over Me I found My
self fast recovering & laid
down for a short time when
I got up I felt rather weake
but intirely free from
the Sickness & disease which
tormented Me - I felt thankfull

[Page 88 of 258]

to God for this Manifestetion
of his power - We left
Hatfeild about 1 p.m. and
arrived at Hertford Shortly
after 2 p.m. as the large
assembly room was to be
opened this afternoon a many
Saints had already arrived
at Hertferd Amongst which
was My Br. Henry we
went to room I opened the
Meeting & Thos.[Thomas] Preached on
the doctrine of "Immeatiate
Revelation" to a goodly number
of people - had Tea at Br.
Camps attended to the
Confirmation of Br. & Sis.
Camps & their two Daughters
Evening I opened Meeting

[Page 89 of 258]

& Thos. [Thomas]Preached again on
the necessity of the
"reorganization of the Church
of Christ" the people paid
great attention and to all
appearance there was great
Cause to beleive that much
good will be done in that
place after Meeting we
returned home to Walford
about 18 Miles from

Monday Sept. 17th. 1849
working in shop 1 day

Tuesday Sept 18th. /49
Working in the shop 1 day
Night attended Council Meeting
(This day Br. Thos.[Thomas]) [written vertically in the margin]
Recd. a letter from Br. H Kebbell (from) America

[Page 90 of 258]

Wednesday Sept 19th. /49
working in shop 1 day
attended Meeting at room
at night

Thursday Sept. 20/49
working in shop 1 day
evening recieved My Money
up & left work - went
to Br. Wm. Graweney's and
about 11 O'clock I Baptized
his Wife - Alice Graweney
returned home in company
with Br. Thos.[Thomas]

Friday Sept 21st. /49
  9 a.m was sent for to
  go to work at shop again

[Page 91 of 258]

received orders to continue
on work for the present

       Sarurday Sept 22nd /49
working in shop 1 day
Night recd. a parcel at
Railway Station for Br. Henry

         Sunday Sept 23rd.
Morning Preached at room
afternoon & night attended
to room - Thos[Thomas] Preached at

      Monday Sept. 24th. /49
working in shop -
    Night working at home
          at Pistols

[Page 92 of 258]


Tuesday Sept 25th. /49
working in shop -
   Night attended Council
    the Saints very backward
in Subscribeing this week
to the suport of branch

Wednesday Sept 26th. /49
working at shops -
Night Preached in connection
with A Dickinson at room
A Dickinson Baptized Sis.
Hall being first he Baptized

Thursday Sept 24th. /49
working in shop -
  Night at home working
     at Pistols

[Page 93 of 258]

Friday Sept 28th. /49
working in Shop -
  Night working at home
   at Pistols

Saturday Sept. 29th. /49
working in shop 1 day

Sunday sept 30th. /49
Morning Preached in room
after John Caffall - Afternoon
attended to Meeting & at
Night Preached to a crowded
room of very attentive
People - Thos. [Thomas]at Hertford.

Monday Oct. 1st 1849
working in shop 1 day
night getting home wood bought
                        of Prs. J Clarke

[Page 94 of 258]



Tuesday Oct. 2nd /49 -

working 1 day in shop

night attended Council

Shape       Wednesday Oct. 3rd. /49
working in Shop 1 day
Night at room Thos. [Thomas]Preached

Thursday Oct. 4 th. /49
working in shop 1 day
Night at fellowship Meeting

Friday Oct. 5th. /49
working in shop

Saturday Oct. 6th. /49
working in shop

[Page 95 of 258]

Sunday Oct. 7th. /49
Preach'd at room Morning
attended to Meeting afternoon
Preached again at Night to
a crowded room of people
in the afternoon John Marsh
& John Simnons was
   Cut off the church

Monday Oct. 8th. /49
working in shop

Tuesday Oct. 9th. /49
working in shop
Night attended Council

Wednesday Oct. 10th. /49
working in shop - Night
attended room Thos.[Thomas] Preached

[Page 96 of 258]

Thursday    Oct.11th. /49
working in shop
Night attended fellowship
Meeting at room
Eloey Walker there &
Br. Mc Rea from South
Sea's Islands -

Friday Oct. 12th. /49
working in shop
Night Baptized Sarah

   Saturday Oct. 13th. /49
working in shop 1 day
Night went by Train to
Rugby & walked to Hill -

[Page 97 of 258]

Thursday Oct.18th. /49
working 1 day in shop
Night at fellowship Meeting

Friday Oct. 19th. /49
working in shop 1 day
night at home working

Saturday Oct. 20th. /49
working in shop 1 day
night at home working

Sunday Oct.21st. /49
Morning viseted saints
attended room Em. Caffall
& Thos.[Thomas] Preached on gospel
afternoon went to Leavesden
- woodside with Br. Welsh
I Preached afternoon & Night

[Page 98 of 258]

to a very attentive audience
of poor but humble people
a Mrs. Gravestock haveing opened
her house for Preaching

Monday Oct. 22nd. /49
working in shop 1 day
Thos.[Thomas] started this morning
to London by Elder O Pratts
request - Night I attended
to fellowship Meeting at
Br. Welsh's - Joyfull Meeting
Laid hands on Thos. [Thomas] little Boy recovered
Immediately after
Tuesday Oct. 23rd. /49
working in shop -
Night at Council Sister
Lawrance was cut off the
Church for bad attendance

[Page 99 of 258]

neglecting ordinance shocking
Disrespeclfull of Saints &
not coming to a determination
to alter her course

Wednesday Oct. 24th. /49
working in shop
recieved a letter from Thos.[Thomas]
Stateing his doom was
sealed to stop in England
another long 12 months
by O Pratts Council &
that he take charge of
London Conferance Br.
Banks leaving for Zion
Night assisted Preaching
at room

[Page 100 of 258]


Thursday Oct.25th. /49
working in shop -
received a letter from Hill
- norton Stateing Mother was
willing to go to Zion with
Me-- Night attended the
fellowship Meeting at Thos.[Thomas]

Friday Oct. 26th. /49
working in shop
received a letter from Thos.[Thomas]
at St Albans also one
from Father at Hillmorton
Stateing he had put it in
force to sell his property
& go to Zion with Me
soon as {he} settles his affairs

[Page 101 of 258]

Saturday Oct. 27th./49
working 1 day in shop
Night at home at work

Sunday Oct.28th./49
Viseted saints & attended
room assested John Caffall
Preach in morning
attended to meeting afternoon
& Preached at night to
a crouded room very
good attention - "Subject
obtaining a knowledge of God
& Jesus Christ Eternal life"

Monday Oct. 29th./49
working in shop one day
Night at home

[Page 102 of 258]

Tuesday   Oct. 30th./49
working in shop 1 day
Night at Council

Wednesday Oct. 31st./49
working in shop 1 day
Night at [word crossed out] (working) at shop

Thursday Nov.1st./49
working in shop 1 day
Night at home

Friday Nov. 2nd./49
working in shop 1 day
Night at home

Saturday Nov. 3rd./49
working in shop 1 day

[Page 103 of 258]


Sunday Nov. 4th./49
Morning Viseted Saints
& attened room
Afternoon went to Leaves=
- den woodside with Wm. Graveney
I Preached afternoon & Night
& returned home after Meeting

Monday Nov. 5th. /49
working in shop 1 day
Sister Paid us a viset in
afternoon went to the
Meeting at Night at Br. Welsh's
Laid hands Sister Ed. Cole
& Elias Wright

Tuesday Nov. 6th./49
working in shop 1 day
   Night at Counceil Meeting

[Page 104 of 258]



Wednesday Nov 7th./49

working in shop 1 day

  Nights went to pay rent

for room Mr. Halladay

not at home

Elder John Caffall Preach'd

at room - I Baptized

Eliza Hester of Hamper Mill

Thursday Nov 8th./49

working in shop 1 day

attended Meeting at Thos.[Thomas]

took charge of the Same


Friday Nov 9th./49

working in shop 1 day

received Notice to leave

the workes next Friday

[Page 105 of 258]


Shaperespecting the property
went to St. Albans at Night
To Counceil Meeting
  Tuesday Nov. 13th./49
working in shop 1 day
Night at Counceil Meeting
rec. an order for 7th. from E Bond
  Wednesday Nov. 14th./49
working 1 day in shop
Night Preach'd at room
    this day Paid the Money
collected for Thos. [Thomas]to him=
- self for what purpose
He thought proper L.5..1..0

Thursday Nov. 15th./49
working in shop 1 day
spent the evening at room
in Social Meeting with the
Saints Elder Bradshaw preseing

[Page 106 of 258]


Friday   Nov. 16th. /49
working in shop 1 day
received My Money up
& got order to work to=Mor
=row - Thos.[Thomas] & Elder Thos.[Thomas]
Bradshaw spent the evening
at My house - Thos.[Thomas] sent
deposits to Liverpool for 12 -
Saturday Nov. 17th./49
working in shop 1 day
received My wages up
and orders not to work
any more till I had heard
from Mr. Connell

Sunday Nov. 18th./49
Viseted the Saints
attended room in Morning
Elders Bradshaw & Hyde

[Page 107 of 258]

Present Elder Hyde from
London Preach'd
afternoon & Night Meetings
well attended       Br. Bradshaw
Preached affternoon & Br. Hyde
at Night - a day of rejoiceing
with the Saints

Monday Nov. 19th./49
  Spent the Morning with
Brs. Thos.[Thomas] Bradshaw & Hyde
at Cashio bridge
afternoon saw Mr. Hutton
the foreman at shops
Could get No decisive
answer respecting going
to work at wolverton
evening returned to Cashio bridge
with Elder Stenhouse and

[Page 108 of 258]

spent the Night in a social
Meeting with a number of the
Saints - Several Traveling Elders
present at Meeting - Elders
Hyde & [crossed out wor] Stenhouse slept
with Me

      Tuesday Nov. 20th./49
This morning Elders Hyde & Stenhouse
with Brs. Thos.[Thomas] & Brown left for
London - spent the day at home
Night attended Council    

    Wednesday Nov. 21st./49
Spent the day at home
Preached at room at Night

Thursday Nov. 22nd./49
Spent the day at home

[Page 109 of 258]

Night attended Meeting the
Saints very dull dureing

Friday Nov. 23rd./49
Spent the day at home
Prepaireing boxes etc -

Saturday Nov. 24th./49
Spent the day working at
boxes etc at home

Sunday Nov. 25th./49
Morning Viseted Saints
& Preached at room attended
to Meeting in afternoon & Preached
at Night very good attention
room crowded

[Page 110 of 258]

   Monday   Nov. 26th./49
working at home

        Tuesday Nov. 27th./49
working at home
Night attended Council
settled a dispute between
Debra Margetts & Susanah
Margetts -
This day received a copy
of a letter from Martin
Cole at New Orleans
   Very good news all
arrived quite well
excepting his least Child bad (cutting teeth)
Wednesday Nov. 28th./49
working at home
Night attended room
few Saints there so

[Page 111 of 258]

the meeting was followed
out as a Prayer Meeting
by Thos. [Thomas] request

      Thursday Nov. 29th./49
working at home
   Night attended Meeting at
Thos.[Thomas] house. Meeting very lively

      Friday Nov. 30th. /49
working at home - got
velocipede to Coach house
to be finished Painting

     Saturday Dec. 1st./49
got 5 Brass Pulleys from
Froundry Paid 7/g for same
Spent the evening at home

[Page 112 of 258]

    Sunday  Dec. 2nd./49
Morning viseted Saints
Brs. Welsh & Thos.[Thomas] Preached
Thos.[Thomas] Preached at night

     Monday Dec. 3rd./49
accompanied Thos.[Thomas] & George
to St. Albans from Thorne
to Hatfeild to a Tea -
party at Br. Jas.[James] Squires
after Tea a Meeting was held
a time of great rejoiceing
with the Saints about
32 in number - I Stop'd
at Hatfield with Thos.[Thomas] &
George at Br. Squires
dureing the evening several
Saints testfied to having

[Page 113 of 258]

been turn'd from their
empl{o}yment for the gospel
- sake Still they rejoiced
in the Truth -

   Tuesday Dec. 4th./49
Left Hatfield 10..15 am and
arrived at North Mirns
Park about 12 noon dined
at Br. Scales left about
2.30 p.m. Called & had Tea
with Sister Howard at
Shenley hill left Shenley
About 4.30 pm & arrived
at Watford about 7 pm
Attended Council Meeting
two females Baptized by
George Margetts

[Page 114 of 258]


Wednesday    Dec. 5th./49
working at home
Night wrote letters to E. Bonds
Jos.[Joseph] Squires Mr. Moreton
& Mr. Hutton

Thursday Dec. 6th./49
went to London by Train
Called on Mr. Madigan
Could not see him
Called on Elder Banks was
disapointed there also he
not being at home
went from there to Mrs.
Summers (My Aunt) found
her in very indiferent sit-
= uatian having her shop closed
in consequence of her Partner
haveing left her - Stop'd

[Page 115 of 258]

to dinner & in the afternoon
viseted My Cousin Mrs.
Garrots Spent the evening
with her husband (a Frenchman)
at M Julians Concert
a very grand enterainment
a band consisting of
112 Musicians, Night at
       Mr. Garrots

   Friday Dec. 7th. 1849
Had Breakfast with Mr. Garrots
went to Br. Banks saw Br. Brown
he accompanied Me to Mr.
Madigans - Servant denied
him again so that I could
not see to day - went with
Br. Brown to Make enquriries

[Page 116 of 258]

respecting Selling My velocipede
Could not succeed in finding
a Customer - returned to
Mrs. Summers Spent the
evening & Slept her house

       Saturday Dec. 8th. /49
called on Mr Madigan could not
see him as he was very Ill
Promised to send Me a letter
of commendation to Walford
Called on Br. Brown & spent
best part of day Making
enquiries respecting My
velocipede but in vain
after Making several purchases
in London in wearing apparel
I returned to Walford

[Page 117 of 258]


Sunday Dec. 9th./49
Viseted several Saints
Assisted Br. Jn.[John] Caffall
Preaching at room in
morning - attended Meeting
afternoon & Night Thos.[Thomas]
Preached at Night on
the Second comming of
Jesus Christ

     Monday Dec. 10th./49
Viseted several of the Saints
and also made arrangements
respecting My velocipede
being finished Painting
& to sell it by auction
on next Thursday

[Page 118 of 258]

    Tuesday   Dec.  11th. 1849.
working at home prepareing
for Journey next week
Night attanded Council
had all the offices Thos.[Thomas] held
in connexion with this branch
transfered to others

   Wednesday Dec. 12th./49
at home prepairing for Journey
& selling goods out house
Night wrote several letters &
spoke at Room in connection
with some other of my brethren

    Thursday Dec. 13th./49
Spent the day at Sale
could not succeed in
selling the velocipede

[Page 119 of 258]

was bid the trifling sum
of S4..0..0 for a Machine
which had laid Me in More
than 10 times that Much
for labour & Material and
was much disapointed when
I agreed to take the Money
the party fell back from
his word so I deterimined
to rid myself of it and
accordingly. I exchanged it
for a watch worth about
Lb S4..0.0 and thus freed Myself
of Much trouble & anxiety

Friday Dec. 14th./49
at home disposeing of
my goods & preparing for

[Page 120 of 258]

Saturday  Dec. 15th. /49
at home preparing for
Journey & disposeing of goods

Sunday Dec. 16th./49
delivered My Farewell Discourse
to the Saints in Morning
exhorting them to perseverance
& diligence in the work of God
showing the necessity of
the gathering up to Zion that
they excape Judjments & learn
of the things of the Kingdom
Afternoon bore testemony
in connexion with others
to the truth of the work we
are engaged in and {at} Night
Thos.[Thomas] Preached

[Page 121 of 258]

Wm. Keb [be] ll told him I
was just going to start
and asked him if he had
anything to send to his Br.
Henry he told me he had
not although I Knew
to the contrary but requested
Me to be Sure & give his
Love to him - I thought
it very Worthless Love

Wednesday Dec. 19th./49
went to Rugby Made arrangments
for part of My luggage to
Stop at Rugby & brought
what we required for use
to Hillmorton Spent
the evening at Hillmorton

[Page 122 of 258]

Thursday  Dec. 20th./49
This Morning I started
by coach for Oxford
that I might see My
Uncle (Thos. [Thomas])  and see what
he would do for My Mother
before she left England
I experienced much from
cold on the coach and
arrived in Oxford about
6..30 pm was received and
entertained very kindly by
My Aunt Bolton & others
in My Uncles household
My Uncle not being at home
at first it was some time
before he [part of page missing] was introduced
to Me [ part of page missing] hen he came
home [part of page missing] appeard [part of page missing]

[Page 123 of 258]


   Wednesday Jan. 10th./50
This day a many of The Saints
began to grt about again
but the majority still very
those in "Second Cabin" and
at the ends of the ship much
the worst - great inconvenience
experienced in cooking there
being but two gallies for
so great a numberof passen-
=gers & so much cooking required
[after marked out] dureing & after sickness
Fair breese Ships going on well
Met another Ship homeward
bound Could see the men on
board learnd by the colours

[Page 124 of 258]


it was a "Yankee" bound for L'pool
saw {for} the first time some fish
Blubers & Porpoises - The Blubers
are a thick made fish with
a Red spot on the back & the
Porpoises were to all appearance
about 3 or 4 feet long about
the shape of a large cod fish
with a large fin sticking up
from the back - very good for
eating - they have to use the harpoon
for catching them - could not see
the Blake to-day - Ally a little
better the rest of our family
very Ill with the sickness

[Page 125 of 258]

Thursday Jan - 17th./50
  Wind rather against us
Ship began to get considerably
out of her course - the Saints
generaly Mending in health
Mother, Ann, Edward Henry &
Cally still very Sick - Much
patience required - learnt that
I had (with many others) deceived
Myself in My expectations of what
I was going to do on board
all my time took up in cooking.
Waiting on the sick & taking an
account of the provisions given
out Something being given
out every day which causes
great Confusion while it last
& requires much patience on

[Page 126 of 258]

part of the Saints so many
being together in such close
quarters - The provisions have
been given out about as
follows "vez' one day biscuits
the next day Meal Sugar &
Tea, the Next day Pork & so
on but the Water is given
out every day should be
3 quarts for each adult
I would recomend individuels
to bring a few spare gallons
with them from Lirverpool
we been rather pinch'd in
the Water - the provisions
are of the best quality
all the saints are well sat-
-isfied with the same - another
cook appointed one to each fire

[Page 127 of 258]

Now the saints have to get
the Saucepans or Kettles ready
& give then to the Cooks & they
put them on & take them
off the fires - Thick porage
is a very favourite dish at
present - Roast & boiled Potatoes
very Palatable - Water closets
Repaired [symbol] plenty (of) room about
then was not for individuals but
for improvement

Friday Jan. 18th./50
This day most of the Saints
  are quite recover'd from
    thier sickness   still there
are some very Ill among which

[Page 128 of 258]


is My Mother Sister & her
husband, Henry, Cally &
Father Wight's 3 children
weather fair but wind against
us   Ship running 7 points
out of her Course    I Still
find plenty to do attending
to sick & taking account of
provisions - all previsions of
the best quality I hear of no
complaints excepting we have
not room to put things "short
of Farming bags" days get
longer light till near 7 pm
L'pool time

[Page 129 of 258]

    Saturday Jan. 19th./50
Things in general look a
little more cheerfull
Several Saints still sick
those who are Now sick
appear to be very costive
Some have been so for a
week past   Nothing passing
through them but bringing
everything up as (soon) they eat
it - Weather fair but Wind
Still at our head - Met
another ship bound for L'pool
spoke to her as some length
by Coulours - cooking going on
briskly on board cakes in abundance

[Page 130 of 258]

        Sunday Jan. 20th./50
The second Sunday on board the
Ship "Argo" a most lovely
day Sun Shineing bea{u}tifull
Nearly all the Passengers on
board Wind still at our
head - got most of the sick on
Deck      afternoon Elder Clinton &
others addressed the congregation
assembled belown Deck the
first Preaching since we left
Liverpool some very good in-
-struction given Saints very
Cheerfull in the evening Most
of the Saints on Deck Moonlights

[Page 131 of 258]


        Monday Jan. 21st./50
This morning at about 4 Oclock
Br.         Thorpe Died aged 70 years
with old age - was Committed to
the deep about 9# a.m. by the
Ship time that would be 10..30
a m English time - Some of the
Saints still sick Cally very
Ill Mother & Ann no better
Met another Ship this morning
passed close by - Wind still
at our head going about
7 Points out of our course
Night very rough - on Watch till
12-- 2 Watch men on at a time
4 hours a Shift

[Page 132 of 258]


           Tuesday Jan. 22nd./50
Tossed about very much dureing
the night a many of Saints
rather worse this morning
Wind changed a little in our
favour going about 3 points
out of our course continued
rough dureing the day great
roars of Laughter on deck so
Many of Saints doused with
Spray dashing over the Ship
Large quantities of Water
Continualy comeing down
the hatchways not the least
Manifestation of Trinidity
amoung the Saints got a little

[Page 133 of 258]

gradualy worse Ship rolled
about very much when we
retired to rest

        Thursday Jan. 24th./50
about  1 am was awoke
with a sudden crash some
thing like a heavy clap of
Thunder at first I thought
it was a mast gone but
soon found out it was
our Main Sails broke loose
now the hallowing & shouting
commenced among the Captain
& seamen while the Sheet
Kept [word crossed out] flapping
a short time after the fore top

[Page 134 of 258]

Sail was rent in peices
about 2 a.m. went on Deck
to have a peek how things
were going on at the same
time we ship'd a sea and
I got very Nicely drenched
retired to my birth & if ever
I went short of rocking in
My infancy I can say I have
had my share in the Ship
"Argo" soon after day break
we could disern the Mast
of a Ship at a great distance
was told by a sailor who had
been up aloft that it appeared
to be a large ship with two of
her masts gone dureing
the day we had large quantities
of water teeming down the

[Page 135 of 258]

people & a free people & love
to enjoy their freedom with
a desire for that we have been
induced to leave our Native land
& thus go forth upon the bosom
of the great deep to the land of
Zion since we left L'pool we
experienced much tossing about
& we are led to believe that we
have been tossed about just
long enough - we have also
experienced a contrary Wind
for the last 8 days & we feel
as though we could (do) better were
to change in our (favour) that we
Might realize a more speedy
voyage - it is evidant that this
Company has with (it) the greatest
power of Priesthood that ever left

[Page 136 of 258]

England at one time this being
the case there has been a wrong
notion intertained by the Saints
it has been often been remarked
by the Saints that there was
no fear of being lost there being
so many Elders on board it
appears that many Saints had
an anxious desire to come out
with Ship on that account
& so have put too much trust
in man & while we have
been thus tossed about on
the billows the Saints have
been little or not at all
concerned about - (it) now as
this has been the case is
it time that we begin to act
different that we may realize

[Page 137 of 258]

more case & that those who are
sick May be restored also that
we may [word crossed out] have the
wind more in our favour
It was also remark'd that the
Saints had not Manifested
that Love for each other that
Should be Manifested under exis-
- ting circumstances they had
given way for each other
at the cooking gallies espec-
ialy for the sick & in short
the Saints had thought more
of their bellys than they had
of God - The Saints was then
requested to unite [their hearts, crossed out]
[letter crossed out] in Prayer to God that we
realize better times - the Saints
were well Satisfied with the

[Page 138 of 258]


remarks that had been made
the meeting closed by Prayer
shortly after the meeting it
appeared that the old Gentleman
was vexed with resolution
passed for all an a sudden
a Wave struck us a broad
sider that made the "Argo"
tremble again - the water
fairly swamp'd the deck
& came down in torrents
trough the hatchiways which
very nicely swill'd our bottom
deck & cleaned our floor for
Sunday am an Standing on
the ladder got very politely
wash'd up in amongst a
lot of boxes no damage done
this was the heaviest at sea

[Page 139 of 258]

we have Ship yes & the last
we had to night the wind
abated & we had a comfortable

     Sunday Jan. 27th./50
This morning the winds had
ceased almost to a calm the
Sea was still & the Ship was
going on very steady which
cauesed much rejoiced among
the saints - early this morning
a child died that was born
about a week before we started
about 8 am a Br. comeing
down the ladder with a kettle
& Frying pan in his hands

[Page 140 of 258]


fell & put his shoulder out
& scalded himself we have
a Br. a Docter on board & we
soon got shoulder put to right
& dressed the scald - the Saints
in general very well today
had a meeting & the Sacrament
administered in the afternoon
a most lovely evening

Monday Jan. 28th./50
a beatifull day not much
wind Saints nearly all well

[Page 141 of 258]


     Tuesday Jan. 29th./50
A little more wind today
but not much more in our
favour Ally & Cally very
sick with several others
wind changed a little in the

Wednesday Jan. 30th./50
[day crossed out] The day rather inclined to
be Squaly the wind still at
our head - Ship has to Tack
as usual about 2 days on
a Tack - a many entertain the
Idea that we shall a long voyage

[Page 142 of 258]

The Saints about as usual
Ally & Cally very sickly -
Mother still holds very poorly
with many others - First fellow
-ship Meeting among the different
wards (6 in number) 2 in second
Cabin & 4 between Decks)
         Thursday Jan. 31st. 50
Morning good breeze but still
against us    Sea rather rough
1 pm met & passed about 1/2
Mile off an English Brajck
Evening at 6.30 pm little
Alice (re) Ann's daughter died
has gradualy declined since
we came on board - was burried
about 7..45 pm

[Page 143 of 258]


       Sunday Feb. 3rd. 50
Fine day - Sea Calm - Ship
near in full sail - had
Preaching on the poop in the
Morning - Sacrament adininis-
-tered in afternoon - Meeting
at Night between Decks
pleasant evening Ship going
about 2 1/2 knots an hour wind
Still in our favour - light
till after 8 pm L'pool time
5..30 ship time

[Page 144 of 258]

    Monday Feb. 4th./50
Fine day wind right at our
Stern - going about 7 knots
Saints all Cheerfull & beging
to forget the little tossing about
(we) experienced at first - weather
beging to get gradualy warmer
evening went on Deck to see
the Phospheric action of the
Water caused by the speed of
the ship it resembles a stream
of fire where the foam runs
being completely sparye'd with
sparks of fire in the water
indeed a pretty sight
Ally a little worse tonight

[Page 145 of 258]


       Friday Feb  8th. 50
Expereinced a heavy dash of
rain this morning (with thunder & lightining) - Wind
Changed on a sudden broke
one the Stern Sail booms
(a Sail fixed out from the
Yard arm & hanging out over
the Sea) rain ceased about
8.30. Am & we found ourselves
in a dead calm   not a breath
of wind The Sea - dead still
& the ship not moving an inch
This Morning Br.
aged 35 died & was burried in
about 2 hours after his death

[Page 146 of 258]

he caught Cold in L'pool
& has gradu(a)ly diclined some
being troubled with athma
beforehand evening wind
rose a little but not in our

Saturday Feb. 9th. 50
The day [letters crossed out] very fine with
good breeze wind varring
but not in our favour Ship
bearing Due South instead
of     S.W by W
saw several flying fish
they run about the Size of
mac(k)eral & fly about an

[Page 147 of 258]

     Tuesday Feb. 12th. 50
Fine day   wind in our favour
sailing very steady
    Ally much better today
Preaching at night between decks

          Wednesday Feb. 13th. 50
Fine day    with fair wind
2 Dolphins caught one by
the Captain & one by a
brother with lines a peice
fat Pork for Bait the first
we have seen - several others
trying but no success
one weigh'd 14 lbs. the other
a little larger    they are very sweet
eating fish - Ally worse again

[Page 148 of 258]

          Thursday Feb. 14th. 50
Fine weather wind still in
our favour - some talk
that we shall put into the
West Indea Islands for water
weather gets very warm
light till 1/2 past 9 pm English
time - Elder Andrews Preach'd
to night showed the folly &
danger of the Saints Watching
for iniquity exhorted the Saints
to mind their own buissiness
a little more & other peoples

a little less

[Page 149  258]

    Friday Feb. 15th. 50
This  morning a ship could be
seen with a glass a great distance
ahead of us toward noon we
could see it very plain &
towards began to draw close
to us supposed to be 20 miles
off when first seen -
   A Fine day wind in our
favour     Ship carreing
21 Sails & riding very
steady Since we passed the Arzore
Islands we have rose very
steady up till that time we
experriencd much rocking about
at times

[Page 150 of 258]

          Saturday Feb. 16th. 50
Found ourselves ahead (of) the
Ship we saw yesterday had
passed it in the night gained
considerable distance dureing
the day & lost sight of it
at night - fine day - all
things going on well

       Sunday Feb. 17th. 50
A most lovely day with fine
breeze - Elder Cook Preached
in morning on the Poop
(Top of second cabin)
Sacrament Adminstered in
the afternoon below

[Page 151 of 258]

Elder Banks Preached at night
on the great plan of human
redemption did Justice to his

     Monday Feb. 18th. 50
Fine day all things going
on well

Tuesday Feb. 19th. 50
Fine day Ship going on
Steady [three lines of shorthand]

Wednesday Feb. 20th. 50
A dead Calm the sea as
smooth as some bea(u)tifull
Lake Saw several dolphin

[Page 152 of 258]


round the Ship dureing the day
they are pretty Creatures to
look at while Swimming
to-wards Night the wind began
to rise & (the Ship) began to move on
briskly - weather very hot Thermometer
at 95

           Thursday Feb. 21st.
Ship Moveing on at about
8 1/2 Knots - Passed an Island
on our left could see it best
part of the day     it appeared to
be very Mountaineous

       Friday Feb. 22
Day rainey Passed the Island
of "Porto Rico" on our left

[Page 153 of 258]

very mountaineous towards
evening saw land Appeared (to be)
(very) level - Ally still hold very
poorly has sank gradualy as
the weather became Warmer
obtained some Port Wine which appeard
to Revive her very much

            Saturday Feb. 23rd. 50
Fine day    all things going Well
Sis - Ste(ns)loub {DCB= shorthand rest of line}

           Sunday Feb. 24th. 50
Most lovely day - Preaching in
Morning - Sacrament in afternoon
& Preaching at night
[line of shorthand]
This day we passed "St Domingo"

[Page 154 of 258]


      Monday Feb. 25th. 50
Sis Ste{ns} loub? again this morning
   Sea very Calm Ship Sacrcely
Moveing came in sight of Cuba
early This Morning at a great distance
on our right     towards afternoon
Saw   Jamaca on our left side
Set the we appeared to be very Close
to Jamaca lost sight of Cuba
  Saw three Ships in different
directions - (this) night caught a rat up
a Sis. Piticoats -

     Tuesday Feb. 26th. 50
Fine morning overtook & Passed
close by the Ship that was ahead
of yesterday Jamaca Still close
to our left some tremendeous

[Page 155 of 258]

mountains tops peeking above
the clouds

        Wednesday Feb. 27th. 50
Fine day [crossed out all things going on well
very steady breeze] sea very Calm
Making little or no progress

        Thursday Feb. 28th. 50
Fine day Moveng very
steadiy [crossed out little or no progress]
4 pm Sister Thorpe died &
at 5-15 Was committed to the
deep    Wife to the late Br. Thorpe
that died the forepart of the vogage
between 70 & 80 years of age
Weather very hot Thermometer
above 80 in the shade the hottest day
we have experrienced

[Page 156 of 258]

Friday March 1st. 50
Fine day but very hot Making
very little progress the nights
are very hot Many of the saints
Sleep on their boxes & on the
Floor opposite Their births
       (Ally still very poorly)

         Saaturday March 2nd. 50
Fine day Ship making better
progress several Children fell
down the ladders to-day 2 got
Seriously hurt - towards night
the wind began to freshen up ship
going 8 to 9 knots many entertained
the Idea that we were in the gulf
of Mexico about 9 pm was arroused
with the noise of Captian & Salors
about deck went up to see what

[written over the top of existing text and verticaly]
Blind Sister
gave birth to
little girl

[Page 157 of 258]

was on the move first thing
that struck my observation was
land right ahead of & very near
ascertained that the Captain had
been deceived thought he had
cleared the South point of
Cuba but thrugh a most
Remarkable "Phenomena" that
was a light shining in the
air his attention was drawn to
Notice land which lay dirrectly
[striked out - opposite] before the ship & in less
than 10 Minutes the would have
dashed to peices he run to the
wheel turned the Ship long side
& then called the Seamen from
their births - with great perseverance
they managed to clear the land
but only to find out that he was

[Page 158 of 258]

again deceived for instead of our
having cleared the Cape we found
ourselves about (12 oclock)
running into another point of
land which struck into the sea
the ship had immediately turned 
round and it was found that
we were in 27 feet of water
& ship taking 17 feet found
it very difficult to Keep out
from the land as the wind blew
dirrectly on (to) the shore when we
turnd Ship the Stern appeared
to be but a short stone throw
from land the Moon Shining we
could see the breakers dashing
against the shore many yards high
which formed a snow white ridge
as far as the eye could trace they

[Page 159 of 258]

turned the ship several times
to clear the tche point but
could not suceed till towards
day break when we cleared &
Saild gaily round (Thanks be
to our God) it was a most
Miraculous escape most of the
Brethern were on deck & found plenty
to do in turning the sails & getting
the Anchor ready several Sisters
came up but was soon ordered
down again about 9 am
Sunday Morning we lost sight of
land that part of Cuba to be
very low which accounts for their
not seeing it before dark
Fine day had Preaching at Night
about 3-00 Miles from Cuba
To the Mussi(si)pi [Mississippi]River

[Page 160 of 258]

               Monday 4th March 50
Sailing on gaily across the
Gulf of Mexico all well

                 Tuesday 5
Making our way across the
Gulf in fine Style - a Sister
was confined with another
little augo but it died
shortly after - at Night took
a run away Nigger on board
              Wednesday Mar. 6th. 50
Many anxious eye & longing
hearts to see our long desired
haven 60 miles off at 8 am
Ship Making her way gaily
no land appered in sight up till
dark Ship dare not venture
too near land so Captain gave

[Page 161 of 258]

orders for the Ship to Tack about
till morning. Weather gets very
cold to what it has been
                 Thursday Mar. 7th. 50
Morning rather cold could see
2 lights houses & a great Many
Mud banks about 8 am Saw
a Steam packet a long way off
before 10 am had a pilot on board
& the Packet Call'd "hercules"
towing us twards the Mouth of
the River it is a most extaordinary
place & appears to be very dangerous
for Ship unless well Piloted
not a hill in sight but all
appears Marshy the steamer took
us over the "Bar" & left us for a
Short time but soon returned &
at 1 pm we were on our way
up the river Steamer in Middle

[Page 162 of 258]


& a Ship on each side with two
scooners behind did not trevel
very fast a strong currant &
a great load for the steamer Packet
the water very Muddy & river
Narrow 2 Aligators seen in
the river traveled all night

                      Friday Marvh 8th. 50
The Saints appeared all alive &
much to injoy the scenes up the
river at 3.45 pm American
time or 9:40 p.m. Englnd time
we arrived at New Orleans which
lay on the right hand side of
the river the Shipping which
extended for miles lay along side
the river soon as we arrived a
great Many lounging characters

[Page 163 of 258]

came on board but was not
allowd to go down below which
greived them very much

    Monday March 11th./50
Left New Orleans on
board the "Uncle Sam"
with nearly 400 passengers
on board had very little
sickness during our
journey up the River
which took 13 days

[Page 164 of 258]


Blank Page

[Page 165 of 258]


Blank Page

[Page 166 of 258]


Blank Page

[Page 167 of 258]


Blank Page

[Page 168 of 258]


Blank Page

[Page 169 of 258]


Blank Page

[Page 170 of 258]


Blank Page

[Page 171 of 258]


     Sunday March 24th. 50
Arrived at St. Louis after
13 days on the river Met with
the Saints that left Walford
found all well & happy to see
us accomanied H Kabbel
had Tea with him & Made some
arrangements respecting Stoping
at his house for a short time

[Page 172 of 258]

Mon - March 25th. 1850
got Luggage to Henry Kebbells
house which was to be my home
for the time being

Tuesday March 26th. /50
went round the town in search
of employment Could not
suceced -
Spent the Remainder of the
week at Br. Kebbells Sought
employment evey day at
the different foundries but
could not succeed in getting
        Sunday March 31st. 50
Took to up stairs room
off Henery Kebbell at
6 dallars per Month

[the following is written over the top of and verticaly]
[Br. H & P -
left here for
the valley R. C.]

[Page 173 of 258]

Wednesday  24  "
Thurs   25  "
Friday  26   "
Sat-   27
Sun               28   at home
Mon   29   working
Tuesday Ap  30th. Took to
Stock & Shop   off Henry
Kibbell   Paid down $18' 00
Wednes May 1st. (HSL) commenced
With Shop
Thurs    May 2nd.  working
Fri             3rd          "
Sat                   4th.   Received
9.55 for wages at Foundry
Mon   May 6th.  working
Rent of house commence        
Tues            7    working

[Page 174 of 258]


Wenesday 8th. May
Left off work with - Sore
hand (gathering)
Thursday   9th.   not working
Friday         10th.   "        "
Saturday     11th.    working
Rec'd 5 dollars wages
Sun'd          at home
Mon'd          13th.   not working
Tues -          14th.   not working
Wednesday 15     Fixing Counter
Thur              16      working
Friday          17th.       "
Sat                 18th    working
Rec'd     5 dollars   wages
continued at Store in
Greery Street till the
16th. July 1850 found
it - would not answer

[Page 175 of 258]


[crossed out three lines]
      Rosa Josephine Born
Teusday Morning Feb.
   12th. 1851 about 9.45 Am
            Rich'd Alfred Born
Sunday Morning March 20th.
       1853 about 1.50 Am

Dec. 10th. 1853 Bought Farm of
50 acres off James Russel
    Farm Situatid on Kays creek
       25 miles from G. S.L City
about 15th. Russel left one ox give out
Dec24th./53     My pit of Coal
in North Mill Creek kanyon
was burnt up through the
Man leaveing it Shortly after

[Page 176 of 258]

it was drawn - This has cost
me considerable - two men &
two yoke Cattle has been
working about 6 weeks

Shape   Lawrince coummenced Cutting
wood for Coal in the cedars at
Weber about the 20th. of this

Dec.25th./53 Catherine & Myself
spent our Christmas with Sister
Cole at  Ogden

Dec 27th./53 returned to the City

Dec. 30th. Went with A Capbells team
& got the brands & a little coal
left at the pit in the Kanyon

[Page 177 of 258]

Jan. 1st./54th.   One of the Oxen
   I bought of Palmer (old bull) died

Jan. 4th. /54 Sat'd old Dick &
Van to Paul Locus for
    275 Bushels Coal to be forth -
Jan. 5th. [crossed out two words] Sent the ox
  that Rufael left in City - to herd
    work Mr. White
about this time riceved word from
Ogden that the City Council
would not allow us to Cut
any more wood in the cedar
went to Ogden with Van -
& got permit to burn the pit
we had commenced (arranged for another in) another grove
Jan. 7th. had My Cow kelled by my
neighbonr for getting [crossed out letter] on to his lot

[Page 178 of 258]


Jan. 10th. /54 returned to cily - &
a heavy storm commenced

27th./54 Van & Lawerence returned
    to City - could only get one
pit (bwnts) after all through the storm

Feb. 6th./54 Started out with
Feb. 8th. commenced work for gardner
at his Mill on Jordon

Feb. 11th. bonght 1 yoke cattle of
cattle of Gardner for $110.00

[Page 179 of 258]

April 8th./56 received Blessing
   & set apart for Mission to
Salmon River

ShapeApril 10th./56 Went through
    My Endownments
April 22nd./56 Cathirine Went
   through her Endowments (& Sealed)
    Cathirine Margetts born
    August 3rd./33 at Warrington
    Lancashire England Thomas
    & Mary Summer (her) Parents Nanny
June 15th./56  Started for Salmon River
Julu 11th./56   arrived at Fort Limhi S.R.
      Oregon Teritory spent the time
  from my arrival till I left in November
   following working at Blacksmithing
and other work learning Indian Language
at times Preaching and making myself
generaly usefull

[Page 180 of 258]

Sunday Nov. 9th./56 was rebaptized with
the brethren at Fort Limhi in Salman
Monday Nov. 10th./56 Left Fort Limhi
about an hour after dark to overtake the
Company which Started this morning
for G.S.L. City overtook them about
mid night
Wednesday (Nov. 11th./56) bought spotted mare off
Dumpsy one hundred dollars gave him
a note to Col - Smith to delever to him
My two Cows and a Rifle at Ft. Limhi
Tuesday Nov. 18th./56 passed Fort Hall
Snowed fore part of the day
Monday Nov. 24/56 arrived in GSL
  City had (snow)From Fort Hall home, found
my family all (well) and comfortable
Monday Dec. 1st./56 (Pres.) J. M Grant

[Page 181 of 258]

Thursday Dec. 4th./56 J M Grant
burried with Millitary honnors
Jan. 27th./57 Consecrated my property
to the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S.
Valued at $1650.00
(Jan) 26th. Weather Moderateing
Jan. 15th. 1857 Eather Amelia Margetts
   was born about 11.50 pm
Thursday Feb. 5th./57 Eather Amelia
       Margetts was Named & blessed
       by Br. Richard B Margetts
Thursday March 8th./57 Richard B & Cathirine
Margetts was rebaptized ((general) (reformation)
Saturday March 21st. Started team for
Salmon River
Sunday March 22nd./57 Started myself
      for Salmon River

[Page 182 - 246 of 258] 

[All Blank except for numbers 178 - 242 at the top of the page]

[Page 247 of 258]

Flour    55  lbs at 8 c     4.40

   Butt                                                .20

Shape        Meat  &  But                            .75

$ 8.15

                   Week ending June 11th

      Meat       .50

[Number upside down at bottom of page] 243

[Page 248 of 258]

            Week ending  May 21st./53

Sausages Buter  & Meat    75

Groceries   1.00

Sausages &   1Load wood 7.25

But -      .20

Meat & But     .60

Meat & But     .65

       $  10.45

            Week ending      May  28 

But  3 lbs    .60

   Coffee    .40

   81 lbs  Flour (2.4) at 8c     6.48

Shape   2 lbs But & Sug    15              .60


             Week end   June    4th./53

             Meat     .35

        Meat But & Tall  1.05

        Groceries   1.50


[Number upside down at bottom of page] 244


[Page 249 of 258]


              Week ending   May 7th

Meat    But    off gadbury 1.60

Cof  Sug  & Matches    .90

Meat      .50

ShapeBut  Meat & Soap  1.50


               Week end May 14th./53

Flour and Bran  1.25

Flour and Meat   (12 1/2) 4.55

Tea  * Sug  -   1.00

  Butt     & chicken    .80

Meat & Tall  -     .90

But      .20

But & Sausage    .30

Meat      .25

ShapeFlour    3.25

1250            $12.50

[Number upside down at bottom of page] 245


[Page 250 of 258]


Meat & Butter     .40

Meat      .15

Flour    1.00

Mollases   2.50

Shape   Meat & Butter .    .70

$5.25    5.25

[Two illegible figures]


         Week ending April 23rd./53

Groceries    2.00

Flour      .50

Meat & Ducks   1.20

Flour    1.00

Flour    3.30

Shape   Meat   & Btter  Wood 6.75

$14.75            $14.75

                Week ending 30th. April

     Flour    82 lbs  4.92

         Meat      65

            "     50

        Parsnip & Butter    75

6.82    6 82

[Number upside down at bottom of page]  246      


[Page 251 of 258]


                  Week ending April 2

       Butter & Flour   10 lbs   .80 

      Pork  38 lbs at 25 c 9.50

      Flour  & shorts  1.95

     Sugar      80

      Salt       50

Shape     Beer   1.20

$14.75                      14.75

[Two illegible figures]


             Week ending Sat April 9th

        Wood   1.50

        Flour    by  T. lbs  3.28

        Meat & Tallow  1.35

       But       2 1/4 lbs                 .70

         Wheat   2 Bushel 3.00

Shape$9.83    9.83

[Two illegible figures]


                Week ending Sat April 16th.

Soap      .50

[Number upside down at bottom of page] 247

[Page 252 of 258]

Shape  Flour   3.57

     $10 96        $  10 96 s  


Week ending 19th./53

Potatoes     75

Flour    44 lbs at/5 2 24

ShapeMeat & Butter  1 50

$ 449              $4 49

[Illegible figure]

Week ending Mar 26/53

   Bacon Piclkes & Peaches 8 00

    Meat      20

    Meal       35

41/2 lbs Butter  1 35

Flour    2 56

ShapeBar Meal  Tallow & Cabage 1 80

$ 1426            $14.26

[Illegible figure]


[Number upside down at bottom of page] 248


[Page 253 of 258]


Expenses during week ending

March 5th. 1853 (Labor 2 day)

1 load wood   600

50 lbs Flour   250

1 Bush Potatoes    75

  Meat & Butter    55

  Groceries   650

ShapeShape      $  16.20   1620 S

Week ending  Mar 12/53

Meat       -             -                - .65

Wood     75

Soap      Carrot & Rice            200

Flour               194

Butter & Matches  45

Meal      (2 lots)             100

Butter     60

[Number upside down at bottom of page] 249

[Page 254 pf 258]



150   161  19 1/2

Shape100    50  14 1/2

188  8050  

100    76 1/2

150  25  72

125  13  27

450  20  40 1/2

150  35  62

75  45  32

150  18  62

200  8 1/2

200  83 1/2  15

100  2 1/2  38 1/2

125  9 1/2  33 1/2

1 1/2

150  41  15

  50  68  12

Shape200  17  #3

200  387 1/2 55

Shape500   638  21

250  1021 1/2 13

350    16

Shape  50    19

4194    14



[Page 255 of 258]


ShapeShapeShapeShape  1021 1/2
       27 1/2
56782 1/2
68426 1/2

[Page turned upside down and written as followes]

Receipt for M_ Vineegr
Take Suggar Beets Wash
them clean grate them
Press the juice from them
Put the Liquir in an Empty
barrell cover the bunghole
with gauze sct it in the
Sun & in12 or 15 days
it will be fit for use

[Page 256 of 258]

Sunday Mrs. Lound took ill
through drinking a drough of [illegible word]
Monday afternoon died & was
burried at night while stopped
to take on wood - after then Steuard
Married Jaiae Night
Tuesday morning {about 500} arrived at [? Thorton]
Wednsday Mon-- 10 am Arived [Illegible]
Thursday Night {weather Cold} about 11 arived at
Carrow [Cairo Illinois] 200 miles from St Louis
County appeared different
Weather very cold
Friday Night a Br Makings a [Illegible]
ne got hurt (Br. Hastings)
The irishman burried
Saturday Morning little Cooper died

[Page 257 of 258]

[Inside of back cover]
[ Drawings]

[Page 258 of 258]

[Back Cover]