
Transcript for "1st Company," Deseret News, 18 September 1852, 2

1st Company; James W[illard] Bay, capt., and wife, Laura A. Beal [Bell]; Festus Sprague; Matilda Farr; John S[omers] Higbee; [Dorothy] Ann Carr; Mary Ann Carr; Christopher Granger [Grainger]; Elizabeth Nelson; Jane Yates; Job Morton [Moreton], and wife; Jonathan Morton [Moreton]; Josiah G[uile] Hardy, wife and 5 children; Polly Ball and 5 children; John Hyte [Hyde]; Isaac Perry; Thomas Stewart; Henry S[huler] Buckwalter wife and 3 children; Margaret Wicket [Wickel] and son; John Eaby; John Carpenter; Thomas Moss and 2 children; Charles Whitehouse and wife; Walter Sanders; Mary Jane Sightholder; Joseph A[ndrew] Kelting and 12 persons; G[eorge]. W. Armstrong and 8 persons; J. Holden and 4 persons; Clinton Alexander and 2 persons; Jonathan Earl[e] and 3 persons; S[tephen] M[artindale] Farnsworth, wife and 5 children; Mary and Alice Smith; John Bell; C[ommodore] P[erry] Liston, wife and 3 children; Laura Owen and son; Isaac Turnbaugh, wife and 3 children; Feelden Lankford, wife and 4 children; Barton Allred; George Lamb [Laub], wife and 2 children; Johnson Maginness; Charles Maxen, wife and 2 children; James Townsend, wife and 5 children; Mariah Barida; Hiram House; James Smith; George Felterman; William Jennings and wife; Mary Walker; Charles Walker; John Binnel; Geo. John Walker; Ann Walker; Fred Walker; Thomas Walker; George Walker; Mary Walker; Ann Walker[,] Mary Walker; John Hawkins; Daniel Keeler, wife and 3 children; Robert Caldwell and 7 persons; David E. Anderson and 9 persons; Alexander Whitesides; S. Whitesides, and 5 persons; George W. Moore and 5 persons; Joel [Jacob] Baum and 7 persons; Robert Gaddegel and 1 person.