Transcript for William Harrison letter
My wife has got a brother in the Valley, he arrived in Nov last. We have
received a letter from him. He says the Valley is a first rate place for those that
desire to do right. His trade is a Carpenter. He says he has got Employment and
doing very well. He says he will send for his wife next spring. He has no
Children. He also states that he will send for two of my sons, But I feel very
desirous that we should all go together that I might have the watchcare over them,
and we are sensible that you know the mind and will of God and if you deem it
wisdom to send for us all at once we shall feel truly grateful and shall do our
utmost to repay whatever may be Expended upon us in our Emigration. ... I am
writing to my brother in law to inform him that I have written to you and also
desiring him to Call upon you at the office and he can send us the necessary
Information. His name is Joseph Ellis