

David B. Dilly

A Testimonyal

Presented to President N. T. Guymon,

By the Saints of the Worcestershire Conference.

Beloved Brother Permit us on parting with you, as you are now called to leave us and return to your Mountain home in Zion, to express the sentiments of our hearts, in regard to your conduct as a man of God, your teachings and Councils to us, has been wholesome because they have been well seasoned with the Spirit of wisdom wich cometh from above, you have been enabled through the aid of that spirit, to extend and carry the Gospel into those places where heartofore, it had gained but a partial foothold, thus by your labour of love many of the honest in heart have been made to rejoice. altho all that have heard your warning have not obey'd, we trust it will be as seed sown on good ground that shall bring fourth an hundred fold of fruit to the honour and and Glory of God. your zeal to extend the redeemed cause has been evinced by your traveling from City to City and from vilage to vilage to bless and feed the hungary with the word and bread of eternal life. in fact you have not consulted your own case nor comfort but rather the comfort of those that you had the watch care over. You have not failed to urge upon us the claims of the Lord's house that is to be built in the tops of the Mountains. Also in the P.E. Fund, and the debts due from the Conference to the Book department in Liverpool in that you have been  dilegant and in teaching us our duties in all matters both temporal and Spiritual. and with all you have been most assiduous in Emigrating as many as could posably rais the means.

And while we mourn your departure we consistently pray our father in heaven to bless and comfort you with his holy Spirit and that the Angel of life may watch over and protect you and that you may arive safe in the Pleasant Valleys of Ephram to enjoy again the pleasures of home and that you may be at last be saved in the Celestial Kingdom of God.

Sign'd in behalf of the Conference,

David B. Dille, Pastor,

Nathan S Porter, president,

William Butler Traveling Elder,

Wm B Hodgettts Traveling Elder