Transcript for 11th Company of 50 record, 1852 June 17-September 20, 11
[Transcript begins on image 11 of 38. List of company participants appear on images 5 through 10.]
June 23. 1852 This day we proceeded to the river and occupied all day in crossing[.] the weather was highly favorable[.] about 7 oclock the entire fifty had crossed the Missouri River. Crandall Dunn of the 3rd ten got his teams over and lent no assisting hand to any other than his own kin and then broke off from the organization entire. The rest of the teams drove one mile from River and camped.
Thursday, June 24. The ferriage bill paid at 12 M.[.] we again moved six miles and found a beautiful place to camp but a scarcity of water. there we must tarry Capt.[Charles Henry] Bassett having to return a yoke of cattle. The weather good all well.
Note: Repaired 1 Wagon. The place of encampment is supplied on 7 miles the right of the road with water for men on the left for cattle scarce.
Friday June 25. Lay still all day.
Saturday June 26. Traveled 11 miles. Prospect of a storm thunders in the West. Camp astir at 4 oclock to prepare for Moving. At 7 we left[.] during our travel it rained very hard. travelling very hard for cattle[.] on our arrival at the Pappea Creek we had some difficulty in descending to the bridge[.] by careful management we crossed in safety. Bro. [William J.] Wallace and Johnson camped for the night. we turned up the creek for ½ Mile and camped. Good feed using the creek water for cattle & small spring for the camp.
Sunday June 27. A warm delightful morning. No meeting in the morning in consequence of neglect among the camp. at 6 oclock convened and heard a discourse from Elder [David] Candland after which Capt. McGaw nominated William Winsor [Anson Perry Windsor] Capt of the 5th 10 in consequence of Crandall Dunn having the organization which nomination was carried.
Monday June 28. We moved this morning at 7 and reached the Elk Horn. 1 o / c [oclock] found the company from Salt Lake City. Capt. Margetts at their head. also the widow of Mr. F. Wheeling of Trading point. We crossed the wagons about 4 oclock. Swam the cattle over. The ferry is owned by Bro. Hanley and a Mr. Mitchell[.] in consequence of the lateness of the hour in crossing we shall <9 miles> camped for the night. The feed right at the river eat up but good[,] a short distance up or down the same. Elder Daniel Grenig baptized Jacob Houseman of Switzerland in the Elk Horn River confirmed by and Bro. Scherb [John Pierre Scheib]. Captain made a requisition according to request of Ezra T. Benson for some men to return to Kanesville to assist our brethren as they were threatened by the mob. Whereupon Bros. Ramson R[obert] Potter[,] Thos [Thomas] Ashley and Geo. [Barnfield] Snow presented themselves and were accepted and will leave to Morrow Morning. 15 [miles]
Tuesday June 29. Left the incampment at 7½ and proceeded 12 hour miles and struck the Platt[e] River[.] arrived there at 1/2 and in consequence of the intense heat it was deemed best to camp[.] a Brother lost one meltede [met] a small company of packers from Oregon camped with us to night. 12 [miles]
Wednesday June 30. A very heavy rain early this morning clear 13 miles at 8 and we left the encampment and travelled to RR t. [sic] encamped on several small ponds. 1/2 mile from the River. Some of our teams are given out already[.] the loads are too great[.] prospect of another thunder storm. This rain and thunder was very heavy and continued nearly all night. 1 California wagon camped with us. 13 [miles]
Thursday July 1. Moved at ¼ 8[.] nooned at Shell Creek and then proceeded to a small lake. The day cool and pleasant the cattle making the trip with ease. encamped at the Lake water Plenty but no timber. 15¾ [miles]
Friday July 2. 13 miles. Moved at 20.7 [twenty minutes to seven.] crossed a very bad place above the place where the Road joins the river. proceeded on to Long Lake South side of the road. good place to camp for grass and water but timber hard to get[.] now 5 miles from Loup Fork. Mrs [blank space] was safely delivered of a fine [blank space] this evening.
Saturday July 3. Moved down to the River[.] found the remnant of the 10 Company. Considerable sickness in the camp and some deaths. The remnant crossing before us threw us late in the day before we could ferry. We commenced at 11 and we had to wade some. Met some returned Oregon emigrants dissatisfied with the country. Very difficult on the West side[.] the sand long and heavy. We went down 2 miles and camped. A Heavy thunder Storm last night and large hail stones. Called up twice to administer to the sick.
Sunday July 4. Camp busy drying their goods which got wet last night. Meeting at 10. Bro. McGaw spoke and gave some good advice and counsel. This is the nations birthday and we can afford no celebration. The 10 Company passed us to day also Hiram Kimball and friends en route for Utah.
Monday July 5. 15 miles. We intered Sister Betty [Elizabeth Smith] Milnes of England on a little knoll 2 miles from the Loup Fork. West. Complaint. Diarrhea Baptized Isaac [Smith] Potter son of Ramson R[obert] Potter[.] at 8 we moved to a very good place in view of the river. Plenty of musquitoes and a kind of fly resembling the Buffalo fly. The day has been warm, water scarce on the road. we camped at ½ 5[.] some of the company detained by teams failing.
Tuesday July 6. 16 miles. We presented a laughable sight this morning in a consequence of the severest storm we have experienced. Tents were thrown over people drenched &c and we were nearly all similarly situated. at ¼ to 7 we left the camping place and proceeded on the ridge. descended to a bottom and kept under the Bluff for a mile then turned up a steep ravine and crossed the Bluffs to another bottom. here Sister [Susan Maria Cardin] Kirby’s carriage wheel got broke by accident. Overtook the tenth Company. They are sorely afflicted and in consequence of the breaking of the carriage they passed some miles ahead us. we camped at 4½ on a very clean place. high and dry near to good springs on the left of the road running into a lake. Good grazing and rather far from timber. Prospect ahead of another storm. I think our selection of Camping places made by Captain McGaw are good and in referance to health cannot be surpassed.
Wednesday July 7. During the night had the rain storm accompanied with powerful thunder and lightning and cold winds. Hard getting breakfast this morning.
Note from the date of July 7 circumstances and sickness of the clerk precluded the keeping of a record of our travel and camping places up to July 18. During this period we lost by death Bro. Joseph Joel Spronce [Joseph Sprouse], Edward Milnes, and John Gooch Jr. [Sr.] all by cholera.
Sunday July 18. Camped on the river about 3 miles from the point where the Bluffs comes to the river. As yet we have seen no Indians and Buffalo are abundant round. In consequence of approaching that part of the journey where no timber can be procured and have to depend on Buffalo chips more than usual activity prevails in the culinary department. Sister [Mary Elizabeth Parker] Powell was taken sick of the cholera and still is very precarious. Meeting held this evening and Isaac Potter confirmed[.] at 7 this evening Sister Powell died.
Monday July 19. 19 miles to day. Camp astir at an early hour. Morning fine at noon arrived at the Cold Spring and its delicious coldness made it quite a treat[.] here we spent 2 hours and drove on to Carrion Creek making our distance travelled 19 miles[.] put up notice of our passage by.
Tuesday July 20. 14½ miles to day. Camp astir at an early hour again. The morning fine and air feels saluluous[.] was detained at a bad creek till 3 oclock when Bro. Russell’s Company came up and camped[.] we camp at on the river 2 miles from Mud Creek.
Wednesday July 21. 19 miles. Camp detained some time this Morning to settle a difficulty between Bro [James B] Ellis and a Sister [Emma] Snow whose husband has gone to help the Saints in Iowa. Bro Ellis turned her out of the wagon and her goods and declared he would not haul anything for her. Capt. McGaw arrranged the matter temporarily till her husband’s return. Camp left at 7 and by 10 reached the Bluff fork and then travelled over some heavy sand bluffs. The necks of our oxen, the heavy loads and inexperience of many teamster made it extremely difficult, we camped a Mile from where we struck the River. A company of 11 wagons known as Millers ten are near us[.] it was six oclock when we struck for the night.
Thursday July 22. Weather fine. Sister [Mary] Wheeler and daughter are laying quite low of the Cholera . Attending the baptism of S. [Emeline Zenetta Brower] Winsor for her health. Sister [Mary] Gooch’s wagon broke and we stop to repair it. At 7½ Sister Wheeler departed this life. At 2 p.m. Mary Wheeler the daughter of Sister Wheeler who died this Morning departed this life. and is now buried by side of her Mother between the road and river. Thus Death walks in and takes one after another[.] In the morning Bro. C[harles] H[enry] Bassett Re. baptized quite a number of brethren and sisters and some new ones also. Their names will appear when confirmed.
Friday July 23. <13½ miles.> In consequence of the sickness of Sister Winsor it is determined to leave Capt. Windsor’s ten behind till Sunday. The Camp will move on and we had heavy pulling at times. Camped for the night a little west of small Spring Creek. It should be called Horse fly Creek for the flies were most alarmingly thick. Bro [William] Milam withdrew into Russell’s company in consequence of the sickness of his son. note: Bro Milam came back.
Saturday July 24. 17 miles. The day was extremely warm. The road heavy in some places. Nothing of particular note occurred through the day we arrived at 6 oclock on Camp Creek. Feed poor and seems to be an old Camping place. a few wagons of the 8th Co are a short distance ahead. Water is plenty here.
Sunday July 25. The morning opens just as warm as yesterday. Will have to repair Sister Gooch’s wagon[.] This is the second wagon time her teamster has broke down in the week. Report came by a Member of the Co ahead that 2 horses were lost immediately after being turned out supposed by Indians. Camp all well. The camp very busy today repairing wagons blacksmithing vc vc. [etc. etc.] Bro Snow one of the 3 who went to the river to assist our brethren returned to day. Left Bro Potter at his ten with Bro Winsor. Thomas Ashley died at the Elk Horn. Held Meeting in the evening and we enjoyed a good time. The Moon shone brightly and we felt the spirit of God. Confirmed two of the New Members Sarah Grenig V. Cornelia Waterhouse[.] Blessed [William] Wardman Holmes infant son of Wardman & Naomi [Bland].
Monday July 26. Another hot day upon us. Camp moved at 7[.] Soon after starting we had a very good stiff breeze which continued all day. we doubled teams in crossing Sandy Bluff at Wolf Creek[.] nooned at the West fork. Bro Russell’s company overtook us[.] we camped on the river 5½ miles from the Bluffs. Russell’s company in sight. Our days travels short waiting for Captain Winsor.
Wednesday Tuesday July 27. We moved early this morning, and shortly after starting Mr. [Charles C.] Waterhouse gave notice to the Captain that the tire came off from his wheel consequently we came to a halt opposite So Ash Hollow on the South side of the River and here we shall stay this day[.] Russell’s company camped just above us.
Note nothing has been entered in the Journal from July 27 until August 1st was in consequence of the clerk of the Company D. Candland having gon on with Elder Benson and no clerk appointed until August 1st
Thurday August 1st The portion of the two tens Cap [John Thomas] Caine & Cap Winsor that had remained behind in Consequence of Sister Winsor Sickness arived in camp about 2 oclock to day[.] All in good health[.] Meeting at seven o clock pm after singing & prayer Cap McGaw addressed the Meeting[.] Spoke of the Companys neglect in relation to Guarding & herding[.] said he would have spoken of this Matter sooner but had waited until the ballanc of the Co had Came up[.] He then made the following suggestion that 8 Sergants of Guard be appointed which would allow 2 sergants for each night[.] the duties of these sergants would be to place the Guard upon their post or beat and see that they discharge their duty while on reporting such as would not quarter of an hour before an Guarde should be relieved the Sergant on duty wake up he that should relieve him and his men so that they may be relieved at the appointed time[,] the same order to be observed with herding. Capt submited this sugestion to the Brethern for them to express their Mind upon the Matter or suggest something better so that this matter maybe attended to aright[.] The Captains of Tens except Cap [C.W.] Siddal[l] who was absent, expressed their desire that such an order be adopted & considered it would greatly benifit the Co[.] Accordingly the following brethren are appointed to act in consent with the five caps of tens as Sergants of the Guard R[amson] R[obert] Potter[,] Jones and [missing text]
Cap then said as we [illegible] how without a clerk it would be nessary to Appoint one it was then moved secd & carried that R[obert] Alexander act as clerk of the Co
After some remarks from the Cap & others on matters of minor importance meeting was dismissed with prayer
Monday August 2. Detained sometime this morning in consequence of tires reseting & Bro P <19 miles> [blank space] having to remove his freig[h]t from his own waggon to another his own having refused to carry freight any more because of old age & shattered frame[.] day warm unpleasant traveling because of the dust flying[.] Cap Siddale [Siddall] left the Company without aquainting the Capt of his design[,] hoisted his flag upon the waggon and four of his ten followed[.] Campted close to the river feed plentiful & good[.] 17 miles
Tuesday August 3[.] Made an early start[.] morning gloomy arived at Scots Bluffs by 2 oclock[.] road good[.] campted about ¼ mile up Spring Creek[.] feed poor on this side[.] drove the Cattle on the islands where the grass was tolorable good[.] 9 <[illegible]> O leuth Companys Camped about ½ mile ahead[.] also some small Co
Wedenesday August 4th Started from our encampment about 5 oclock am[.] in consequence of the feed being nearer than the Islands twas thought wisdom to get on to where feed could be obtained[.] usless Watter[.] at 7 oclock to feed[.] started at 9 oclock again day warm[.] campted about 5 oclock 1½ miles from the Sandy Bluffs close to the river[.] feed good
Thursday August 5th Left the encampment by 7 oclock[.] morning cloudy[.] very sandy road[.] Larmie Peaek [Laramie Peak] in view[.] Campted early down by the river[.] a sufficency of feed for tonight plenty of timber[.] at 8 oclock Captain McGaw & Capt of tens met to Council together in relation to the repairing of waggons[,] whither they had better remain here or go on to a more suitable place[.] in consideration of the scarcity of feed it was deemed best to move on the following Morning. 20 miles
Friday August 6th Made an early start this morning[.] were but a few hours traveling when we beheld for the first time since we crossed the Mo [Missouri] River An Indian & few came up to us[.] arived oposite fort John by 1 oclock holted about 1 mile below the fort to watter teams[.] Many Indians came up among us then but did not anoy us[.] after 1½ hours rest we again roled on short distance of the road bad being crooked & s[t]eep desending[.] Campted 8 miles from Larmie [Laramie] on a bend of the river[.] plenty of timber & feed on the south side of the river.
Saturday August 7th Captain caled a Meeting of the Company this Morning and stated that in consequence and of so many waggons wanting repairs it would be nessary to remain here a few days as probably we might not get a more suitable place than this in time[.] Said it was probable we would have to remain until Wedenesday[.] Coal having to be burnt before any tires could be walded but Capt further stated that if there was any in the Company who wished to go on that the[y] could now do so with his consent[,] that the[y] would organize such and let them travel on[.] he therefore caled upon those who wished to go on to manifest the same by saying ay[.] they all with few exceptions said so[.] He also called upon those who wished to go forward to manifest it in the same manner[.] All was mute[.] The remainder of the day was occupied in unpacking waggons & c—
August 8th Nothing of importance occured to day[.] twas occupied in making preparations for repairing.
Monday August 9th This morning the Blacksmith and others of the Company are busy at work[.] a few Indians visited us to day but as ui [ususal] no way anoying.
Tuesday August 10th day Spent in much the same manner as the day previously[.] A meeting of the Captains was held this evening to consider which rout[e] the[y] had best go[,] wither to keep on the north side of the Platt[e] or cross[.] after some deliberation on the matter reports being favourable to the North rout[e] it was determined to continue on the North Side
Wedenesday August 11th Repairs nearly complete expected to be ready for starting in the morning[.] A Meeting covened this evening to make some further arrangements in relations to Guarding which was done satisfactorly[.] 2 more sergants of Guards appointed to fill the place of Cap. Siddall & Bro [James] Jones who went with Cap Siddall. 18 miles
Thursday August 12th Camp after early this Morning rolled out with our tires all tight[.] assended the bluffs[.] traveled over a succission of hills & hollows[.] 12 miles of the road very bad[.] several places being verry steep ascending & desending over rocks or cobbols [cobbles.] Campted close to the river[.] the only time we neared it today[.] Said to be 18 miles from where we camped night previous[.] feed on the south side[.] 18 miles
Friday August 13th Roled out of our encampment by 8½ oclock[.] road good over low bluffs great amount of pine and ceader timber growing in these Bluffs[.] Campted about 5 oclock about ¼ mile from the road and about 1½ miles from the river[.] first time we had seen it today[.] feed plentiful on the side of small creek suplied from a spring plenty of timber
Saturday August 14th Prospect of warm day in the morning which proved to be so[.] roled out 7½ oclock Am[.] road good and lay generally through valleys in the Bluffs[.] came to the river about 2 oclock watered teams[.] no feed[.] we again assendend the Bluffs[.] came on the river bottom about ½ miles from leaving it[.] road now [illegible] for short distance on the bottom again[.] Campted close by the river[.] feed on the south side[.] timbe[r] on both sides[.] Company met in the Carele [corral] this evening & enjoyed themselves by going forth in the dance
Sunday August 15th day very warm[.] nothing of importance occurred throughout the day[.] meeting at 8 oclock PM[.] After singing & prayer Captain adressed the assembly[.] Subject Faith[.] the Saints seemed to appreciate the discourse and to rejoice while put in remembrance by the speaker of the power conected with this the first principle of the Gosple [Gospel] of Christ[.] at the close of his remarks he adverted to the many blessings we as a Company had & were enjoying the health of the Co being good now and for a length of time past[.] also our cattle generaly in good condition meeting dismissed with prayer by Elder J.T. Cline [John T. Caine]
Monday August 16th At an early hour <19 miles> this morning the Company were making preparations to start on their way which was done in good time road runs through some bluffs which were almost perpendicular might be termd the Brick Yard Bluffs that past through which the road runs resembles a brick yard with the clay thrown up to Sowr [sic.] Camped close by the river some timber little feed
Tuesday August 17th morning cool and plesant[.] <15 miles> our Journey to day has been one of danger the road bein[g] over high Bluffs steep rock & crooked country[.] Barren except last 3 miles[.] lots of buflo [buffalo] then appeared in the Bluffs which appeared a little more fertile[.] camped early close by the rive[r.] Cap ordered the cattle accross the river where there was tolorable good feed, then for those who wished some buflo meat to make ready[.] the former sides being obeyed[.] the latter was not lost sight a company of a dossen [dozen] or more were soon on their way to the Bluffs & twas not long before two of the buflo lay down never by their own did B arise[.] this being the first time the Cap had alowd a buflo hunt[.] When the[y] were brought into camp they were hailed with loud shouts by the Company[.] 16 miles
Wedensday 18th Delayed a little this morning[.] our cattle being in good feed and many of the Brethern weareye being up late dressing the Buflo[.] roled out about 9 oclock[.] a few miles of the road sandy[.] Camped by the river early[.] good feed poor plenty of timber[.] 15 miles
Thursday 19th Roled out from our encampment at 8½ oclock[.] road run over low bluffs very sandy[.] close by the river passed the tenth Co. Camped on the south side of the river about 10 oclock AM[.] road continued sandy all the day[.] Camped about 4½ O clock by on a most beautiful bottom plenty of timber grass & watter. 9 Co. encamped on the other point of the bend of the river a little ahead[.] 15 miles
Friday 20th Nothing of importance occured to day[.] road very sandy all day[.] camped again on a lovely bottom with better feed than we had for a length of time[.] plen[t]y of timber & river[.] our camp tonight lays about 3 miles distant from upper Plat[t]e ferry and foard [ford]
Saturday 21st 5 or 6 waggons hav[e] remained in the camp ground this morning some to repair[.] Bro [Gerrit Petersen] Burnet[t] remained because of a cow belonging to his team being missing. Company passed upper ford about 9 oclock[.] Kept on the river road which was tolorable good until assending the bluffs[.] the road was then steep and uneven[.] The remainder of the day passed the 9 Co encamped. Camped on a bend of the river aposite 2 large Bluffs of red colord[.] feed tolorable good on the south side wher[e] ou[r] cattle are being drove
Sunday August 22 Nothing of importance occurd today[.] balance of the Company arived in the afternoon
Monday August 23d This morning the Company moved on except six waggons who remaind in consequence of R[obert] Alexander returning back twelve miles in search of his cow
Sunday August 29th Capt Caine [Cain] with that portion of his Co. which had remained behind arived to day about 4 oclock Pm[.] 1 ox of Mrs. [Mercy (Mary) Long] Walkers died duering the past week[.] A meeting of all the male members was held this evening[.] opend with prayer by Cap McGaw after which he proceeded to lay before the meeting his views relative to dividing the Company stating that he understood it was the feeling of many to have the Co—divided[.] he said he did not wish to hold any man any longer than he desired to travel with him[.] stated that had before given the privilege for any one to sepperate and travel in smaller companys but he did not wish the Co—split up in disorder & some drop of[f] here and others there but if a division took place which he believed would be nessary in consequence of feed being poor but the same be done in order[.] He then caled upon those in favor of division to manifest the same by saying Ay[.] about half responded[.] he then caled upon those oposed to division to manifest by saying nay[.] about the same appeared on each side[.] Bro S [Ransom Robert] Potter was then nominated as Cap of the 2 division & by vote appointed[.] the two captains then stood aside in order that each in the Co might chose his Cap[.] only three appeard on the side of Cap Potter which including 7 waggons which were behind appeared to form his Co
Monday August 30th <16 miles> This morning the 1st & 2 division all roled out together and traveld so untill we struck the road when Cap Potter stood aside to allow the 2nd division to pass on also to wait on the 7 waggons which appeard close at hand which with 5 that stoped with him made up his Company of 12 waggons[.] traveld about 16 miles & camped for the night at Sweet Watter[.] no feed[.] 1 division camped about 2½ miles north of us also on the river
Tuesday August 31st <17> Started by day break[.] crossed over the mile & half Bluf while after descending which & traveling about 7 mile on the river bottom[,] we unhitched and fed our cattle for about 2 hours[.] when the[y] appeared satisfied the[y] being on good feed we then drove on & camped late on Strawberry Creek without feed
Wedensday Sep 1st <9½> Having no feed we made an early start this morning expecting to find feed on branch of Sweet Watter which when we arived there nothing of the sort appeard to have been there for a length of time past[.] we therefore roled on & struck the Sweetwatter [Sweetwater] about 1½ miles from ford[.] plenty of feed on the opposite side[.] here we intend to remain untill the morning to reppair a wheel of Bro Howes which broke while desanding a steep Bluf to day
Thursday Sep 2d Detained this morning repairing a wheel[.] it being doubtful whether the wheel could be repaired so as to travel with[.] some went back 7 miles for a pair of wheels which detained us all day[.] 1 division of the Co. passed about 11 oclock[.] tonight A cow of R[obert] Alexander died supposed to have been poisond with alkily
Friday Sep 3d Roled out from our encampment about 10½ oclock this morning[.] road tolorable good[.] struck Pacific Creek about 6 oclock & camped a little sout[h] of the crossing[.] feeding poor
Saturday Sep 4th Started early on the South road expecting to find feed down the Creek in which we were disaponted[.] drove on till dark & camped without feed water or fuel
Sunday Sep 5th All roling along by sunrise traveled about 4 miles of heavy sandy road when we observed a good deal of bunch grass[.] we then unhitched where our cattle fed for about 2 hours[.] we then traveld on about 4 miles more & struck big Sandy[.] to our great joy here we remained for about 2 or 3 hours and drove 4 miles more along its banks & camped for the night[.] tolerable feed
Monday Sep 6th Started this morning[.] our Cattle better satified than the[y] had been for some time[.] had not traveld far before we obseved the 1st division of the Co a little a head[.] struck Big Sandy about 12 oclock where we remained for the considering it to much for our cattle to travel 10 miles more Sandy road to day
Tuesday Sep 7th Arived[.] we had been traveling but about 2 hours this morning when to our joy in a south west direction we observed the clouds gather and darken after which the long wished for rain descended gently upon us[.] the first we had for a long time[.] we made Green River about 10 oclock[.] campd on North side where we have plenty of feed timber & watter[.] tonight male members asembled when by a majority of votes it was desided that we should rest for the rest [of] day[.] 1st division of the Com—camped about 1 mile north of us[.] many of the Snake Indinains visitd our camp and appeared frendly.
Wedensday Sep 8 <5 miles> In consideration of the length of the drive which we would be compeld to make if we remained in our present encampment untill tomorow or else make a very short one[.] we roled out in the afternoon and made the point w[h]ere road leaves the river and campd[.] feed poor. we met the waggons & teams sout[h] sent from the Valley to assist the poor about 3 miles from the crossing of Green River
<22¾> Thursday Sep 9 Left the encampment early[.] road tolorable[.] camped about 5 oclock on Hams fork[.] 1 division encamped a little north of us
<16¾> Friday Sep 10th Nothing occurd today worthy of[.] made Black fork fourth time about 5 oclock & camped a little west of the crossing good feed and plenty sage
Saturday Sep 11th made an early start this morning[.] day warm[.] made Fort Bridger about 2 oclock PM & waterd teams and drove on[.] the 1st division of the Co roled in as we left we drove on about 7½ miles and camped beside a spring south of the road[.] plenty of feed
Sunday Sep 12th This morning we shod 2 oxen[.] we then hitched up & drove on expecting to camp at a spring about 16½ miles distant[.] descended one very dangerous hill[.] all safe but the road [all] day over high ridges all the day[.] we camped about sundown without water except a sulphur or soda spring which we found by descending a stepp bluf North of the road[.] plenty of feed down in the valley north
Monday Sep 13th Left early this morning and drove on to Sulphur Creek where we watterd teams and drove on to Bear River which we made about 2 oclock PM and camped east side[.] plenty of feed up stream
Tuesday Sep 14th <14¾ miles> Forded the river this morning about 8 oclock AM[.] day tolorable warm[.] camped about 5 oclock quarter of mile east of Cache Cave[.] we had a heavey shower of rain shortly after sundown
Wedensday Sep 15th Being without any fewel [fuel] and none near our camp we drove of[f] this morning shortly after day break[.] we traveld but a short distance when it comenced raining which made it difficult ascending and descending a few steep places[.] however we managed to get about 3 miles where we found a spring of good water[.] ceader in abundance and plenty of feed[.] we reamind here a few hours untill the rain subsided when we hitched up and drove about 10 or 11 miles farther and camped beside Echo Creek[.] while loosing our teams it comenced to rain furiously but subsided in a short time[.] 8 oclock Capt R Potter caled a meeting of the male members[.] when assembled we enquired how each were situated in relation to provisions and twas found that they were generaly scantly suplyed[.] He then stated that it would have been his wish if circumstances would have alowed it to have waited a day or so on Cap McGaw and the ballanc of the Company which could not be a great way behind[.] as we were organized in that Co and formd a part of the same it was his desire to have roled into the valley with them because he respected Cap McGaw and wished to show to the Athoritys in the valley that this part of the Co respected the man they had placed at their head to lead them throu[,] but some being almost out of provision and others having only what would do them throu by making the best time they could[,] we are now camped of nessity to get in as fast as possible[.] many of the bretheren present expressed their desire if it had been possible to have waited on Cap McGaw[.] Sister Eliza [Brooks Hale] wife of Richard Hale died this day at Weber River in 1st division
Thursday Sep 16th <13 miles> Roled out from our encampment this morning about 8 oclock[.] traveld slow because of having to cross the creek so often[.] many of the crossings difficult[.] made Weber River about 3 oclock[.] some bretheren from the Valley building the chimney to a log house which was being built where first we struck the river close to the ford of the river[.] some Missionarys were camped late from the Valley[.] we drove on and camped a little way up Pratts pass[.] plenty of feed
Friday Sep 17th <14miles> Started off pretty early this morning[.] met a host of missionarys about 6 or 7 miles distant from Weber river amongst which was Elders O. Pratt, O Spencer[,] W. Clayton & A. Clark[.] all in good health and giving cheering news of the Valley[.] we nooned with them and drove an[d] camped for the night about ¼ miles up Kaynon [Canyon] Creek at the first poplar grove[.] plenty of feed & timber
Saturday Sep 18th Our journey today is very tedious being up longhill to start and our teams weary makes the task arduous[.] we crossed the summit of mountain 17 miles distant from the Valley by about 4 oclock with the exception of two waggons[.] camped about 2 miles west of the summit[.] feed poor
Sunday Sep 19th Started tolorable early this morning and drove on to the base of the last mountain where we found plenty of feed[.] after slowing our cattle to feed and rest about two or three hours we hitched up and crossed the mountains and camped for the night about 6 am[.] the 2 waggons which had been behind came into camp
Monday Sep 20th In consequence of our cattle having strayed on the mountains and one of Cap Potters being lost we did not start this morning untill about 11½ AM about which time we started and roled steadily all ansious to behold the City in the Valley[,] the which we came in sight of about 3 PM[.] when we came to the City we parted and each went his own way
[Journal transcription also in Delna Swapp Powell, James McGaw Pioneer Emigration Company 1852 [2002], 67-81.]